Saturday, June 14, 2008

Dressed Up and Play Time

We had another day that was a bust but we came home and had a roaring grand time. But that man - he does claen up well but shhhh don't tell him THAT!

The crew went swimming and Katsuro and Wasabi laid on top of mommy while she laid in the pool on a mat. It was a sight for sore eyes but sorry - no camera.

Now daddy is out with Abs visiting jazzy and picking up Chinese food. Mommy might even do a glass of wine with raspberries in it. Yum. Now that will get her to sleep tonight.

Pray for no storms. Due to so many - Whitney is not doing well. Mommy is not either as she is not getting any sleep. Oh well, there is tomorrow late morning and afternoon to chill and we may - in that pool.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Show Crazy Buzi-ness

Well, no points today but Yvonne's Flora won big and we are hoping Downsey did great in the sanction match. Woo hoo!!

It would be easier if they gave you a report card. geez!

Well, another day tomorrow and an early one at that. We also have the puppy sweepstakes if we hang around for that.

Mommy - can I just play...please?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Havanese Visitors Before the Storm

Oh, we had a bit of fun tonight when Sassy and Coach came by. Coach was getting groomed a bit so you don't see him here. Nathan was at the camera, I was at the grooming table and never the two will meet. ROFL.

Still, Coach did manage to have a roaring grand time too. Nathan tried posing all of them but was soon figuring out that this is rather fruitless. Dogs will be dogs and not statues. But it sure did look like Fiona was posing for him.

Click on the photo to see an upclose view.

Well, we are getting ready for an outside dog show and they say rain and more rain in Orono. If you want a laugh of watching us squish through the field - do come to see us.

I will be washing Abigail tomorrow as I am rather tired tonight just in time for the rain. Got to remember raincoats. Dear old Abs is having fun just being a dog with our visitors and it does my heart good.

Thought she does look a tad tuckered out. I guess full out play does that for you. Or could it be she is looking forward to the show so much - well that could be so. She does love that one on one time. There's nothing like it!

I just adore the dogs. It's better than TV by far. Ooops that PVR is filling up fast. I guess Fiona and I will have to watch our favourite shows. She needs her alone time too.

Catch you tomorrow and do wish us well. I will let you know tomorrow if Nathan's shoes go squish, squish.

Havanese Blur of Fun

Oh, there are days when man and dog is in synch and this is one of those times. Nathan is running and Abigail is allowing her human daddy think he can outrun her. Of course she gave him a head start.

Tomorrow is a show and just showing up means you are a winner of sorts. You made the commitment. You put in the time to train and the love of the dog comes through if you are in the right mindset.

Going to be interesting if it's rainy times. We will fill you in after we experience it. Till then....more later!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Conditioning Havanese

With everything, if you are having issues with your Havanese, slow conditioning does wonders. You just have to be consistent and persistent.

Every moment is an opportunity to teach and reinforce. You can always practice 'come', heeling on walks, sits, downs, stay etc

Use the opportunity even if it's at home. Never give a free treat or a hug or - anything when you can use that moment to continue learning. Well, don't make a habit of it - heh!

Abs is having an issue with the grass. Although she had her morning and afternoon show training in it, we want her to think that the grass is fun as well.

So, off to the park we went with Shoshi, daddy and me, of course. I have to take the photos, you know.

Well, you can clearly tell Abs is a puppy not just due to the length of her hair but the relentless deaking (running and swiping) she did with Shoshi to get her to play. Shoshi needed it too.

Shoshi's favourite place is the park behind the school. It's not always quiet so we have to know when we can do off leash work and when we can't. We have excellent recall with both of these particular dogs so they have earned their off leash play. But Nathan uses it as an opportunity to get them to 'come' for a treat. They count on it!

They also played fetch the ball but Abigail would touch it to claim it but hasn't quite figured out to bring it back. This is OUR problem as we should have been teaching her fetch. It's a great game that Shoshi knows so well. We are hoping that Abigail picks it up from her as she is in for many more park plays. Doesn't she look thoroughly happy and in the top photo, exhausted too?

See, show training can be fun too. How was this show training? We were showing Abs that grass is fun and I do believe she believed it today.

Show Practice With Havanese

It's important that you practice when you have a show. It gives the dogs the exposure to other dogs, scents, sounds and getting mad handled by the judges.

But last night was almost fruitless in getting anywhere. We had Fiona with us as we were thinking of placing her in a sanction match. Well, between that distraction with both - the instructor being totally distracted (usually is good) as the class was too large and that grass - well we left early. It made us realize that the pack mates Fiona and Abs look to each other and distraction was magnified. We are going to have to do them one at a time until we are up to the challenge and have $$ to throw away on shows. As I feel both would be a wash if last night was anything close to reality.

