Saturday, September 29, 2007

Life of a Pregnant Havanese

Ah, such is the life of a pregnant Havanese on day 49 - but 2 weeks away. Daddy loves me, yes he does!

It doesn't matter if daddy's hips are hurting from arthritis or what - he still takes me for a walk and gives me tons of snuggles. Mommy does the same. We are the best and boy I know it!

For the first time, I tugged on the leash halfway through the walk and told mommy I didn't want to walk any longer so daddy took me with Risa and Terra. Mommy was out in front with Shoshi and Katsuro. They put me behind that dawg who thinks he is king, Katsuro so I picked up the pace. I wasn't going to have any of that and made it home just fine even to run with the rest out to the back where this photo of my tummy was taken. I am a tad wet on my backside as mommy is keeping me VERY clean.

Mommy needs to get a better photo but boy each day the stomach grows. Soon the little wonders will be kicking in my tummy giving me all sorts of indigestion. I have already started sleeping on my back almost exclusively. It's simply more comfortable. Pregnant women get body pillows and I get what - a back and nothing else. Geez - who's falling down on the job here?

Well, we were hanging out in the backyard watching Katsuro and Shoshi go after the ball on the pool cover - love those safety covers. They are not only safe but they act like a trampoline,make noise and give us extra space to run. We all like it. Oh, we miss the pool too but the covers okay now that it is cooler.

More later...

Friday, September 28, 2007

Mom & Dad Are Sick

Gad - what a day. We just hung out and did very little. Mom and dad was really not feeling well but mommy still took me on a walk and just finished working on 2 huge pages a few minutes ago. She wanted to crawl into bed but she took us out back, on a long walk, brushed us and worked - crazy lady! Now we may go to bed and try to do something exciting tomorrow to write about.

I have about 2 weeks to go till puppy time so I decided to practice games with Shoshi. Besides, she's a pushy little thing. I don't think she knows the word no even though I know mommy taught it to her. Oh, she knows it with mommy but with me...well I am glad we played. It's been awhile. When you are preggies, you just don't feel like jumping all over the place.

Well off to catch some serious zzzzzzzzzzzzs Catch you tomorrow!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Snow is Coming - Not a Chance!

Mommy was talking on the phone to her friend in Utah and they had SNOW. Oh my! Well here I am just enjoying that crisp air last year in our yard.

The pool people closed the pool today. Wow they already did and did we run on the cover big time. Something about this safety cover is sort of like bathing a Havanese. It invigorates us and we 'run like hell' all over it bouncing all the way. Mom promised to get a photo of it the next time we are out on it. Watch us not run then. We will wait till Quito comes (ooops he has rescheduled) and that will give us new reason to go C-R-A-Z-Y! He's now coming next week!

It's cool outside now - not snow weather yet or mom would be dragging the sweaters and coats out. A girl has to be be stylin' you know. One must think we are 2nd class citizens. When mom fills that reading - oops bathroom with reading material, she has these fashion mags but where are the dog fashion magazines?

Mom took me for a walk but I am not in the mood today. She spent eons in the kitchen cooking up a storm and I didn't want anything but the leftover satay chicken and steak - not enough to feed this growing tummy. I guess I will wait till daddy comes home and wait to see what he has.

It's dawned on me that in all likelihood, unless we have a dry winter, I will be able to play with my pups in the snow. Wow, will that be fun. Mom is creating a file that will list a bunch of things to do to stimulate your dog and when she's finished, I am going to put my paw print on it or I won't. First requirement is the games had to be something she's done with us - so mom find some more creative ideas in that cobweb of a mind cause - well no one likes a bored dog - an active mind and body is a healthy one.

Just got email - well mom got it. It said Mags is on her road trip. Some gals get to travel to exotic places to have their fun in the sun - me, I get to go to Yvonne's house to a puppy picnic that I could only watch from the house. Now what was THAT about. A girl in my condition can't have fun? Next time we will have to have an all girls' puppy picnic. ROFL! Okay - what fun will that be?

Well signing off for now - more later...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Havanese & Rain

It's raining again and this gives me the opportunity to address this mother nature thang. There's something about wet paws and soaking wet grass tickling our feet that our humans just don't get. Sure, some of us don't mind it where the others are found lifting their paws out of all that wet.

