Saturday, January 19, 2008

Camera Lovin' Havanese

Sassy is having a bit of Sebastian rub off on her or is that the other way around? The camera comes out and it's strike a pose - such a runway gal.

The crew is up and the 'no bark' is working so well that I pointed my finger - said no bark this morning when a dog in the distance was barking and they are finally getting it. Good one!

Sassy, Wasabi and Sebastian are playing their little hearts out this morning having a roaring good time. After my breakfast, I will bathe her, brush her, Nathan will do her nails and get her ready to be stylin.

Well, it's cold outside. The crew is rolling around having fun and I need my coffee. More later!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Havanese: You Snooze or You Lose

Hey - it's lunch time and I can smell it but all I want to do is curl up and snooze in this bed that is really not big enough for two but am I going to let that stop us? nah... Besides - Havanese can curl up into a small little ball.

I am so camera shy that I lifted my head to make sure they saw me.

More later.>>

Sassy Lassy Antics

Sebastian says - "I have the toy so what are you going to do, Sassy Lassy? Oh - you think you can get it but I will show you who gets to keep it this time!"

Oh, the antics of these two have been precious this week. They have truly bonded even deeper - if that can be imagined. Sebastian even goes to look for her when he deigns to get his ahem out of bed. Sassy Lassy decides if I am getting up - so is she. The thing is, she has no clue about this exercise business and is keyed into my timing. If I am late getting up, that's when she gets up. If I am early - that's her as well. She's really tuned into the rhythms of the human pack. That's nice.

Today I did an hour stretch program that was almost impossible as Sassy Lassy thought that was an invitation to lick my face all over, crawl all over my chest and stomach when I laid down and have a grand old time with my feet.

For those that wondered who got the toy, well that Sassy Lassy plucked it from Sebastian and ran into his bed cave that he has here. She's a mighty creative one in how she accomplishes things. Her mind is always working at ways to have fun and its obvious that these 2 really enjoy each other.

Well more later. Forgive us but we are going to spend as much time with the crew as time allows and then when the Sassy is gone (our last one) - please do continue to read along as there will be tales to tell at Talemakers Havanese.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Havanese Adult & Pup Education

Well things have become interesting. We can surely tell there is a relaxed atmosphere in this house.

Sebastian has no concern about telling Risa what he wants but with Katsuro he goes submissive playful which is the norm with 2 male alphas or alpha want-to-bes - someone has to take that stance for it to work.

Perhaps Sebastian is quite the politician as he got what he wanted and that was to get Katsuro to play full on with him just like he did as a pup. Good one, Sebastian!

The photo is not a good quality but here you see Katsuro playing with Sebastian and Wasabi playing with Sassy.

Sassy has not learned how to be a politician - though gentle in nature - she doesn't back down to anyone but she has had the reality of living here and more of a comfort zone and knowing that the grrr isn't serious around this place. It's just - okay - so you don't want me on top - or you don't want to play but I want to there!

Risa was caught playing with the little ones today too. How nice.

Someone whispered to us that Chico - a sibling may be coming to play and maybe we will get Coach back before Sassy and Sebastian go. Wow, will we have some fun then. We hope it materializes. If not, we will just have to arrange a play date at our house in the future. What can I say? Anything for an excuse to see the little ones.

We had a really fun day today. Sebastian stayed in bed a tad longer, Sassy came down to help me exercise. sassy kept pouncing while I did Kenpo and I swear she thought she was trying it too. She would go back and forth me in the same direction as if to say - can't you make up your mind lady where you want to go? One would have thought she got tired after that but no, the rest of the crew came down and they ate and suddenly the scurrying of little feet going faster than you can imagine and much laughter here. There's nothing like watching 2 Havanese together. They get more exercise then 10 walks put together. It's nice.

These two are indeed the best of pals. But there is nothing like the play with momma Wasabi and now Katsuro too. They are going to be missed!

We are also looking into acquiring one or two puppies ourselves from another quality line that hopefully we can show and breed so we will be continuing this blog and continuing the Talemaker journey of our madness into Havanese obsession. Just watch out. They are addicting and how could they not be with the laughter they bring. More later...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Havanese Siblings - Best Friends

What has become evident as the week has gone by that there is a special bond between siblings that have close contact. We know from experience it wanes to a degree but when they stay in close contact, they remain with that something extra special in the bonding department.

We are really glad that this duo is going to stay as close friends, taking classes together and enjoying each other's competitive nature and they both have THAT for sure! I never saw so many alphas in one litter - oh my!

Here's Sebastian and Sassy hanging out at the back door after a feverish romp this morning. They play so hard, I find they always have that disheveled look - though way cute in my opinion.

