Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quiet Times at Talemaker Havanese

It's getting quiet around here. We are down to 1 extra dog and come a week from Monday - we will be down to just our own. How will we ever get by. ROFL

Treasure went out and visited Jazzy today and we heard that this went rather well. Treasure is starting her socialization process. Perhaps we will take her out to a dog store tomorrow to get more exposure. It's really important to do slow exposures like this and not to coddle - just praise when they relax. They will soon get that relaxing is a positive thing. Seems Treasure has that part figured out thus far without but that doesn't mean you stop the socialization.
We didn't get much sleep last night so guess what went out the window? Most of Treasure's training such as heeling. The thing about training is it is important to do it daily but sometimes life gets in the way.

I am also back to doing Tony Horton's P90x yet again and the dogs are joining me and Treasure thinks this jumping around is an opportunity to jump with me, on me and bark. yikes. So, we are trying to get that curbed.

Will Sunday be a skip day or first week down. Tomorrow will tell. Maybe I will do doggie yoga with Treasure. If so, I will try to do it late enough so Nathan can take photos to show you how you can exercise and have fun with the dawgs!

More tomorrow!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Off to Class: Big Dogs and All

We went all the way out to Blackstock last night as we like a certain instructor and her obedience is all about the connection, the focus on you etc so it helps with the ring. Treasure walked in surrounded by all large and mind you rambunctious dogs as they were large in body – puppies so silly in mind. Tail was down for about 3 minutes. She looked around – Nathan walked her around and tail went up and she played recovery. The instructor demo’d with her and her tail went down for about 1 minute till she saw she had treats. She looked at Nathan – looked at the treats and tail up and – oh I can do this – follow the treats. She is treat, happy voice and toy motivated.

She even had dogs trying to get in her space – no issue.

She was extremely attentive, loose lead on heel and had only been on a lead twice before less than 5 minutes each as Nathan hadn’t got around to it. She picked up ‘by me’ fast – leave the treat etc – all fast – everything she had thrown at her – she learned by showing her one or 2 times.

Her recovery and fast pickup on all commands gave our instructor the idea that she was trained before class. She wasn’t. Our instructor also commented how she struts with confidence as if the room is hers. She was amazed. She does have a strut as if to say – look at me!

I was very surprised as we did not socialize her due to not having her shots other than visiting dogs and our own. She hadn’t gone anywhere she never been before. Kat, Fiona and Treasure are the only dogs that speak their minds with Risa.

After we picked her up from Beth’s we visited Yvonne and she had her tail down for quite sometime – weeks ago but still was a concern that she would need some work. She came here and the tail never went down so I said hmm maybe just new places so I was ready for lots of work.

It was a pleasant surprise. Wish I had taken a video to show her bounce in her step – her – what’s next daddy – can we do that again. Oh I can’t have the treat now – okay – I will wait – now can I have it. She did a heel loose lead right away – now to get her to do it without paying attention to daddy till the end.

Thanks for indulging me in sharing a fun evening with our latest addition. Here I thought she was my dog and she didn’t even pay any attention to me.

By the way, want to see Blackstock in the light – country stores – this old tiny chapel building we are practicing in – looked quite fun to visit. Now the only thing that could have made it more fun is having Yvonne join us but that’s some travelling for her. It is for us – but I think further for her.

If she continues like this - we have a star in the making. It also helps that Nathan gets better as he keeps at it. He indeed has his comfort level. The dogs can tell too!

PS: we have a puppy visiting overnight today and then off to Amsterdam. The dogs are going to have fun - another puppy in the house - photos to come. hehehehe

If you are doing the show thing - train, train and train in various environments - obedience, games, handling but make it fun. We decided stand/stay was in the cards vs. sit as yu usually do not teach a show dog sit but I think Treasure would 'get' it. Still - best not to.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Danger Lurks in Havanese Curiousity

We work in our home and that means we have computers and dogs and computers mean cords. When one has a puppy, you have to spray, get the cords out of the way and supervise.

If you have a dog like Treasure, well then that's a challenge but one worth doing. So, we got a rack that hitches to the underside of my desk and handles all the cords. When we had our last puppy, it was as easy as placing a crate in front of the mess but not with our Treasure. Where there is smoke, well she lives up to the name - there's fire.

So, go the extra mile to protect your treasured one. We treasure our Treasure and are doing so and you can too.

We are off to class tonight with Treasure. We didn't get much sleep. My camera was on the fritz and I thought it was user idiocy but no our repair place Henry's also had the same issue until guess what - they replaced the battery. Hmm but that means my battery is bad. No - they put mine back in and its still working so I may be able to get photos of tonight. We shall see.