I tend to be one of those dawgs that appreciate a raincoat on a rather wet day on my walks but when it's warm, I don't mind not having one - still that grass - well I don't like it all sopping wet where my pack mate Katsuro will plow through the grass as if he owns the world (today he is rejoicing as Maggie is a faded aromatic memory - and relishes everything in it. Read about it in 'A Dog's Sense of Smell') It's not that I don't. I just don't like all the cleaning I will have to do when my feet get muddy - him, he will just allow it to dry and then cleans it off. Ha! We are all so different.

Yesterday - well I know today's another day but yesterday Maggie came by and we found she's going to meet her connection soon. Maggie is Yvonne's dawg who is going all the way to - well read about it! If everything works out alright and she likes this hook-up, well then babies will come to their house again. First Lola and then the Mags - how much fun is that? Do you think it's right that these humans pick our boyfriends? Do they know something WE don't know? I mean, are we supposed to meet them and then fall totally in love or is it okay that we have one night, two night stands? Ha!

Today we have Rita from Sonrisas coming for a visit and maybe Linda with her crew. It sounds fun. More after it all happens. Now the mom has to woo me and show me how much she loves me by giving me something good to eat - yeah right - only daddy knows how to do that!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Gloom & Rain Where's the Sun?

Okay, it's Tuesday and where's the sun? Mommy tends to keep her doggies in a stylin' fashion but me, I am learning from my pal Opal that you can also be a junk yard dawg and enjoy life. Still, Mojo looking at me saying - whose that babe isn't half bad. If it takes me looking boo-ti-ful, well I can stand it SOME OF THE TIME!

Now they are saying thundershowers at 11am so I am not sure we are going to get swimming in. I can't believe it. It was supposed to be our last hoorah. Pool is a salt water one with a temperature of 32c/90F

Mommy got on her scale this morning and it said I gained 2lbs. There is no way - I am still a svelte thang. The scale HAS to be broken. On a serious note,mommy says - it doesn't sound right so maybe we will check this out at the vets later this week. All I know is the bathing suit no longer fits. It's getting close to debut time!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Monday

It's just a lazy day today. Mommy created another page for the Havanese crew events and the 'Food For Thought' info. This way you know what my mom and dad are all about. Even their human kids think they are crazy - crazy in love with us furry crew.

Mom was bored and decided to see what I would look like with my hair standing up straight. My - she needs a life. I had to tell her to take it out. She had this idea she was going to leave it that way till daddy got home and parade me on my walk like that. I told her to do that with HER hair and we have a deal - knowing full well she would never go there. Still, the thought of her with her hair on end...well I won't tell you what thoughts that conjures up.

Well, it is now approx day 44. I can't wait till I see them. I have never been this big before in my life and wow can you hear those heartbeats. In 11 days I go to the vet to see how many they see.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Missing Daddy & Yvonne's Pics

UPDATE: Photos From Yvonne's With Pups and More are In. Even got Wasabi playing with pups and Katsuro Wooing Maggie. Check Them Out Here.

Now back to Wasabi's getting ready for Havanese motherhood!

It's rather pathetic - me sitting at the front door waiting for daddy. I had a really long day yesterday. I did eat well this morning but visiting all those cute puppies was exhausting.

With daddy working a trade show till Tuesday night, I have a feeling it will be eat what I give you or else.

Mommy did make a chicken stew with veggies, pieces of prime rib - huh chicken stew with prime rib. Hmm - I think she's giving me the slop - the leftovers - my oh my. Now mommy, I thought I was the light of your life -that really special one. She whispers to me so the others do not hear - but you are! Oh not enough to make the others jealous. Mommy reminds me she has had lots of human kids and everyone thought the other was loved the best. It's the nature of the child and she believes the nature of the canine pack - she says we all count and I guess we do. She makes sure we always have special moments and hey she now carries me upstairs at night as I look at her with those gorgeous eyes saying - are you going to make me climb those stairs? Still, she makes me walk and I rather do love it even though I don't realize it lately till I get out there.

I am hoping mommy goes swimming with us now that I am brushed. She may create a frame with lots of photos for the whelping room. Mommy and daddy are even trying to figure out what to do with the desk in there so they can open the bed and daddy can sleep in the room with me that first week. This way I can be in comfort too. I rather like that and besides, the couch closed up is okay but nothing like a big bed to spread out on and still look down at the pups in case they need me.

Well, we finished Yvonne's puppy pictures let us know if you like them. Much work but worth it to share!