Saturday, September 27, 2008

Gidget's Visiting

My name is Gidget and I am an honorary member of the Talemaker crew. I have visited so many times that the getting reacquainted period doesn't happen any more. I know what couch I like, what chair and where I sleep on the bed. I am a cuddle monster and this human crew loves the snuggles.

BUT that female human took out a brush and comb and spray and she's done it twice and I only came YESTERDAY. Didn't you ever hear about VACATIONS? Someone better clue her in.

She gives me a treat and a body massage and hey I can deal with that but the comb - well it can go on vacation with my human mom.

The human's turn:
Well, the crew has not been hanging outside too much with the rain but they have been playing up a storm inside.

I think we need to start using the video camera to see this craziness in action. It's something missed with just 1 dog but two or more - well it's a dawg house and it's way crazy.

Puppies visiting tomorrow - we can't wait! Watch for photos.

Friday, September 26, 2008

All Female Havanese: Ah Heaven for a Guy!

Kat's really happy today. One more female came to visit till Wednesday and he rather likes this one.

Gidget is visiting till Wednesday and we are excited about it. She just comes in - says - okay all of you get it over with - get in your smell so you remember me and then let's get into investigating and playing.

We got email from Miss Abigail's full sister from an earlier breeding that she just had pups. Miss Abs sends much love to her sister Bernie and says get some rest while you can. We heard one may be Havana brown - ooooh nice.

Well, the humans got walks to bring us on, training to do and fun stuff. They even gave a bath to Fiona today but Gidget - well she will be safe till Tuesday night. heheheh

Fiona looks like a light socket got to her. hahahah Oh she does NOT like her baths yet.

This is how she looks 5 minutes after she engages in play. But mommy - I am having oh so much fun.

Well, it's walks for the crew. daddy and Dennis is doing it tonight and mommy is resting. After grooming the crew - she needs it!

We are hoping for a NO RAIN day tomorrow. We have fun planned.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last Havanese Summer Moments

The last bit of warm sun is upon us and soon the pool will be closed but Nathan and crew couldn't help but capture those last stolen moments.

The sun was warm. The company was good - us and the dogs - me on camera - Nathan running around getting them excited - doesn't take much.

Well, it was a warm day and even the pool was semi-warm enough. It surely didn't bother Katsuro.

Kat's going to miss the pool. We are too. It wasn't much of a summer this year. I think it will be forever known as the summer that wasn't.

Fiona couldn't help herself. Every time that Kat went to get out of the pool, she did her intimidation thing. It's not that he listens - as he doesn't. But she just has to try.

I can just hear that brain of hers going - stay in the pool - this area is ALL Mine - don't you know?

The dogs had a blast. I think Nathan did as well. Me - well I did baths afterwards so the night was a blur. Too many dogs - too little time. hahahaha

Nah - not as bad as I sound - just last night was a comedy of errors with many things happening that added to my NO TV time.

Well, daddy is hugely busy today so we may or may not have another pool day. We shall see but we have a very busy weekend. Richmond Green has a dog event on and we will be attending that. We are also have guests over including Yvonne and crew on Sunday and on Saturday we are visiting a Wasabi pup's house.

Crazy dawg and human weekend - I tell ya.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Havanese Abigail Party Hearty

Abs went to a party last night with lots of people where a resident cat lives. She could smell the cat but it stayed in hiding. It didn't stop her from trying to figure out where it was.

Even with the most outgoing and balanced dog, you can get a dog stressed in new situations.

Still, that doesn't mean you don't expose her but that you do in small doses.

Today we have Quito and his owner Jean coming over to say hi to Kooba. Us - and the crew are looking forward to it. More later.>>

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Havanese Abigail Says: Oh My Gad Human!

Well, if you have been following my journey, you know I have this pack sister who yanks out my hair and all the visitors do too. I have no clue why. I simply yank their tail and they go for my head. I can't help myself as the tail - well it's there for me to pull on it - isn't it?

Well, mommy got that thing they call an apron on and I went into my house and hid. I have had enough baths. She has this idea of laying this hair down for the shows but she's fooling herself. Still, we try.

Get this though - Fiona has all her hair. What's that about? Those of you that read my rants - do you have a clue why?

Well, that human mom was training the rescue they are fostering - Kooba and she was learning sit. She wanted to lay down vs. sit but we think she has the treats for doing what is asked thing down. We all sat and watched and said - hey she's getting treats - what about OUR turn.

Well, more later...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Havanese Kisses

I tell ya, some guys get all the luck. Here Nathan is just having a moment with the rescue Kooba we are fostering and tonight he was off with Fiona getting her energized for the ring and having a great time with her.

Special moments with the dawgs is what it is all about.

Linda came over today to meet Kooba and she just fell in love with her. If she didn't have 4 dogs - well she may have found that forever home. So, we are still looking and enjoying the lovin'

Then when Nathan got back from handling class, he ran around like a mad man and got the dogs going, including Risa - who you may or may not be able to tell is jumping up but what you can't see is the squirrel - the flat one that Nathan had.

All it takes is a few minutes to enjoy your dogs and they will love you even more for it. Plus you get the smiles.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Havanese Dominance Games

When a dog mounts another one's head, he is going to one of the most extreme displays of dominance in the dog world. The head is the highest part of the dog. Bringing the head down brings the dog down from his highest point. It is all about who is higher than whom. It' not sexual as some believe.

Puppies often try to mount each other as a search for where they fit in the scheme of things and sometimes they do it back and forth as it's just a game to them sharing who's on top at a given time. For them, it is simply play.

Adults get into the act as well especially new ones trying to figure out their place in the pack. Here you can see Fiona shaking Kooba off but I don't think Kooba is letting her. But what you didn't see is Fiona giving her the look and then the game ended. Fiona is still figuring out what is fun and her desire to always be the one on top.

This pack works as they do try things as kids often do with each other but they also listen to each other.

Clearly, this is an instinctive dog behavior, a ritual dogs often go through. I recommend to all who are interested to question experts and to study this dog dominance behavior for yourself.

You can correct it if it bothers you.

It's sort of like growling. People react and say - oh they are being 'aggressive' but more times than not it is either a correction from one dog to another - 'leave me alone' thing going on or communication of another sort or a low level fear when it begins. It's all how we handle it or don't that sets the tone for future socialization moments.

Before you react - find out why your dog does what he does and when you do, you may be laughing vs. being frustrated.

My father raised hunting dogs and I can remember him saying to me - think like a dog. Why would one eat what it was supposed to retrieve and the other bring it back. Was one 'bad' and one not or.... figure it out. If you do, you have begun your journey in thinking like a dog. ha!