Saturday, December 5, 2009

Winter Clothes, Tips and Today's Fun

I think the kids get too much air time around this place. Just because we oldsters - well I am not really that old, Mommy don't play like banshees as much - well we are interesting TOO!!!

Heck, check out this new hairdo. I tend to always have an interesting look despite that Mommy grooming me. Today she took a break though and I am so thankful. She just forgot to give me a treat and yeah I know I get it when I get groomed but it was her choice to have a break.

Mommy usually grooms us thoroughly every day but every now and then she takes a break and that's okay too. The dawgs like the break. On those days she makes sure the hair is out of the eyes but you couldn't tell with this photo.

Check out today's photos of the crew to see a larger and fuller view. We still have KitKat till tomorrow or Monday. Daisy goes home Tuesday and we will be puppy-less again.

We got asked by many people about winter jackets. I have a slew. It's insane how many I bought. I have some faves. But you have to understand that by buying so many, I learn what works and what doesn't.

Many times we do not use jackets but when you have a really cold brr weather and a short coat on your Havanese, you may want to think of the extra step to go to make sure your Havanese can walk comfortably.

There is also a time when the snow is wet and it sticks to their hair and it creates snow balls all over their underside.

It's not pretty and can be downright cold. Depending on the Havanese, it will be a mild irritation to - I do NOT like this!

This is a photo of a Fiona, Kat puppy stylin in one of our fave sweaters. Why do we like it? It's stretchy, comfortable - easy to put on and fast! It also is one of the warmer ones. I have a ton of sweaters and jackets. Over the next few, I will put one or the other on a different dawg and show you and tell you why I like it and why I don't.

Here is what I learned about winter coats.

1. If you can't put it on easily, do not buy it. You won't use it.

2. You need to cover the tummy and a zipper or Velcro on top is easier though Velcro and zippers catch the hair unless you have a flap to cover the opening. A thin sweater underneath works too and layers is warmer.

3. It must be washable and waterproof or water resistant is best.

4. You can get away with an easy over the head sweater at times as we do and no coat.

5. If this is your Havanese's first snow winter, it will be cold but will adapt.

6. If you get a waterproof snowsuit, get the legs shortened. They always are way too long. Any seamstress can actually do it or you can tack it yourself. Then as they grow you can let it out. That is what I did with the snowsuits I got last year.

I find it a pain to dress so many dawgs and we do take them for walks in the winter time as they do still need it. But 4 at a time - 2 on Nathan 2 on me - I can do it but if it's not heavy snow that will create those lovely snowballs that you have to brush out and/or rinse off and dry - well I will put a sweater on and that's plain easier but wet snow, well you do the work ahead of time by dressing and you save the work on the return.

If you want to show you clothes that work for us, let me know. I will dig them all out of everywhere I have them.

Before I forget, please check out our Christmas Safety Tips. Plus check out our Everything Havanese Tips. I haven't updated it in awhile but the info is still timely, I think. Just have to look back and update it but the only changes was new items I have learned and I am always learning new things - even grooming. With the dawgs, I am always learning and looking for easier ways of doing things so I can spend quality fun time with the dawgs.

When they say we have gone to the dawgs - well it's really describing us...ROFL!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Suprises are Fun!

Well, we didn't do anything for our anniversary. We had a visiting puppy - Daisy come and one puppy go home so other than that we watched TV and played with the dawgs.

But Nathan had a surprise for me today - Kit Kat is over visiting for the night - maybe till Sunday and we are enjoying her company and so is Fiona. He also brought home Japanese - yum!

Our visiting puppy, Daisy slept on the bed with me last night and although she wouldn't settle down at first, a growling voice - firm but not nasty got her tucked up against me. All I had to do is move and oh boy I move while I sleep and she kept thinking it was an invitation to play.

We are hoping tonight she knows the drill but with KitKat visiting - who knows.

It's become very frigid outside and they say snow all week. This is when the gals will go into heat - you watch. :-)

Hope you enjoy today's photos.

To see a larger view, visit our photos here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Daisy's Visit

Daisy (our visitor) and Mia played up a storm till Mia left for her forever home.

Daisy loves to play with Abigail and Treasure too so all is right in her world.

Last night we think she was so over the top excited that she hardly slept. We are working on the 'no bark' and tuckering her out. ROFL

I have to wash Kat tonight as he is off to a show and I am staying home with the crew. So, it will be me and the son playing and having fun and walking the crew. We have an early (5am) wake up call tomorrow as Nathan has to get out and drive. Me - I get to snooze on the couch with the crew after he is gone.

Don't worry human mom - if you are reading this, your little one is having the time of her life and then some. She didn't whimper a bit but went - oh - holiday - let's P-A-R-T-Y!

Daisy and the crew are taking their first nap today and it's really needed. Soon they will be eating and all the fun begins again.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Today's Fun

We had Jean and Patt over with Kooba, Quito, Jazmyn and Marlee. They came over to visit and pick up their Havanese calendars. We still have a few available.

Here's just a highlight of today. Plus tomorrow stay tuned for a visiting puppy and her antics.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What Are You Saying?

"I'm Feeling Relaxed, Normal ... "

My posture is calm and relaxed, just kinda standing around. Please ask my owner before you approach me or pet me, just to be on the safe side.

Yes, one should ALWAYS ask an owner if you can pet their dog. Even when one does, it doesn't always mean that the owner knows how their dog will react.

You have to get to know your dog and what other dogs are saying.

