Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dancing Havanese

This duo does one heck of a dance even after one of them had her shots today.

Our vet said that our Treasure was exquisite, in his opinion. It was a nice thing to hear. The vet was impressed with her attitude, structure etc. But it was said that she is getting a bit wide in that tummy of hers. heh Oh - she does love to eat.

Off we went to Yvonne's to chill out - say hello to the gang and they fed us a fab lunch and we went home in almost white out conditions. It was a tad hairy at times.

Zack and Coco goes home today. We will have 2 less dogs. They will be missed by us and the entire gang!

We thank Yvonne, Lucille and the Chicadoro doggie clan for such fun. Come down and visit us sometime - will ya?

Tomorrow we start the hunt for special treats for training and socializing by taking Fiona, Abigail, Kat and Treasure in different combinations to various stores and doggie hangouts. We will let you know how that goes.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Daddy Pitches In Grooming

Well Zack and Coco are going with us to Yvonne's and to the vets tomorrow so they got their sprucing up today. They get picked up tomorrow night so I was doing a marathon wash up so daddy pitched in.

Let's see, I washed Zack, Coco, Abigail and Treasure. I brushed Shoshi, Kat and Daddy did Risa and Wasabi. Now I want to go to bed. I am not sure how groomers do it. I HATE grooming but I like the clean dog. Will Zack and Coco need sprucing up when we get back? YEP! But better than the 3.5 hours it took me today to do the duo.

When I get them ready to go home, I line comb them to make sure no knots exist but as we know a little play could change that depending on the dog and how old they are. Wasabi I could brush once a week and she would be more than fine.

Well tomorrow Katsuro gets to stay home with the kids as Yvonne's crew is in heat. I have to get everything ready and daddy has to drive. Who has it easier? ha

Oh and how did Treasure do in class yesterday? AMAZING - stay off lead - come off lead with distractions - leave the treats alone - just give her the instructors treats and she'll do anything. Got to buy some and keep them for only class. Even with missing a class she was on her game. She also has the fastest recovery when something concerns her - which is a good thing.

Going to be interesting to see her in the ring. If she prances like she does in class with a flash of paw - well - wow! I will say one thing - she hates a bath. hahahahaha

More tomorrow!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Havanese Treasure Trouble AGAIN!

Let's see - Treasure has climbed over a gate - yep climbed over not once but several times. She's opened kitchen cabinets to throw pasta around. She looks at things and troubleshoots. What she wants is what she wants. Her name is Treasure and we do treasure her but it should have been Trouble - hahahaha

Here she is playing with Fiona's sister Coco.

We are off to class tonight and after missing a week - we hope we don't have too much to catch up on. We shall see.

We were lucky enough to have Coach and Sassy over with their owner John and that was a delight. It's been way too long. Wish the outdoor pix came out but hey the memories are in our head and that Fiona - well she just LOVED John. Usually she's not overly friendly - friendly yes but not overly and she was with John. He must have passed her - he's a real dog person test.

Well, we are dead here from shoveling out snow paths in the yard but its worth it to watch the dogs running in them.

Beth bought Abigail a pair of long johns and that will be coming in the mail. We will be a stylin' and saving her blowing coat hair stage she is in.

More later.>>

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Desctructive Behavior With Havanese

I try to get that perfect shot of the dogs coming out the door in a flurry but someone always is off that takes away from it being 'perfect. So, today I decided to take it as they are going out the door to give you a feeling of what it is like around this place when we go outside.

They know fun is in store for them and can't wait to get out - cold, warm - what have you!

Did you know boredom can create destructive behavior?

Yes, there are other reasons at times but boredom is the #1 reason. No toy can take away from the time you spend with your dog. There is nothing like the fun you can create together nor the smiles a 10 minute stint of your time can create. The memories you will have will add up and be great.

If you had 10 minutes of quality time with training - 10 minutes of playing and just sometime to snuggle - wow what a great dog you would help develop. Be good to your Havanese. You will be glad you did.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Teaching Patience to a Havanese

WE now put on a t-shirt on Abigail to protect her hair from Treasure. Well, I found it on the kitchen floor and no one took it off. Now what is that about? I haven't figured it out yet but I want to.

I am looking for doggie long johns sold in Canada that I want to put on Abigail and Fiona. If you see them, let me know. I know they are available in the states.

Treasure is going through the stage of teeth coming in and getting WAY Too excited about treats. How do you deal with that? If you don't, she may bite you not on purpose but in pure desire to get that treat. If you have one of those, you must curb that. How do you do it? You teach patience.

Take a treat and show it to them then close it in your hand. Let them sniff your closed hand. When they stop sniffing, reward. After you do this for a bit - a week or so, try the floor - and ask them to wait. Don't let them eat off the floor but ask them to wait/sit - whatever you want and only reward when you do not have to correct them by giving them the treat from your hand. You are in control over the treats. Don't give then the idea that the floor is. Sounds crazy but its important.

If you have multiple dogs, that over enthusiasm may rear its ugly head. Use the closed hand till they calm down and reward. It works.

No one likes a dog that doesn't bite with a soft hand when you are treating them. But puppies may not be patient especially if they are competing. It's up to you to guide them. It's these little things that can make all the difference in the world.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Treasures Got a Secret

Let's shake things up around this place!

That's what Treasure seems to be saying to Terra. She certainly likes to do just that.

Let's see, she's eaten my Ann Rule book. She's opened the sliding door to steal my shoes. She opened a cabinet in the kitchen to grab a bag of pasta and throw it around and you swear she is having a ball doing it. We won't tell you what she does with the toilet paper faster than a blink of an eye. She runs like hell thinking you won't catch up to her.

Not all are this adventurous but with some rules and boundaries, this cutie won't turn into a nightmare or a spoiled brat.

Deep down we enjoy such 'street smarts' so to speak but we can't let HER know that.

Plus if she keeps going this way, she will be great in the ring as she certainly has an attitude that she adores being 'it'. We shall see.

Now she doesn't scare us a bit - now how could she nor does she upset us really. We just are guiding her and letting her know the rules without killing that special personality.

Then she takes a rest and that 'melt my heart' cutie is there. Be still my heart!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Havanese in Cold Weather

It's really cold here in the Toronto area so much so that the dogs *are* getting walks but only a quick one around our cul-de-sac.

Our little Treasure adores staying outside but even she is standing at the door to come in. There's cold and then there is cold. Yes, I could dress them up and I do for the walks but not to go out back quickly and come back in.

Things that we often don't think about is our dog's pads. They can crack and dry out due to the salt and the extreme cold. We make sure the hair is cut short between the pads and we moisturize them when they appear dry but before they crack with bag balm but if they are cracked already, bag balm works wonders. It also helps the snow from not sticking between the pads.

If your Havanese is lifting its foot, most likely in this weather its due to it being plain too cold. Check that he doesn't have anything stuck inbetween and bring him inside.

The crew has been outside with me about 6 times today for short time frames and its only noon. They love the outdoors but as you can see - even Treasure is running to get inside.

Protect your little ones and if it is too cold for you - well its probably is for your Havanese.

Stay warm!