Saturday, September 26, 2009

Busy Times at Talemaker

Today Joe and Lyndall came over with Saki. Saki is from Wasabi's last litter - the littlest gal.

I just love this couple and what they do with Saki san. They make us realize why we do this crazy dawg stuff.

They also have quite the knack at storytelling with their dawg adventures as you could see from Saki's sky adventure and menu reading in hotels.

They are starting obedience next week with her.

Saki played up a storm and remembered Abigail well. She also played nose to nose with her canine Mommy. She was an absolute wriggler when it came to saying hello and Nathan had to remind me that they had to have their dawg back so they could go. Selfish me...heh

Just as they were ready to go we got more company.

Do you remember Lil' Man - now known as Milo? Well, his parents and pack mate came to visit as well. His pack mate's names is Hugo and talk about funny stories from them.

I swear this couple is the Erma Bombeck of the dawg parents.

The muddy stories - and oops we will leave it at that and let you use your imagination would make you laugh and laugh.

Plus there's more...

We also have 3 visitors that add an element of fun to the mix beyond the reality of me trying to keep white feet clean - are you KIDDING and it's going to rain so oh no - Jebi and his coat. But we love the play but more play means more grooming but how can you not let them play. Show coats are different as you have to keep them long and maintained very well. So, I am way busy!

Here's Jeb (Tibetan Terrier) and his long coat playing with Saki. He thought she was great but he didn't have an off switch. :-)

Want to come over and help me with grooming him or the two bichons? ROFL

Then Yvonne is coming down today and will she be bringing the dawgs or not - in about 10 minutes we will know for sure.

Just a reminder...if you are going away this holiday and need us to watch your pups, we need to know earlier than later. We are already getting folks booking.

After this weekend is over, I am going to do a slide show of all the movement shots from our crew and our visitors. They all ADORE the pool cover. Doggie trampoline..that is!

Every dawg house deserves one!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hang Out Time

What the hey is THAT? She said - let's go to Aberfoyle and pick up something.

Yep that was Nathan's response. It sort of looked like - are you KIDDING.

No - I am not.

Well, the dawgs are enjoying the cooler weather and the sun. Everyone seems to be WAY relaxed - playing up a storm - visitors and our dawgs.

The dogs - when they play hard - crash and hang out like this.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Visitors Playing Like Crazy

The crew is having an amazing time with the visitors.

If you click on the photo, you can see the funny expression Treasure has on her face.

We have a few visitors till Monday morning and they are really enjoying themselves.

When we have visitors. we always introduce one at a time. This way the visitors are not overwhelmed and the crew connects.

It was a very fast transition with this crew.

I got to see a Bathing Beauty in action today. I was impressed. Anything that can save me time and product bathing is alright with me.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Trampoline Havanese Style

There's something about the bounce of the pool cover that excites the Havanese. It's hard to explain but I figure kids enjoy trampolines and so do Havanese, it seems.

Abigail and Treasure get downright exhausted doing that run-like hell game over the cover.

The crew have heard us talking about an over sized Havanese coming to visit and 2 Bichons. You think they will survive?

Fiona may go into protect mode but we shall see. She has beautiful pups to keep safe and she does adore them.

Tomorrow I get to see the Bathing Beauty in action. I bathe so many Havanese and use so much high end shampoo and conditioners that I am looking at a way to do the same job but also not cost so much. I use the same high quality, costly products on my own as well as the boarders. I just like the results. Is this the solution - we shall see.

We have the boarders from tomorrow till Monday morning. We'll let you know how it goes. My biggest concern is grooming them. A Tibetan has more hair by far. hehe

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gad - a Bath!

Fiona is SOOO impressed that I took her away from her babies for a bath.

I waited till she fed them and then whisked her away and did it as fast as I could. She needed it!

But as you can see with the expression on her face - she was saying - ARE YOU KIDDING!

But human Mommy says - Fiona - you smell so beautiful and you feel so soft.

The rest of the crew was brushed - not washed cause we are getting rain this week. They all had a bath just before we went to the show so all are still good to go after a thorough brush and comb.

We are all still playing recovery from being away.
Have you snuggled your Havanese yet today?

This weekend we have a Tibetan Terrier and 2 Bichons staying the weekend. Oh boy! We are helping out a friend. A Tibetan Terrier looks like an overgrown Havanese to me. :-) Lots of grooming on the large size.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Agility Doors

Okay...we came back to a precious Havanese agility screen door built for us.

It's unique.

It's treasured but the dawgs keep running into the screen wondering where the doggie door is.

We are back.

Yeah - things are literally upside down but give it a day and we will be back to normal. Then we have 2 Bichons visiting us and a Tibetan Terrier for the weekend. Are we in for a roaring grand time.

The crew is wonderful.

Alex and Yvonne are amazing. I have a newly painted laundryroom - how cool. I am now only missing the dryer.

The pool was closed today and the crew had a wonderful time running like crazy over the cover. Even Flora was joining in on the fun.

Now to finish work - start in with grooming the crew and take a breath. Somehow - someway - Fiona gets a bath tomorrow. She totally needs it.

More tomorrow.>>

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last Day in Sudbury

Well, it's the last day in Sudbury and we hear it is rain all week at home.

Mommy will have lots of grooming when she comes home but little by little - she will get it done. At least the Kat man and the Treasured one won't need it.

We thank Yvonne and Alex for helping us BIGTIME.

Even if we don't get anything today - it was nice to be the top dawgs at the specialty in Havanese. With all this grooming stuff - I am sure Treasure and Kat feel that way too!

Pool will get covered come Monday or Tuesday and we will double the size of their playing area with the security cover. They love it too as it's like a trampoline to them.

We are missing our dawgs madly and we will be updating you on all their antics tomorrow.

We are bringing a boxer puppy to Toronto - Val to downtown so it will be a LONG day. Are we home yet?