Saturday, September 19, 2009

Show Time

Kat got breed each show and won a group 4 today. Treasure won best puppy in breed.

Tomorrow is the last day of the show and we will be back probably late.

It's going to be a LONG day but we are looking forward to getting home and seeing the pups and our dawgs.

There's nothing like home...

Then we will go back to posting more exciting things. :-)

Treasure Loves the Show

Treasure received a best puppy each day in breed and opposites she has been here and yesterday got a best puppy in group. The judge said she really liked her - that she has a presence in the ring. She almost gave her breed and said so.

Well, give Treasure a treat and she will do amazing things for you - ROFL Okay - she does like this show business.

Last night I bathed both Kat and Treasure for the show and I have to admit bathing them in a tub with low pressure makes that bathing beauty that Sylvie is talking about more desirable. Plus Val says it saves in product in a big way. My back is aching after bathing and this &*^%$ bed. But they are clean and looking semi good this morning to go back to the show. I try to get better but hard to in a make shift situation.

It's way cold here - 0 degrees. I guess summer is gone. Hope Toronto is warmer. Gad - I miss my dawgs and pups. Tomorrow I get to see them again and update the pages again too if I can muster the energy.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sudbury Show

It's a hard dawgs life hanging out on a table. One wouldn't think so but yesterday there were a few dogs that had mighty squabbles at the show so noisy was the operative word.

Paula's Phantom took the group. All specials are here but 1. Who would think in Sudbury but pro after pro is here.

The bed in the hotel is giving the humans really bad back aches. This human groomed a Tibetan Terrier yesterday - much the same as the Havanese - just more hair.

Treasure got best puppy in breed twice yesterday but that's it. It was a dawg show day and this human misses the pups and although we went out to eat at the Keg last night, there's nothing else we have done but show and washing and show. This human had it in mind to go to the mall - maybe tonight but not counting on it.

More later...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sleeping Duo

Well, we are in a hotel and I finished washing this duo in a bath tub at 10pmish. Think I finished about 1030ish. Kat was so exhausted that he wouldn't move and he is back sleeping yet again but NOT Treasure.

Treasure - last night just went beside him and snuggled up and dreamt about how we are starving her.

Let's see she got dog biscuits and ice cream from Val - a tad bit of burger from Daddy and some chicken at night. Although we told Val not to feed her - she mumbled something about bonding.

It's going to be a long day today with 2 shows in the day.

I am missing the pups madly.

The hotel bed SUCKS and the breakfast is about the same but we have our cutie patooties with us and we are together. Soon we will be back home so refreshed from this trip - RIGHT...

Will be taking pictures today. All specials here today - 7 - that we are competing against - unusual for the obscure shows but the pros tend to go where they think they can get an easy win. Not so whe all the pros show up.

More later...>>

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Off to the Show

Well, we are off to a show till late Sunday or Monday with the awesome duo. hahahaha Well - they think they are.

I can't imagine what this pair will produce when the time comes. Now - they are showing and enjoying OTHER things.

We will still be updating the pages - even the puppy pages.

Yvonne will be taking care of the puppies and dogs with our son's help. She'll be crashing at our house and capturing the last pool days.

Our crew minus this duo will be able to play with theirs. They are in for some great fun.

In about a half hour, Jay Jay goes home. He's been with us for sometime and really enjoying life. He truly has no off switch when it comes to play. Can't blame him. He's still a puppy and oh I do love the pups.

More tomorrow...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Treasure's Lack of Patience

Well, Treasure's heat is done but we are still keeping her at bay till she goes to Sudbury. We had a x-pen panel that wasn't attached and when Nathan started the feeding - she went into a frenzy pushing it out in front of her in a frantic state. She wants the food. Oh, and she is hardly starving but this gal would eat and eat and eat.

Treasure is so juvenile when it comes to food. We have to teach her patience.

We need to teach her not to throw herself up against the doors or pen as Nathan has the audacity to feed her last and she must be last or she will never 'get' this patience thing she needs to learn.

I compare it to a 2 year old's temper tantrum.

It's the funniest thing you ever did see and I need to get it on video but we do not laugh.

We do not give in and she gets fed last. If given a treat and she wants to take your hand off as she is too excited, we close our hand with the treat inside and wait till she calms down. No treat until she manages to contain herself and how long that takes depends on a given day. This gal is FOOD MOTIVATED.

The Treasured one is an alpha, albeit an immature one at this point. She has a lot to learn before she takes that status. To be an alpha in a pack, you must be a caring, loving and trusted one. You don't rule with might but trust has to be there not fear to work. Treasure tends to take what she wants when she wants and that doesn't go over big with some so she is an alpha in training.

