Saturday, April 4, 2009

Trials of the Larger Set

It's been windy here since last night and it gives me interesting windy moments to capture. Whitney just turned 14 this month and that's old for a retriever. It's senior for a Havanese. Every day that we have with Whitney is something to celebrate.

I love the goldens but I am often asked will I buy another when it is her time. The answer is no. We still will have Terra to do our big dog socialization which we find is very important but what about Terra and having a larger dog to hang out with? We think about it. We don't know what the future holds but it's not something we are faced with yet and that's a good thing. A piece of us gets notched away when we lose any of our beloved canines.

But before I lose you with any of this depressive stuff, I will tell you a large, old dog issue and why you should be thankful that yours are Havanese.

As you know I tend to groom my dogs quite a bit. I find that if I do, they knot less even through that blowing coat stage but goldens you wash less. Last week I washed Terra and the other day I washed Whitney. Well, Whitney doesn't stand up when she needs to and she's heavy so it's a chore we are starting to think we can't do any longer as its a lift into the tub with a shower door and out of one and a carry upstairs and downstairs. We are now looking at taking her into a do-it-yourself places as we find that she couldn't stand up long enough for a groomer to do her in their shop. I don't believe we will ever have this issue with a Havanese. No matter how old they get, they are easier to maneuver. It's at moments like this that we wonder - do we stay small?

We did another Total recall class with a bunch of Havanese. We may be signing up for the next one so if you are interested - let us know.

Socialization is so important. Your Havanese often finds their grounding at home as it's an environment they know. Be sure at least once a week to take them out to somewhere new - a park, visit to a Pet Store - Home Depot - a garden center and best one yet - an obedience class. You will love the end result if your practice. Then you are on the road to having your dog become dog friendly, people friendly and balanced.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Treasure Visits Eye on Fashion

Treasure had an outing today at a really cool local Woman's boutique called 'Eye on Fashion' here in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

What's so special about this store is not just the to die for clothes but that they have a resident Havanese called Jazzy.

Nathan dropped in with Treasure and Dima and Tanya played retrieve with her and a hacky sack.

He even left her there for a small time while he ran errands as a test to see how she would do and the owners of the boutique (friends of ours) were gracious enough to watch her. I hear that she didn't even look back but played and played.

It was great to see that the little one could find the comfort of this special boutique and look so deliriously happy. It has to be due to Treasure becoming balanced and special people such as Dima and Tanya that own it and wink, of course that handsome guy Jazzy. For those of you that follow along here, Jazzy and Quito are littermates.

Well, we are off to a Total Recall Workshop with Fiona this evening. She's been out of obedience for quite some time. Hopefully we will have more stories tomorrow after fun is had. We already know that there will be at least three other Havanese in the class. How much fun is that?!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Handling Class With Havanese: Turning Issues Into Positives

Yesterday Darlah and I got into the car with Treasure and took a drive out to Jackson’s Point. It was nice to drive by a beach and imagine the winter was finally over, but the ice that still covered a part of the surface quickly dispelled such fantasy and we continued on to Handling Class. On the way we drove past some guys working on the roof of an A frame style house. I glanced over as I was driving and almost hit the brakes. Walking at a steep angle right beside them was a Pit Bull. Darlah couldn’t get her camera out in time and I wasn’t stopping.

Handling Classes are typically hosted by Kennel Clubs and the person teaching the class is inevitably a very experienced Conformation Show Ring person, or even a Judge. Owners who attend the class believe they have a dog good enough to compete in the show ring, and most times they are correct.

Last night was challenging for Treasure and me for two reasons, or rather because of two dogs, a Border Terrier and a Miniature Schnauzer. Both were expertly handled but both had issues.

I think the Schnauzer had never before worn a leash, so every time his Handler tried to get him to walk in a direction he didn’t want to go, he let out with a shriek. The entire class froze as we looked to see who was killing whom. But in fact it was simply the dog being unused to the leash and not understanding what was happening. Regardless, throughout the class he continued to let loose with this bloodcurdling scream that had us all flinching. Eventually, even the other dogs correctly identified that there really wasn’t a murder going on and started to ignore him. His owner worked patiently to correct and teach him. It happens. But it certainly affected the atmosphere in the room.