Last night Sebastian lost his kingship and Risa reclaimed the pillow. He jockeyed for position a number of times but Risa would have none of that so Sebastian spent time sleeping inbetween my legs, up against Sassy, on my neck and Sassy was found cuddling to Katsuro often.

Sleep was not in the cards for me so I saw it all but not due to him. A dog was howling (Nanook) at 130am and good news, I went shh and no one barked and I kept getting leg cramps that I couldn't get rid of - not from overtaxed muscles as exercise has not been consistent enough. I have to virtually swat myself to get back to it and I will but must be something else. It's still going numb today and I still have tight calf muscles so sleep - well I need some. Maybe if the boss allows, I will snuggle with the doggies and nap and groom in the afternoon vs. this morning. We shall see.

It's hard to believe it is already Wednesday. I am going to miss the little ones. I know some breeders manage to keep their total heart out of the equation but we can't figure out how and I am not sure I do. I do for my sake but not theirs. That base is so critical and we are always looking to perfect it and when you have that mindset, well you love them and then you have to applaud their new journey not for you but for them - in hopes that they have a lifetime of grand memories that their owners will share from time to time.

Wasabi's pups - her gentle nature, her intelligence and she is very intelligent, her body movement, her mischievous nature - well there were many early surprised accomplishments and that tells us that she makes rather special pups. Keep sending photos - please when you can...when you find the time.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Talemaker Havanese 13.5 Week Reunion

This is Talemaker Sassy and Talemaker Sebastian is visiting till early next week. Talemaker Coach came to visit and the fun began. Just wish we got more video. Next time. The pups are now 13.5 weeks old - wow. We miss them already!

Havanese Sibling Socialization

The siblings had a meet and greet session yesterday that was an amazing amount of fun and we wonder if Coach slept afterwards. Sassy crawled into bed upstairs after he left and said enough is enough - I need my sleep. She was completely exhausted. Sebastian decided to stay downstairs and nibble on Terra's ear trying to get her to play. He was wide awake until after 11pm.

They all slept well last night and had no jockeying for position but Sebastian still had Risa's pillow at the top of the bed for a portion of the night- imagine that. He laid across the pillow with his body stretched out and up against Nathan's head. All was fine in his world getting top dawg position for the 2nd night in a row. Katsuro snuggled then decided the floor was cooler. Sassy doesn't seem to get preoccupied with proving any of that stuff - rather like Risa, so one wonders if they remained in the same house who would be true alpha. Only time would tell. Personally, I think a submissive position is easier than controlling the universe.

Interesting enough, Coach is also an alpha want to be - so 3 alpha want to be's getting together to play - it was actually fun. They wrestled and play growled and rolled around and ran and had a roaring grand time. Here's Sassy yanking on her brother to get him out of the tunnel. Hey - you can't escape me - you just think you can.

This get together was great. It was great distraction for us. Thanks, John!

Here's a photo of Coach and Sassy and I am putting this up as Sassy was shaking her head midstream while I was taking this photo trying to dust herself off from the antics of her siblings. It looks a tad funny but that's what she was indeed doing.

Sassy was the target at times but she held her own and then some - but it was all in fun. If it wasn't, we would have ceased the behaviour but she kept going back for more and playing with all comers.

You can click on any of the photos in this site to see a larger version.

I remember when the dogs couldn't reach this water dish and had to put their paws up to drink. My, times have changed. They have really grown. Rockhurst's Buster and Wasabi really made nice pups and Wasabi and her body structure, balanced nature and Buster and his - wow. I can't say enough and they remain ahead of schedule, smart as ever and pretty dawgs. Ok, we aren't supposed to say pretty about the males but they are...rather nice features and everyone says that. They have this cuteness factor thang going on.

The siblings had a blast. I have yet to find time to look at the video but it was a futile attempt to capture. They were running and running with excitement. But - maybe - something. We will find out later and if so, we will upload. Our still photos were just as bad. Amazing how fast with excitement they were moving. We must do this again.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Talemaker's Havanese Ritz Abode

There are some Havanese dawgs that love comfort and Risa's line reeks of THAT! Risa loves her sleep time, her pillow at the top of the bed that Sebastian stole last night and they love their zzzzz's - always have but Risa and Katsuro take the cake as they love the pillows, the blanket over them and it can't be any pillow but it must be soft, comfie and just right.

Due to a new visitor, Sebastian, Katsuro has decided to catch some zzzs on the couch this morning. Laying high also gives him the illusion he is top dawg surveying all.