There is no doubt what her destiny is - not because we want it to be - lord knows it would be easier if she was NOT an alpha but we are helping this process along.

Some say you must feed the alpha first but with her personality, if we did, she would never learn patience and patience is important.

Risa adores this child as she is strong willed. Risa has no patience for those that are not. She would have nothing to do with Shoshi for years but the pack has been good for Shoshi and she has risen in status. She has gained much respect in the pack.

We have a pack that works and with the number that we have, it is important that it does or we would be forced to rehome one that didn't and that would be a tough order.

The pack has a genuine love for each other and enjoyment. Each member has their role and is valued and you can tell. They even know that the Treasured one is a tad spoiled and a juvenile brat but that we are working on it. It's amazing how much trust they have in you when you know what you are doing to handle such issues like this.

Having an understanding of your pack is important when you bring visiting dogs into the mix. A working pack is good for even the most unbalanced dog. But you said dogs like Risa have no patience for those that are unstable but she sits back - does nothing and the critical pack members that bring a dog around works their magic. One of those that does that is Abigail. She is a calming dog and reels a new member in. As soon as she connects - the rest of the pack does.

Anyone who doesn't realize what a pack member's role is tends to miss critical things that help the pack stay on a positive path. We, as humans need to know who the Abigail's are and who the Treasures are and on and on so we can keep the pack happy and vibrant and working.

Treasure is a very smart dog but she rules with her emotions. We know humans like that and when your emotional part takes hold - we bring much stress - much conflict and that rarely works long term unless that emotion is tempered with keeping the family happy.

'Might is right' is NOT the way to go. Bully tactics do not gain you the deep relationships that make a family unit or a pack work. Plus - life is too short to have such stress - don't you think? It's certainly something we control - human and canine alike.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Saki's a Travelling Gal

Talemaker's Saki just went home last week and now she is travelling to Cal-i-Forn-IA.

Her human parents wrote to us about her travels and this was a small part of what they wrote. They are truly enjoying her.

Well the last leg was fine, though after a long day it was hard to get on another flight!

We were upgraded to first due to the ordeal and Joe working with them! So at least they didn't blink when I wanted a little water cup and headed to the bathroom with her carry all.

Again she was amazing! I changed her pad out to keep her fresh.

At SFO we were in late 9:30 so we all felt it was the middle of the night! As for us it was!!!

She went on the train to the rent car station on her leash and disguised a poo she did in the parking garage as one from a labrador retriever..... And felt like a new girl! (I picked it up of course)!

Then we decided to get a hotel about half way to my folks just getting too late and we were exhausted! Well she loved the hotel room! She saw that big bed and a room to put her toys out in and went wild!!!! Then asked to be put on the bed, marched to the middle of the pillows and settled down and asked us to put the lights out!

We are just having breakfast after a short walk and she says we can spend the whole time here if we want.... She didn't know people would actually deliver food to the room, and I got a picture of her reading the breakfast menu! Will send all photos later.

She is now settled for a short nap while her breakfast settles and we clean up and pack up.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Messy Times

Well, Missy is going home tonight - sniff - another gal that is leaving me. I can't play with Kat so I have enjoyed playing with Missy. Then on Wednesday Jay Jay goes home but I can't play with him too much - something about chewing my hair. ROFL

So, Abigail gets chewed on instead as she doesn't show anymore.

She'll be the next to have puppies so she is stylin' in a short hairdo and you can hardly notice the chomps.

Jay Jay is a pup so it's all expected. Puppies LOVE to chew and chew and chew.

Besides, Jay Jay is a cutie patootie fun guy.

On Wednesday, Yvonne will be coming down to watch the crew and we head to a show. I will be talking to her on the phone daily so I will be updating the sites.

I may not have any new pics of the puppies during that time but I will have them of the show and the pups - well you will be surprised at their growth as we will be gone for 4 nights. I am going to miss them madly but Nathan got to go to Chicago - and I get to go to Sudbury - well he gets to go too. ROFL

We have such exotic trips. I may even talk him into taking me to the mall so it's not all grooming and showing. We shall see.

I will be updating Wednesday morning puppy pics before we head out and Sunday night I will update with new puppy pics. So - you will only miss 3 days of new pictures unless I can convince Yvonne to take photos.

Well, Missy had a bath and her human parents came too soon as she was still in the bath tub. So, they went off to eat and Missy - well she acted like a crazy dawg till I started treating her with treats. A gal after my own heart.

I get her done and Nathan said - think I will take her outside. He came back in and said - think she's a tad bit of a wreck - you may need to clean her up and blow dry her again. So - I did it again - not a full job but a 15 minute one. Now she's not going outside without a lead till her humans come. ROFL

She's a gal just like our Wasabi - loves to muck it up big time!

More tomorrow...