And then there was the Border Terrier. In his case I believe that while he was used to his sister at home, he hadn’t had much exposure to other dogs yet. I must add that both of these dogs were pups, 4-6 months old. The Terrier, being a Terrier, decided that he was going to challenge the room to a fight to the death. That was his way of dealing with the stress of the unknown and all these strange canines. Again, the owner was very competent and was dealing with him as best she could, but that didn’t stop him from growling loudly and viciously at any dog that he perceived as a threat, which was anything on four legs that moved in a 100 foot radius.

Which brings us to Treasure. As we walked, the Border Terrier was right behind us. The first time it growled low and mean, Treasure stopped dead, turned and growled back just as low and mean and basically said “bring it on!” I corrected her immediately. This happened maybe a dozen more times and each time I got her to focus on me, and never mind any other dog there. In this way I was able to turn a potentially damaging class into an opportunity to educate, and to support the fact that I am in charge and when Treasure is with me, things like screaming dogs or growling dogs are not her concern because I will deal with it.

The truth is, if the owners hadn’t been so aware and on top of their dogs it wouldn’t have worked. Either they would have had to leave the class or I would have walked out because I didn’t want Treasure to have a negative experience. I already know she’s full of herself. But she also had to learn that I had this in hand and all was fine so never mind the noise and commotion. As that was exactly what happened I’ll consider last night a good learning experience, and good preparation for the show ring.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Handling Fun With Havanese

Handling can be a complicated thing. It's important that you make it fun for both you and your Havanese or they will just go through the motions and so will you. You also won't last if you are an owner/handler in that state of mind.

Sure there are tricks to get them being all they can be but how you are matters. Never go in a ring angry or upset. Leave all the negative emotions aside and just be silly but with focus and it will show.

As you improve, your dogs will improve and yes some of it is technique but some of it is you just plain relaxing and your dog knows before you when you are tense, upset or any of those negative things that irritate you.

Instead, while in handling class or at a show, focus on your dog - and just enjoy the relationship. Enter the ring to win but if you can't have fun with your Havanese, well your Havanese will never be all they can be.

Forget your woes - no matter what they are and just enjoy getting your Havanese connecting and you, your Havanese and judge is all that matters for that moment in time.

If you don't win, snuggle your Havanese and be happy that with each dance you get better and better and tomorrow is a new day.

As you can see, Treasure is in tuned with her Daddy and that's what it takes and more.

Off to handling class tonight. Treasure and all those big doggies.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fun Havanese Visitors

Jean was kind enough to bring Quito and Kooba over for a visit and it was such a great treat to see them.

Here's Quito hanging out with Kat.

Jean is doing an amazing job on the hair and with these little ones. Gad - they look so deliriously happy.

It was great to see both of them meandering around the backyard saying their hellos and wow did they look great.

Check out this face on Kooba. You have to smile when you see that face.

Kooba was a rescue that we were fostering for a bit that Jean adopted and we do believe she found the jackpot for life. But it's not only Jean and her hubby but that Quito who gets Kooba smiling like you can see in this photo.

It does our heart good to see the Havanese happy and this story was a special one.

Thanks Jean for visiting!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Exciting Havanese Times

Well, I am off to go to that thing called handling class.

I have a busy week this week but so does Fiona. Fiona is going to handling class too tomorrow and she will be going to Total Recall class. How cool is that? We heard there are a lot of Havanese in that class too. I did the Total Recall last time so it's not my turn but I loved it. I am hoping that Fiona does too.

The crazy humans around here do not feed me on class night. Can you believe that? They say its due to how many treats I get but I could eat my dinner and the treats but they think not. ROFL

PS: We heard Jean, Kooba and Quito is coming to visit tomorrow and that's going to be way fun. We can't wait!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Change of Havanese Crew

Coco has been visiting with her pack mate Zack and as you can see she was blowing in the wind. They are going home today and no more Coco on top of Nathan's head and no more Zack being silly as all get out. We will miss them.

The crew was really winding down from the fun at Yvonne's. We also got to see Penny's duo. It was all fun.

Coco is Fiona's sister. Can you tell? hehehehe isn't it great to see so many colours in the Havanese?