Saturday, November 22, 2008

Early Morning Pondering Havanese Style

Why is it dark when we get up and dark when we go to sleep?

Why do all these Havanese chase an imaginary squirrel that they remember days ago as if it had the guts to return. Why is that human's pond still bubbling water. It didn't do that last year. Why is it slippery and sometimes it is not?

Why do ice balls like my Havanese pack mates hair but rarely ices on me?

Why do I have to go to the doctor's next week and what is this thing that human put on me?

It's today's moments to ponder and no one does it better than the soul-filled Wasabi.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Havanese Puppy People Warmth

We are lucky to have puppy people who adore their dogs and the people that own Sebastian took a video of part of the brace at the specialty here in Toronto. We uploaded it for your enjoyment. rate it - share it and we hope it brings a smile as it does us. Thanks!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Typical Morning at Talemaker Havanese

Around about 6:00am Darlah has to check her pages from the night before to ensure that they went live correctly. Darlah builds pages in advance and posts them onto what is called a staging server. That server automatically pushes them live at 6 but Darlah always checks to make sure that everything is working as designed.

Naturally, when she gets out of bed so does "the pack". And off they go downstairs, Darlah to check her pages, the dogs to do their business outside. They don’t all go. Risa isn’t getting out of bed unless or until I do, Same with Wasabi. And Yvonne’s Maggie. The rest are off and running. This morning that meant they went outside into about 5 inches of new fallen wet snowball snow.

They played for 10 minutes, did their business and then came running back inside wired for sound. And where do you think they went to next? Yes, back to say hi to "daddy" who was, fool that he is, still trying to sleep at 6:10. Yvonne’s Downsey and Lola stayed downstairs with Darlah. The rest came piling back onto the bed, soaking wet and settled down to go back to sleep but not without first saying good morning to me. I’ve now been tongue washed by 5 frenetic dogs.

Risa can be heard telling her pack very nicely that if even one of them comes within a foot of her she will rip their lungs out and feed it to them. Maggie, behind my head on the pillow, is saying the same. Kat ignores all of them and curls up against my chest. Shoshi takes one look at this sad state of affairs and decides to cuddle up against my leg because Kat has beaten her to her spot. Abigail decides to flop down between and on top of my legs and Risa has now moved to my feet. I not only can't move a muscle but half the dogs on me are soaking wet. I stick it out for 10-15 minutes but it's a no go. And then Risa decides if she doesn’t eat shortly she will die. So she gets up and collapses on my chest, looking me straight in the eye and then slowly licking her lips so that even a not especially bright human such as myself cannot mistake her meaning. Either I feed her right now or she starts on my leg. I give up and get up, escorted to the bathroom by 8 Havanese.

They watch impatiently while I throw on a few things and then escort me down the stairs to the kitchen where the pack assembles, doing their best to intimidate me into feeding them RIGHT NOW!

I ignore them and make sure the coffee is on if Darlah hasn’t already done so. Some of them go back outside. The rest wait. I lay out the bowls; 2 larger ones for the Golden Retrievers and then 10 small stainless steel bowls for the Havs. Yvonne’s dogs eat different food then ours so I prepare theirs and then ours. I know, by bowl position, which bowl is whose. Besides the Fromm’s Chicken A LA Veg we are currently feeding them I usually add something extra. This morning it was some leftover chicken fried rice and a small bit of Fromm’s chicken in the can. This morning Yvonne’s dogs got their own dried food plus canned chicken and leftover rice too. I plan on feeding them steak every day for a week before Yvonne comes home so that her dogs all throw a complete fit and go on strike when she takes them back home. I will, of course, be totally innocent of any crime and scratch my head in complete puzzlement while assuring Yvonne that they ate no problem while here. That is pay back for the text messages we keep getting form them down in Florida bragging about the 90 degree weather.

Well, it is now 7am. Time for me to eat a bit of toast, drink a cup of coffee and read the morning newspaper. The dogs line up beside Darlah, as per usual, waiting for a bit of crust or anything else they can sucker out of her and then she blames me when the dogs put on weight.

After breakfast I head out to the backyard with the dogs and do a patrol, picking up what needs picking up. This morning I also shoveled the entire deck. Then back inside to check my email.

Shoshi lies on my left foot, Kat’s on my right. Fiona is in a cushy bed under the desk. Risa is in a donut behind my chair. Wasabi is in another donut behind Risa. Maggie is in yet another donut behind Wasabi. Flora is usually on a mat next to Maggie and by now on the other side of my desk and Abigail may or may not be in the crate under my other desk. That done I head upstairs to finally take a shower and get dressed. The pack accompanies me in case I need help or get lost or plan to sneak out on them from the second floor bathroom. And so the sun rises in Richmond Hill.

