Saturday, December 27, 2008

Family, Moments & Havanese

Today we are watching the melt - well the dogs are and Treasure is the very worst of the crew in coming back in next to Fiona. It's as if she says, 'Talk to the Hand' or 'I can't HEAR you!'

Isn't it wonderful when a dog goes supposedly deaf when it has better things to do? Yes, you can use that keyword, 'treat' and they will come running but they should come when they hear their name and not after you say it 3 times either.

But sometimes you aren't as interesting as what is out there so you have to up the ante and use coercion.

It's sort of necessary when your target is soaken wet like this one and hasn't had any formal training - likes running under decks and playing catch me if you can. But you have to admit she looks cute all wet and everything.

How do we get her inside when a call to her name doesn't work? We either have to go get her or use the treat tactic. School will be in as soon as she gets her next shot and the visitors go home. Training in all sorts of ways are in store for her - in a fun way.

If you want a balanced dog - training truly helps and helps them to be the dog you adore but better yet - that others adore.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Havanese & Holidays

With the hectic lifestyle we all experience around the holidays, it is important to take a breath and get in touch with your furry pal Havanese. They are what helps you realize what life is about. They have a wild abandonment in their play and they get you to find your laughter - if allowed.

They also look downright funny with those snowballs but if you are like me - it's not fun to deal with them. So, take a moment and put a coat on them when the weather is filled with wet, heavy snow and you will be glad you did.

Did you know some Havanese watch TV? Put on the pet channel and turn the sound off and watch as some react to that animal running across the screen. Not all will but some do. It's enough to make you realize as the quality of the TVs increase - so do their abilities to watch.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

In the Dog House Havanese Style

There's that tongue again sticking it out daring any dog to come close enough so she can pounce and play her heart out. The problem with Treasure having a rip roaring grand time with the puppies here (Oreo, Rufus, Fiona, Abigail, Benny) is she only wants them so we make sure she has some down time.

Treasure is an absolute nut case at times. She pounces, hides, attacks and takes on 3 dogs at once. She's small - though that tummy is not but that surely doesn't stop her.

It's going to be sad for her when the last puppy goes home on the 31st and Louis who comes tomorrow also goes then. Benny will be here till the 4th and then we start training the little munchkin as we will be down to our own pack.

Oreo and Benny was a tad overwhelmed with the crew and they have loosened up quite a bit where Oreo has come into his own. It takes a day or two at times to get your bearings and that's a GOOD thing as they learn new skills. We do it in such a way to make them feel secure and get to where they need to. We think Oreo has done just that as he is now a ball of - can't get enough of this play' dawg. It's a riot to watch and Benny is playing one on one with various dogs and enjoying his moments. That's what it is all about and Rufus - well he came in not needing to get his bearings - and that's unusual. No right or wrong - we are all just different and we are what we experience. It's like going to a party and you don't know a soul. Some wing it and others have to get their bearings.

If you celebrate Christmas - I hope you got everything you wanted and if not, take a breath - look at your fur kids and realize you did.

To a very enjoyable day. We - well I will be brushing dogs as they have mats and knots from yesterdays wet experience and it may take me half the day but I will do it watching the TV and spending one on one time with all.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Havanese Rule

We are having a family argument - extended family about Boxers ruling but we think Havanese rule and they don't drool like Boxers. Little Fiona thinks she rules the house but that's another story.

Here Fiona is standing on the recliner's arm watching everyone. As you may or may not be aware, Havanese like to sit, sleep and yep stand on high spots. Fiona is so confident in it that she does a one arm stance.

Our Treasure continues to live up to her name. She is seen taken on all the pups all by herself and even Abigail who thinks Treasure is the best okay thing she has seen for quite awhile. Perhaps it is due to her being new and she doesn't back down.

She seems to already think she is ALL that!

We had Yvonne's crew here overnight due to the storms. You should have seen them all go for a couch dive right on Nathan where I was left with just Downsey. What was THAT about? Usually it's an equal opportunity thing around here but maybe it was due to the reality that I had a brush in my hand. It couldn't be that - could it? hehehe

We had a whopping - guess how many dogs here yesterday. (We just got a new higher gate for our front door as Wasabi and Kat like to jump the smaller one and this one has a door)

It was fun but now it's watch TV, get warm and chill. Hope you have a great night if you celebrate Xmas. Enjoy and don't forget the furry ones in the bus-y-ness of it all.

