Saturday, July 18, 2009

News, Grooming, Photo Taking & More

Louis says to Kat - did you hear Treasure took breed in her last show? Did you hear Downsey got more points today - exciting but Mommy had to stay with us and the pups. She had to do this crazy hair tie on my head - groom all the dogs, clean the pool, do the poop patrol - yuck, pull weeds and practice 'no bark.

We have recently had many dogs introduced to the neighbourhood and if caught early with a gruff voice, you can get them to not bark but they may test you each time they hear a dog from afar. Today I practiced it throughout the day that by afternoon they looked at me pointing a finger and stopped. I don't accomplish it by anything but a gruff voice and catching it early but most of all being consistent. When I reach a level where all I have to do is point, I need to practice it when the door bell rings. I suspect that will be a tad tougher.

Our issue is Wasabi has pups so when folks come over - new dogs come in etc. - Wasabi calls the pack to protect her. How do they? - barking. I get why they are doing it but its not agreeable, So - we are practicing. Are you?

This evening I fed 12 dogs all in the same room without anyone stealing. Oh, we had dogs that tried by looking innocent and stealing a morsel that fell on the floor but beyond that - they waited in hopes I went away. I don't. I just tell them to get back to their own bowl - and yes they listen. You too can do this if you have multiple dogs.

How? By being consistent. It's human nanture not to be - so it takes work...sigh.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Havanese Louis Visit

Louis - an old time boarder came over with a new haircut. I think it looks smashing. When Fiona is done showing...hmmmm They are about the same size. What was interesting is Louis has a lot of grey overtone and grey on his face.

Louis tends to get along with everyone. He is so highly socialized that he knows how to react to all types of dogs. His parents take him to the park daily.

Louis is a Tiny/Paris pup and perhaps he will get to see his mom while he is here. He will be here til late August 2nd.

Louis is always a wonderful addition to the crew no matter who is here visiting. He's one of those calming dogs.

Treasure is off to a show this weekend just for Saturday. Nathan is taking her for one day events just to keep her feet wet before she heads to Chicago in August. She decided to jump in the pool. You got that right - jump in the pool. She needed a bath but NOT this early.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Internet Down: The Havs Life

Well, someone attempted to send Nathan a HUGE file and it brought us down. No Internet all day. We are finally back up and collecting mail and responding as fast as we can.

But that's okay. We got pool time in - loving time with the dawgs and we are enjoying the puppy breath and the pups walking better and better as each day goes by. They are also growing leaps and bounds.

Tomorrow is a busy day. Louis is coming. We have Treasure getting washed for her show Saturday. Nathan packed for the trip. He's gone late Friday till late Saturday. Zack and Coco going home Sunday...sniff.

I looked out across the pool today and said that bag of weeds and clippings HAS to go. It's been sitting there for so long - well okay just this week but that's our priorities. Plus...shh I think it's rained so it may have to be rebagged.

Check out our slide show on Havanese Life for the latest pix of the pups.

Kat's demeanor is now as if he has had the best massage in the world. He's relaxed. Nothing to worry about - no gals in heat. is back to normal...whatever normal is.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's All Over!!

The heat's all over - Fiona's that is and I can hang out with all the rest of the guys 24/7. It's about time, eh? It's tough being a guy!

Today was a no pool day but we got to hang out and lay around at the pool and play our little hearts out. You can see many a dog draped all over that guy Nathan throughout the day.

Louis is coming on Friday. Coco has found her spot on Nathan's head at night and Zack just adores the Kat. Shoshi even lies with mom at times during the night.

The pups are getting bigger and Wasabi is letting more dogs in to look and they are so strong that 3 now have made it out into the bed out of the whelping box. Check out Havanese Life to find out more. All those cute noises and ...well they are adorable!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Swimming Havanese Katsura

Well, now that this heat business is waning down, the Fiona and I can watch the crew and be in the same place as that swimming boy Havanese called, Kat.

Just thought I would share his jump in the pool today.

Such a RUFF life that boy dawg has!! Now to get our visitors swimming.

Treasure has an oil treatment on so the pool is out for HER seeing she just about wrecked her hair with all this playing business. Oh well - to be a dawg first is important!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Belly Rubs & More

The dogs had a great time today as our son ran around the pool like a mad man - just like his father. Then Shoshi was the recipient of belly rubs.

We had a great day with our son, his wife - the pups and all the dawgs.

Did we swim - nope - well Nathan did to show our son how Kat jumps in.

Now Nathan is off to walk along with the sons. This way everyone gets their walks in. Me, I get to stay with the pups and the gal in heat. Plus who else is going to update this blog?

Be sure to check out Havanese Life to see what one of Wasabi's pups accomplished today. Oh boy!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Almost Over Folks

Fiona spent a leisurely day outside and inside lounging around. She's an entirely different gal in heat - clingy - lovey - well she's lovey but not clingy which is often the case when hormones are raging.

Today we have Zack and Coco visiting till next Sunday and Louis coming on Friday for 2 weeks. We thought we would get swimming in today but no go. Fiona is still very much in heat. Poor Kat can't handle it and I know you are sick of hearing it but this is what it is like when you have a male not fixed and a female not fixed. It's loony tunes time - or is the saying loony bin times?

We found a solution so Nathan and I could both be outside but it means Fiona is in the house or Kat is in the crate outside. Yep - we brought a crate outside and if covered, he calms down most times and rests - which he sorely needs.

According to my calendar, sanity clicks in on Wednesday or Thursday. Then - it is till the next time...straight jacket for me or the dawg...I don't know.

But we still love them even when they lose their brains.

As you can see, I was playing with the monochrome. Risa - when I did her - it was hard to tell the difference between monochrome and colour. heh

This monochrome photo is Nathan doing the crate walk. Kat actually finds it comforting at times like this. It's something to think about when you are training your dog. They should be comfie in a crate in case they ever need medical care. We rarely use them closed but when we do, our dogs find comfort in them by sleeping in one when left open always etc.