Today, practice and more later...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Steamy, Wet and Plain Uncomfie Havanese

Well, another steamy, hot day in Havanese land. We are wet from the thunderstorms, steamy heat and just plain strange weather. It's hard to get comfortable.

Our heart goes out to a certain Havanese called Lexi that has had no air conditioning for the last couple of days.

Our friends at Chicadoro Havanese has some tips on how to deal with this strange weather.

Katsuro is just hanging out in one of our beds just trying to get warm. He's a rather wet boy. Some Havanese love the rain like him and others like our Shoshi go - oooh wet feet - yuck. Shoshi I have to pick up and put her in the middle of the grass when it rains to do her business and Katsuro would stay out there and get soaked to the skin. He also loves diving in the pool so that says a lot too. Water seems to be a friend of his.

WE are off to handling class tonight. Abs has so much conditioner on her she could slide out the door - hahahaha - yeah I am trying to be funny but its now starting to feel that way. Bath for her come late Thursday or 4am Friday before show - yikes but this rain may wash it away. Who said these dog shows are for the weak at heart or body - well they aren't. Ha!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Quiet Times at Talemaker

Mommy, mommy, mommy - I don't have to share Abigail any longer - what fun!

Fiona was in an interesting mood this morning as suddenly no visitors and no competition to play with Abs. All the visitors and new dogs play with Abs as she is a play monster with a calming projection about her. Fiona is a boisterous play monster who pounces, seduces and takes advantage. hahahahaha It takes the new comers a bit of time to 'get' that.

But Fiona thinks there is nothing like a little Abs in her life or is that a lot of Abs in her life. As I type this, they are side by side and usually Abs doesn't do side by side except with the human daddy but with Fiona - well she allows and even seems to enjoy.

Last night we had a rip roaring storm to come through - their first one and the pups reacted. Fiona started barking her fool head off and Abs just sort of slunk behind and away from the noise and flashes of light. Of course we have a golden that doesn't do storms too well since we got her as a rescue but we have managed to slowly condition her crazy uncontrollable behavior out of her. So, as determined as I am to not allow such a fear to set in, I took Fiona out in the storm (yes to me the barking was - I am unsure of this ruckus) and I had Abs beside me. I said 'silly girl, silly girl' which is my code word for - 'I have this handled and therefore there is nothing to worry about'. I then took them inside and they didn't react any further. It worked so their fear did not get into a deeper level where it would have taken more conditioning to get it to work.

I am proactive in conditioning them out of fear issues. Today I have a blue tarp over the picnic table and the Abs was nervous about it as it was flapping and making sounds and going every which way. I was cleaning it for the show this weekend. I took her over to it. I actually put her on top of the picnic table where the tarp was laying on and said 'silly girl, silly girl' - there goes those words again. I then placed her under the table - had her walking on it and although she didn't totally trust it when we were done, she was able to go past it and walk on it.

Our dogs go through fear periods and it is our job to help them find coping skills. By being proactive, you can eliminate or reduce the fear they may have with new things. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your dog. It means they are normal. It's how you handle it that matters. Coddling only increases and validates the reaction. You can help them more by small exposures in a positive way even if you firmly place their paws on the item, talk calm and positive and even if you are fearful - do not show it - get empowered and it will work. If we can reduce the fear in our retriever by 95% - and she was a total mess when we got her, think of how you can help a dog where fears have not been so solidified that it becomes their coping skill.

All humans and canines alike have fears. Think about it. You may or may not have any clue how the fear settled in but it did and if you had no choice and slowly was conditioned to whatever you were fearful about, the feat would dissipate. The unknown is always a concern but once you learn coping skills, you look forward to the unknown. Some even relish them.

So, do your part and help your little ones find solutions and skills so they can be balanced.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunny Havanese Sunday

The Abigail thinks its way too hot to deal with outside so here she is lazing in her new bed she got at Woofstock. It's mighty comfie and she's been nesting in it so the pillow isn't laying real flat but that is the way she loves it.

We were lucky enough to have Gidget and Audrey over for a visit and even managed to get some video. I have to convert it but hoping it comes out.

Where's the thunderstorm that was supposed to happen all day? All I see is sun. So - eating and back to the pool as this is sweating season for sure!
Yeah gad and that means I have to brush Katsuro yet again - oh no.

Well, our visitors will be going home tonight. We are sure they had a wonderful time.

Miss Abs is lounging before doing a show on Friday. More later>>