Sebastian and Sassy are also nodded out together in the big dawgs bed. Sebastian is going to get a comb out when he gets done snoozing. He decided today to mimic Risa in the snow. Risa goes out, lays down in the snow and does a body rub. Sebastian thought that was rather interesting and tried it himself. Sassy just looked and I swear said what are you 2 nuts doing? Ah - but Sebastian and Risa are satisfied that she hasn't got a clue. They now have all that fresh white stuff to themselves to roll and get a mess in.

Mark and Maryanne has left a new comment on your post "Talemaker's Havanese Ritz Abode": I'm glad to see that Sebastian got his choice of pillows on the bed last night. He's learning that he is the king and all others are his loyal subjects!! Let's not let it go to his head. Posted by Mark and Maryanne to Wasabi's Havanese Adventures at January 14, 2008 1:33 PM

Havanese Morning Stroll

This is Sebastian and Sassy coming in from their morning stroll out back. They love the layer of snow and Sebastian hasn't stopped making that tweety sound yet with that stick we can't find anywhere. I may hide that toy and Sassy wants it back.

Off to do breakfast. Boy are they full of it this fine morning.

More later...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sebastian Visit is Full of Fun

Sebastian is here visiting and we are in heaven. Nathan caught him snuggling with me. He's been playing up a storm and I mean non-stop. Me thinks he is rather fond of his sister, Sassy. He's such a cutie. It's great to have him here as they are making us laugh. So far, Katsuro was rolling around in the big bed with him, Shoshi was doing run-like-hell, Risa's been watching and mommy Wasabi has been correcting. hehehehe

You know that tunnel we have, Sebastian just jumped in mid air on top while Sassy was inside and squished it on her. No one got hurt. Sassy jumped out and I swear she was laughing about it. Where was the video camera then? This all happened while I was typing.

We have had a couple of - 'who is boss' episodes where one squeaks from rough-housing but then Wasabi straightens them out. It's way funny and great timing for us as we needed an infusion of fun. Thanks, Maryanne and Mark. More later as I am positive this duo will keep us on our toes and to me - that's quite nice!

Here Sebastian is taking a time out so he can get rejuvenated. It lasted 10 minutes and they were both back at it - in and out of tunnels, and Sebastian's home safe place is that house that Maryanne brought. Where did you get it?

Tomorrow I will get more video. I got a bit but I am way too busy watching. Something about a camera on your face - well it takes away from the experience - heh but I promise you lots of moments - no worry. Today - well today is just enjoy without worrying about capturing it all.

PS: Sebastians already checked out the bed and has staked his claim. When he calms down, I will clean up his feet from all that run-like-hell through the grass out back.

More to watch the pair.
Mark and Maryanne has left a new comment on your post "Sebastian Visit is Full of Fun": Sebastian's bed came from SuperPet. It's actually a cat bed, but I didn't tell Sebastian that! He'll be sad when he's too big to fit through the holes in it. Posted by Mark and Maryanne to Wasabi's Havanese Adventures at January 13, 2008 9:18 PM

Sassy: Which One?

Sassy found that plastic empty bottle fun - a cheap toy till it gets flattened and you throw it out to start again. It makes tons of noise and the Havanese adore it.

She was inbetween this stick that makes a tweety toy that's laying in the bed (it's a cat toy that used to have cloth hanging off of it) and that bottle and she's trying to figure out which one.

Mischevious Havanese

Sassy: it's all about the game type, missy - chievious personality, intelligent, balanced, caring, special heart, quick thinker, likes the game - whatever games she creates and is now 4 lbs 15 oz. She loves to eat too.

Now if she wasn't going to the people she is, well I think she would never be going ANYWHERE.

There are times after all the fun and games, the dogs just conk out and sit next to you and all is right in the world. This was one of those moments yesterday. Here you can see Maggie - the mom of Yvonne's latest litter who happens to be our very own Risa's daughter, Sassy and Flora Dora - well Flora from Lola's litter - Yvonne's litter just before this one who happens to have Wasabi's brother as the sire. No wonder they look similar.

Oh, Havanese can be quite amusing. Our adult dogs minus Katsuro who had his topknot/ponytail gnawed out of him by another dog - well they wear hair ties to hold the hair away from the eyes. Typically, Sassy now has a hair tie or two in her mouth from Wasabi's head or Shoshi's that we have to take away from her.

We have to catch her in the act as it is way cute but a no no when you have a show dog that is the recipient of such antics.

As time goes on, Sassy has been learning how to effectively communicate with the other dogs, get the best of them if she can help it by playing these fun games and she delights in them. We are going to miss such spirit around here but she's like her mom so the new owners are going to have a life of interesting times woven with much fun and personally - well that's what makes Havanese so special. This litter - well I must have done something right to have them in our lives.

More later after Sebastian comes.>>