PS: and if you want to know about the rest of our day - it has been event-filled. Sweaters or jackets on, out we go, inside, sweaters and coats off and into dryer - brusha, brusha, brusha and then we do it all again!

Poor Wasabi - you can tell just by looking at her that she finds this experience - oh hum ever so delightful --Darlah

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Bloody Snow Time Havanese!

Okay, this is not a Havanese but the human who thinks its 60 below zero.

She is getting ready to dress the dogs in coats and get them conditioned to having something on. How long will it take?

Well the way Fiona is looking - it may take a very long time.

This is her first year in a coat and after having this experience many times over - by a week they are acting naturally. So persist. Will it take Fiona a week?

Fiona looks up at me and says - what the hey is this thing?

Well, Fiona got a new jacket - a poochtini jacket and the legs for her are a tad long so we will be tacking them up. I could have bought one size down but it would have just fit her and she is still growing so we decided to tack up the legs and allow growth. It's important to get the right fit. Abigail's needs nothing done to it.

But we went out the door. Fiona got her foot out and I went argh. I took my gloves off, got snow in them, put the leg back in, rolled up the legs and then gave her a tug on the lead as she thought she couldn't move. Kat already is used to the coat thing but even he went - argh coats but two houses down, they were bouncing all over the place acting as if they had nothing on and enjoying the weather immensely but guess what?

We got home. Took jackets off and they were DRY - yes DRY - just wet feet. So, we are getting more coats from them this weekend. I am going to love not having to wash their whole tummies, body etc.

Look for all of them stylin' when we have their coats. Plus Linda brough Treasure a sweater and blanket. Now how cool is that? She will be stylin' too!

Let It Snow But Let Me In

It's starting to snow and this lovely lady brought by a couple of coats for us - and we are going to try them out. We will let you know all about them after we get used to the guys getting used to being dressed.

This happens every winter as we usually have them in the pool so much that other than a bit of adornment - they are what you see.

So, if this is your first year getting your little one used to a jacket - well give it time and after a week, he/she will forget its even on.

Can you imagine if you never wore anything and suddenly you are draped in all this material? Okay - don't think about THAT but that's how it is for the Havanese dawgs.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Girls, Girls & More Girls Havanese

One day I woke up and all these girls were hanging out at my house. Most men - ahem - am I a man yet? Well, most would love so many gals kissing on them but this one particular gal named Downsey - well she just doesn't stop. So, I grr and she does it again as if to say - let's see what I can get away with.

Well, I am the step over the line dawg here and I have put up with Fiona being one too but two? Oh my!

Then this cute little gal comes along that they tell is their mom - and her name is Maggie. She plays just like a puppy like me and we rather get some spectacular play sessions in and then she pays attention to her kids. Is it me or them?

I am the king around these here parts and I am having to reflect on life with so many gals. Oh...they are so nice to have around but put them all together and this lone guy - well let's say - I am gathering my wits to see how to play this.

Life is interesting in a houseful of gals and only a few men.

I am off to sleep, ponder and enjoy those afternoon naps those humans took this afternoon with all of us. It's getting crowded on the bed but they - the humans seem to like it. Guess they realize what is important in life - all that love. Hope the rest of you are having a Havanese luv session too.

Got any tips guys - especially those of you with so many gals? I may need some help. Right now, it's tough being all that for each gal. hehehehehe

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wet and Soggy Feet

How do you keep their feet dry? You COULD buy boots but most boots won't stay on and it inhibits their play. But if its just for a 'duty' break, it could work. We use them for show dogs.

Here we simply just use some spray on waterless bath on their feet, baby wipes and wipe off the mud. I then brush - and let dry and brush again if necessary. It sounds like a lot more than it is.

I like snow as it doesn't mean mud comes in. But the snow is coming again they say.

Then we have Yvonne text messaging us about South Beach and hot weather and I say - who is this - what dogs? hahaha

We have Yvonne's crew here while she is on holiday.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ice Worries with Havanese

Our deck is an ice deck this afternoon.

Watch out with your little ones that they do not slip and slide. They can damage ligaments just like us playing recovery.

It doesn't mean you can't walk them but be aware. If they start to slip - it's not the right medium for them.

Some are more sure footed than others just like us humans.

We start out our day early in the morning and end it in the dark. The winter seems pretty dreary to me due to it.

As you can see from the photos here, this was 6am. It looks pretty dark to me. The crew rather liked seeing snow on the ground. It sort of invigorates them.

They roll around like banshees having a grand old time.

They acted like kids that were brought to a candy store and told it's all theirs.

Well, I am off to put leaves in bags after raking - yep in snow, ROFL.

The dogs would love to be a part of that but I think I will do it alone and let them be a part of it in the backyard if I do not run out of steam.

I guess they will do what our visitor Mags is doing now - snoozing the afternoon away til it's play time. I think they are smarter than us and more capable as they choose and can nap whenever it strikes their fancy.