That is why its good to take obedience classes so you can learn what your dog is saying and what other dogs are saying. You will also have a more confident dog and that's a bonus.

Even the most confident dog in one environment may show concerns in others. It all depends on how YOU Handle it on how your dog will ultimately handle 'concerns.

Treasure has had many handling classes, several levels of obedience and is a champion show dog. She's been conditioned to all sorts of environments but I could take her to a bowling alley and her body may shake from concern if she heard bowling balls going crack. It's not something we would have conditioned her to so it would be new to her. That's the point. In life there is always something new but as time goes on, if you do your job right, not coddle and expose productively, those exposures that are new will come with coping skills and trust that you would keep them from harm's way.

So, slow condition and keep at it and you will end up with an amazing dog. We are what we know and that is true of our dawgs as well!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Wet & Dreary Day

Now that you have seen Kat when he is all neatly brushed (below in yesterday's note), today he had a who cares what I do day. Still a handsome guy in our opinion but he went from that tux look to that casual look all in one day.

Mommy caught up on brushing the crew thoroughly and just let then roll and play and have fun as that is what a Havanese really should do. What fun is life is you don't muck it up when you can and that includes those human types. We all need that!!

Click on the photo to see a closer view.

Abs had a haircut months ago now and her hair is starting to come back in - so is Shoshi's and Risa's. Shall I cut - shall I keep longer?

Do you go through that too?

Well, our last puppy goes on Thursday and a visiting puppy comes on Wednesday.

We are truly looking forward to the visiting dawgs this month. They all sleep in our bed unless they are here long term and an owner needs them to stay crate trained. Then they sleep right next to the bed loved and coddled still.

We had a visiting bichon and she had an x-pen in our bedroom as that is what the owner required but play sessions before bed, cozy blankets and pillows and beds at night and first thing she was back in the mix running with the rest. Besides, she did our crazy bedtime crawl under the blankets and play on our bed before she caught some zzzs.

So, we do make exceptions to our rule - that they must sleep on the bed with us. We do listen. :-)

Can't wait till we have visitors. December will be an absolutely fun adventure. You'll just have to drop by and read the antics of everyone at Talemaker Havanese.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Canine Good Neighbour Boy

What is a Canine Good Neighbour Award?

It's a certification program that test dogs that have the training and demeanor to be reliable family members as well as good-standing community members. The testing takes place in a busy public area, such as a shopping mall or a dog show. Kat took his test today and passed with flying colours.

He even managed to put smiles on many faces when he did his recall showing more enthusiasm than they have ever seen.

Everyone else had their down/stay on a very long lead but Kat did his with his lead dropped and Nathan just walking away. He stayed no matter what he did.

Kat has not been in obedience for a long time and we must admit we haven't been doing our reinforcements. We have been doing so many other things with the dogs but it all came back.

What do you have to do to pass? 12 out of 12 and it was a breeze for this guy. Anyone can take the test and get their award. All you have to do is practice or do obedience, forget about it and then take the test without. hahaha

Testing includes the following:

Accepting a friendly stranger — The owner of the dog shakes hands with a friendly stranger.

Patiently sitting for petting — A test for shyness and resentment.

Appearance & grooming — The owner's care and sense of responsibility is seen in how his dog is kept.

Out for a walk — Illustrating handler's control of the dog. Kat heeled perfectly.

Walking through a crowd — Demonstrating how the dog moves in a crowd without unduly distress and under his owner's control.

Commands — Sit, Down, Stay. Illustrating that the dog has been trained and responds well.

Come when called (long line) Nathan used nothing.

Praise/interactions — Illustrating the relationship between dog and owner.

Reaction to passing dogs — Demonstrates if the dog behaves politely around other dogs.

Distractions — Demonstrates the dog's confidence when faced with common distractions.

Supervised isolation — Demonstrates whether the dog can be left with someone other than his usual handler and still maintain training and good manners. Nathan left Kat with a stranger, put Kat in stay, and left for 5 minutes.

Walking through a door or gate and making sure the dog doesn't bolt.

*Any dog that jumps up on a person, lunges at another dog or displays unruly behaviour is disqualified.

Upon successful completion of the test, the owner is awarded a certificate signifying that he or she is a responsible dog owner who has taken the time and effort to provide their dog with basic good manners and that, on the day of testing, the dog demonstrated that it is a socially acceptable dog.

Dogs that have solid obedience training are a pleasure to live with, adapt well to a human living environment, exhibit good manners in the presence of people and other dogs and are content in the company of the owner who took the time to provide training, intellectual stimulation and an enriched quality of life.

Here's the benefits:

Dog owners learn how well their canine companions behave under normal on-the-street conditions around other people and dogs.

Dog owners can proudly display the Certificate with the Responsible Dog Owners of Canada seal that signifies that on the day of testing the dog demonstrated good basic manners and behaviour.

Dog owners will appreciate that their well-behaved dogs are more readily accepted wherever they go because of their good manners.

Dogs will be much happier because they will be able to spend more time with their humans in many more places.

You should go for it. If interested, let us know and we will tell you where testing is available near you.

Ours was hosted by the Rottie club so we saw mostly Rotties taking the test but even though we were the only small dog waiting our turn, we got to see how Kat did around Rotties. We also saw how well he remembered his commands.

♥ Marlou ♥ said...
oh my goodness, this is the most beautiful dog, I love him :)

November 30, 2009 5:42 PM

Anonymous said...
Need I say more?
Even Jazz is by the monitor