Catch you all tomorrow!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Photoshop or Real

Someone thought we may have Photoshop'd Treasure on to that box but we didn't. She's just an interesting thang that gives us great photo opportunities. We took about 4 of these to make sure we got a good one. She's really a true Treasure.

She plays hard and sleeps hard. She's had lots of opportunities here too.

Well, Wasabi, Fiona and Abigail went in for cerf and all passed.

It's tough getting the man in this house off the floor. One would think he is a permanent fixture at times but he is outside shoveling with 13 dogs - yep - Yvonne's crew is here and there's hardly a peep out o them unless someone rings the bell or ventures through the door.

From our house to yours - may you have the very best holiday season. More tomorrow when we have less dogs. ROFL!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays to All

Our Treasured one reminds us to ask, what is life without laughter?

During these holidays, take a moment to watch your Havanese.

Take a breath.

Get off the busy train and really watch.

If we can learn but one thing from them it would be that laughter deserves to be in our life and it can be obtained in so many ways.

Take the time to laugh in between the struggles and it will get you through.

Then when done, find a comfie place and take a nap and feel fresh and ever so rejuvenated. You can do it most anywhere - just do it.

If you pay attention, our dogs teach us so many critical things about what is important in life.

Hug them - hug each other - stay warm and have the very best holiday season yet!

PS: This little one needs a rest as we have 2 puppies visiting us starting tomorrow. Is she in for a treat or what!

Happy Holidays EVERYONE!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Snow Fall in Toronto

Last Monday, our friend Holly flew from Florida to pick up her pup, Blazin.

It was 8 Celsius (46 Fahrenheit for our American friends) that day. All the snow had melted and it wasn’t half bad.

The very next morning it was -8C (17F).

Holly thankfully handed me off Blazin to take outside for his morning pee and ran away from the open door.

She thought she was going to freeze to death momentarily.

Meanwhile I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt under my ski jacket, bare feet slipped into clogs. There was no snow.

On Friday we drove to our Vet located an hour and change east of Toronto. We got caught in a major snow storm and ended up spending a few hours visiting with Yvonne and Alex before heading back so that the snow plows had a chance to clear the road, a sometime reality of our Canadian lifestyle.

As always my largest issue driving back was all those drivers on the road that don’t have a clue that snow covered roads and lousy visibility calls for a different mode of driving. Not everyone was clueless but there were a few complete nutcases that made up for it.

One 18 wheeler comes to mind. I fully expected to see him overturned before we got back to town. He certainly wasn’t allowing for any margin of error in a vehicle that could not stop on a dime in any conditions let alone those.

Between Friday’s snow storm and today’s snow fall our yard is no longer snow free. Snow banks are probably two feet high and I’ve taken turns with one of my sons shoveling out paths for the dogs in the backyard. The dogs love it. They go racing round and round the paths and every now and then sheer exuberance with life sends them flying over the top of the banks right into the piles of powdered snow.

Watching their wonderful antics compensates for the pain in my arms, shoulders and back from all that shoveling. I get absolutely no sympathy though. The kids think I’m still 30 and if I didn’t go out and shovel Darlah would and then I’d never hear the end of it.

When outside in winter always watch your dogs for signs of stress, cold affecting their pads and such. They do not have the body weight and metabolism of the larger dogs and cannot stay outside in extreme temperatures for any extended period of time.

The other night it was -20C (-4F) when I took the dogs for a walk. Actually with the wind chill factored in supposedly it felt like -30C (-22F). I can tell you without a doubt that it was very cold. That’s not the words I would normally use to describe the weather but I’m trying to keep this to a family rating. I only went once around our own block and in two cases I had to pick up a dog because their pads got to cold.

Even though we have a large selection of sweaters, jackets, even snow suits, in such cold weather never spend too much time outside with your Havanese.

I have a few pictures to share with you. As you can see, they love running in the snow. Their joy of life is a constant inspiration. I hope you enjoy them and remember, comments are always welcome. Darlah and I love interacting with any of you interested in interacting with us.
I’m off to walk a few dogs.