Saturday, October 13, 2007

Wasabi Havanese End of Day 1

Here I am - I am back. Mommy has had to fill in for me while I was busy getting these beauties to make a debut in this world. When my pack mates have peeked in, I protect my little ones but also point to them with my mouth and show how proud I am. I did this - wow!

Mom and dad are busy taking care of me, making sure I know what to do. They weigh the little ones, make sure each is feeding and rotate them so I don't get extra sore. They are making sure I have the very best food, Pedialyte too so I replenish my electrolytes all so the babies can be all they can be.

Daddy is going to sleep with me tonight - well on the couch next to me but I doubt he will sleep till mommy gets up.

Mommy says I am going to love when they are walking. I can't wait and neither can they.

Havanese Puppy Love

Is this true puppy love or what? First time momma snuggling with one of her pups and he is the happiest boy - loves to snuggle with her.

More photos coming but back to the puppies and giving Nathan time to eat and pretend he is alive.

Puppies Arrived Yesterday

5 boys 1 girl - more later as time allows - photos to come.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

This Havanese Creates Tales or Tails (Ha!)

Well, I like to keep everyone on their toes to make sure they are exhausted when my puppies make their debut.

Last night I went into panting for 1.5 hours and then I stopped and said - nope - it's not time yet. So, everyone focuses on me and nothing happens except I get all the attention. The humans act really strange and I shake my head saying - well we have to have drills don't we? I have to be sure YOU are ready.

Are the humans ready? I think they are more than ready and me, well I am just hanging out all bloated and getting pampered and enjoying it. Wouldn't you? Mommy looks like she hasn't had sleep for eons but maybe she will take a nap instead of lunch and I will snuggle with her and make up for keeping my mom and dad and other mom up all night.

We shall see.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Havanese Wasabi Can Swim Too!

Hey, this is me - Wasabi who happens to be a swimming maniac. I jump in too when I have my druthers and swim with grace.

See, Katsuro is not the only one that knows how to swim around this place. All Havanese can swim but it's all in how you introduce them to it that makes a difference. Some totally love it like Katsuro (see his video below).

The video is when he first started jumping in but by summer's end, he was AMAZING) . He was jumping without prompting, running and jumping halfway across the pool and loving every minute of it but mommy found this video and just started to learn how to convert the Sony video file to an .avi and splice and edit. She'll get better and find better copy.

Some love it when they want to like me - Wasabi and some tolerate it like my packmate Shoshi. Just like humans, we are all different but have a pool - we can swim!

Best part is when my pups come, mommy can take videos and edit them. Mommy just put this video up to show you we can jump and swim and she had to figure it all out before the pups come. I am still holding on. Any takers for the weekend being the big day?

Havanese Do Swim & Dive

Well here I am watching my packmate swim and jump in but guess what, he's not the only one who does such things. I, Wasabi do as well especially when I was early on in my pregnancy. You can see me watching with pride while Katsuro jumps to daddy. Daddy has a knack for getting us swimming. He's the best!

Bloated Havanese Ready & Waiting

Well, another day passes and mom is making sure I stay clean. I got all dirty after going out with the pups yesterday and I can't resist going into the mud. But mom brushed me up yesterday. Today she placed me on my back to start brushing and feeling pups and then she had the nerve to take an exposed photo like this. Come on, mom - I know Paris Hilton thrives on exposure but me...I am a lady. I guess Paris may say how can you compare me to a dog but if you have to - well I am the genuine thing and she should be lucky to be compared to me. ROFL!

The only Havanese that is owned by a celebrity to my mom's knowledge is Barbara Walters and hers talks - yeah you heard it. Well shh - we all talk but it's those humans that don't know how to listen. I hear the pups talking to me all the time from my tummy and they were saying - 'it's getting too crowded here' - 'stop rubbing her tummy lady' - 'you are squishing us' - 'it's time to get out of this darken, wet place where all my needs are met to seek a new adventure.' Yeah - I heard them and are you going to tell me I am wrong? A mother always knows. Just wait till they get here. They will tell you! Any day now....all six.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Another Havanese Day Down

Well here I am in anticipation stuffed into a blanket and pillows that I created on the couch. I got to look at Yvonne's pups who visited after their Baer test - all passed with flying colours and I didn't want to play today.

My temp has dropped to 98.0 but nothing is happening. Mom still thinks the weekend.

Want to see Yvonne's pups in our backyard? My daddy was good enough to take a photo with his phone. Aren't they cute? They were all over my garden. Is this what I am going to deal with? Puppies going every which way?

Monday, October 8, 2007

Havanese Crowding Scene

Every whimper, every feeling of 'oh, my gad what are they doing in there' Katsuro is there watching, making sure I am okay. He's not sure what is wrong but he's a sensitive soul and he makes sure I am okay always. I guess that's what a 'want to be alpha' does when one of his pack members is not themselves. Besides, he thinks I am simply the best. Ha!

Today the puppies were moving all over. First thing I didn't keep my food down - just too much indigestion. No fever, no other signs just the pups aren't giving me all that much room. Daddy finally hand fed me yet again and I kept it down. Mom was worried at first but when she saw that I can eat small meals vs. a good sized usual one, well she understands.

This is my last week. Mom still thinks Friday but we shall see. I don't tend to do anything like anyone else so I will have to surprise the world. All great things come to those that wait!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A Havanese in Deep Patience

This is me and my belly just hanging out. I tried to get up on the couch today and it doesn't work. For the first time in my life, my body is just not cooperating. I tried and went okay someone moved that couch and tried again and looked at mommy and said - 'what the hey' with those eyes of mine. I wasn't so happy as I am known for my ability to leap tall objects in a single bound and not only that, do it with style and grace. I usually flow with ease. Is this what pregnancy does to you?

I am laying around as the weather is lousy. Daddy tried to take me for a walk. I decided not to let mommy out of my line of sight or smell. So, mommy tried and although I complained last week, I got over it. Today I refused - plain refused as if I was an elephant on the end of that lead and right about now, I feel like it. So, mommy took me out back on lead so I won't go under the deck and all I wanted was to come inside, lay in my whelping box and then hang out with mommy and daddy.

Mommy is making a turkey today - yum, I can smell it. She created this really great dish this morning and for the first time for her I ate it like no tomorrow. I have gained 3 lbs. Risa gained 4 on her last week. Oh well, I am more delicate than Risa. Oh, I love her but gal stop thinking you are using my whelping box - it's MINE.

My pack mate Katsuro is acting strange. He lays around me and stares at me. If I make noises under my breath, which I am doing all the time lately, he sniffs and acts concerned and gets mommy to look after me. It's really interesting as he is younger than me but he is really playing my caretaker making sure I am okay. We have always been close.

Today daddy tried to play with us and all I wanted to do is take my toy and play with it. I am simply not up to running any more and I am sleepy. Daddy invited Terra (our resident retriever) up on the bed and I said 'give me a break daddy - where's the room - best make a new bed that attaches to ours if you are going to do that'. I was laying on Risa's pillow and no one noticed but daddy. The things I get away with and maybe it will stay this way after I am not pregnant. Here's hoping!