Tomorrow we will report how she did considering she has had the lead on twice never been around big dogs other than our two and the one she was born with - well it may be an adventure but a must when it comes to helping your little one find their coping skills. You do it with slow, consistent exposure in a safe environment and what better way than a class with a fab instructor.

More tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Who's the Doormat: Havanese Style

I was lying down, minding my own business when Kat decided I was his doormat. The good news was that from his elevated position he was able to hold the other nine dogs at bay. All thought this was a wonderful game. Note that I am not lying on the floor but on an ottoman. Kat teleported himself from the floor onto my back without effort. The rest of the pack came running from every direction. Fun! Fun! My turn daddy. I drew the line when Terra thought she’d emulate her more compact friend.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Havanese Treasure's Training Begins

Darlah and I both feel that formal dog training is of utmost importance. I don’t care how many dogs you’ve previously owned, there is always something to learn and the socialization aspects to any class are not to be underestimated.

We attended class all over Toronto until we finally found the class and the instructor that we liked, that we felt taught our values. We’ve subsequently taken courses with her with many of our dogs. They teach positive reinforcement. They use clicker training or an upbeat YES to mark the dogs correct behaviour, followed by a reward.

Five of our dogs have taken lessons with her, some dogs such as Kat took more than one level of obedience training. He is a natural.

Later this week we will start classes with Treasure. As she is destined to be shown in the Conformation Ring there are some aspects of obedience training that affect what will be required from her in the show ring. For example, in the show ring the dog never sits. She will stand, walk, stack and patiently allow herself to be examined on the table. In obedience the sit command is one of the most important.

When we took obedience courses with Abigail and Fiona we actually had them learn stand instead of sit but I’m thinking with Treasure we’ll teach her sit and then teach her stand and just make sure she learns the stand command really well, as did Kat.

We also attend Handling classes with Kat, Abigail and Fiona as they are going to all be shown this year, as is Treasure. I’m thinking she’ll take both the obedience course and Handling classes and they will overlap. The socialization will be good for her.

A different type of leash is used in each class. In any case she is very treat motivated which will help teach her what we expect her to do. And Treasure is very independent. She needs the training regardless. Formal classes are always a good thing providing the class is well controlled and the atmosphere a positive one.


PS: Darlah here - This is the 2nd time Treasure had a lead on and Treasure was none too happy. We will do it tomorrow (class starts Thursday) and eventually they see it as a positive especially when they get treats and get taken places. Dear old Fiona had to be almost dragged around the block before she said - okay - I guess this isn't so bad. I gently tugged her 3/4 of the way around our cul-de-sac until she gave in. She was a mighty stubborn one. But Fiona likes to get her own way no matter what. She needs a firm idea of rules and boundaries always in a positive way. Treasure seems to have an even stronger personality so classes should be interesting. watch for our Thursday night update or maybe Friday as we are driving over an hour away to go to this one instructor we love in Blackstock. call us crazy but the instructor and how she runs a class matters, imho.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Attitude Havanese Style

The dogs here manage to have a grand amount of fun each and every day. We could ALL learn something from that. No matter what is going on, they always invest time to letting loose and playing their hearts out.

Your goal in life should be to make sure your Havanese has that spirit of fun in them and you in turn get inspired by it.

Life is way too short not to enjoy the 'fun' the smiles and just letting loose and enjoying your Havanese and each other.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Havanese in Action

This actually should be titled, it pays to get a DSLR - even an entry level one like my Canon Rebel XSI.

I think it was Rick Sammon, a professional photographer and instructor who said you have to take photos of something you are passionate about but he also said you have to get of your backyard to get interesting photos.

I guess he didn't ever have a couple of Havanese in his backyard or he would change his mind.

The action that you can capture will get you wondering how you ever survived with a point and shoot.

Oh, you can use a Canon Rebel XSI as a point and shoot but you would be missing all that creativity that goes into capturing your passion and the dogs are our passion.

Even my telephoto lens that I got when I bought the package can capture shots like this.

I am rather new at this capturing dog business with anything but a point and shoot.

I have to admit, the crew here makes it easy as they are always having moments you go wow - look at that.

That Abigail was chasing Shoshi by the tail and loving it - both of them, actually. What is quite special about this is when we acquired Shoshi way back when, she was a timid dog that hid under a chair when we did obedience training but not anymore.

The pack has been great for her and she even tells the others off when they should be told off where before she would tolerate it.

This was her today introducing play and then getting Abigail to chase her and then when she was done, our guest Mystery also chased her and so did our guest - who is going home today - Benny. They were having a rip roaring time outside today.

People wonder why we do this - and now you know - the smiles - the memories and its plain worth it for what they give to you.

Till tomorrow...

Buy yourself a Canon Rebel XSI - hehhehehe