Saturday, April 18, 2009

Having Fun With Your Havanese

We just got back home and we had a judge that said they enjoyed Nathan enjoying his dog in the ring and this says it all. If you can't truly have fun - what is the sense of it.

We got to see Sylvie (wish we had more time to talk) and then she disappeared or maybe we did - not sure which. We did have to go into town and Fiona got WAY dirty so now it's time for another bath and do this all again tomorrow.

Well of to make bubbles in the tub...and hoping we are home early enough to enjoy this beautiful weather.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Havanese: Do They Have Memories?

Ever wonder what your dog remembers? There used to be a school of thought that dogs lived in the moment and the only way they remember how to do things is from repetitive acts but many scientists have dispelled this thought. Many a Havanese owner have always thought that their pets not only remember people, places and things but are emotionally intelligent as well. I am one of these and I will tell you why.

I can teach a certain set of commands and not use it again for a year or two and suddenly, depending on the dog, they will do it again perfectly on command especially if we had fun with it.

I have a theory on this. I believe that a dog remembers things that put an imprint on them. This is why you hear stories of remembering owners years later.

When our puppies come back for boarding, we find they are highly attracted to the upstairs whelping room and seem confused on why the pen is not up next to my desk. (It's only up when we have puppies. Is it smell? Or did we somehow make an imprint on them that they want to remember? You tell me.

What makes us thoroughly happy is when a puppy goes to a new home and they get very excited to see us and then when their new owners come to retrieve them, they get so excited to see them too.

We are asked over and over - but will he still want to come home after playing with us and our crew? We equate life here as a holiday for the dogs. They have an amazing time but when all is said and done, just like us, there's no place like home.

But then that old memory - imprint thing happens and they come again and get excited for their next visit.

What's the point of all of this? Well - think about creating memories for you and yours. You will be glad you did!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wasabi is Miffed

Well that Daddy I hear went to see Yvonne and here I am waiting to go into this heat state that I need to be in to get preggie. Well, I am in it but still early.

I do love to go to Yvonne's too!

So, maybe I will throw everything into a fritz with these dawg shows my parents are going to and Daddy will have to learn how to groom. Oh boy - are we in for interesting times and all due to little old me.

We will let you know how that works out.

Now that I am all clean - thanks again, Mommy - I will try to help Mommy plant some plants that preggie Lola's mom gave us.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fun Havanese Style

Treasure really is a treasured soul and likes to eat her human daddy's ears. She does it in a way that makes that human laugh and laugh.

How does one try to watch TV when your little one is doing this?

Today was a wonderfully warm day for spring and the last of our visitors went home - Milo. Sassy and Coach went home the day before and Louis as well. We had a full house - a delightful ball of Havanese fun.

Before Milo went home, he rolled 5 ways to Sunday with Treasure to make sure he didn't appear clean after I bathed him. That's what life at Talemaker Havanese is like and hey - would you want it to be any other way? Not us.

Have fun - let your havs help with the gardening. You will either laugh or pull your hair out. Let me know which one.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mad Dash Play Havanese style

Something about that mad dash outside that makes it so wonderful of a game. Dogs really do like games and if you can be creative, they will appreciate it and you will have fun.

I usually like to catch this type of movement on camera. have you tried catching that moment in time with your Havanese? Give it a try today!!

Did you know your dog can learn to play hide and seek?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Havanese Relationships

Terra seems to be a mighty special dog. She spreads her play with all Havanese. Shoshi and Terra used to be the best of pals and these days its usually Treasure and Terra but on this day, at this moment - Shoshi was that connection and Terra enjoyed it.

She is a mighty special dog.

Ever have your dog bark at a noise or object and don't understand why? Usually it's their alert as they do not know what it is or what it is capable of. It's a fear reaction or 'I am not sure' reaction.

You can use slow conditioning to get them over it.

Treasure had a show recently - her first and got several points for showing well. She's got lots of pretty ribbons - which she would love to chew. Well, when she was getting her photo taken, the photographer made a strange noise to get her attention and she stiffened her body and barked at him. He laughed so hard that she relaxed.

The point is she was mighty comfie at the show but a strange noise in a new place can conjure up a hesitant reaction. That doesn't mean you should avoid such areas but rather expose them in slow doses.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wet Havanese: Bathing Time

Ever wonder how to wash your Havanese? Ever have one scratch? You may be using a low quality shampoo/conditioner that robs the skin of it's moisture and causes your Havanese to scratch. It may be something more or all it is.

When washing your Havanese, take the shampoo and conditioner into both hands and pull it gently through with your hands from the roots to the end instead of rubbing it into the skin. (rubbing increases mats)

Be sure to rinse it completely out with the only exception if your dog's hair is not in good condition, pull a light amount of conditioner through only the ends and rinse halfway out.

Use a leave in spray on conditioner when combing/brushing and drying. I brush completely, let them run around like a maniac as it actually does takes excess water off - then brush one more time when done to remove any tangles and dry 3/4 of the way with just using my fingers ad then with spray on conditioner and a brush I finish the rest of the way.

My next present is a table dryer (Oster) so I can be drying both sides at once. With my crew - a necessity but yours - one will most likely do.

Happy egg hunting for those that celebrate and enjoy that its almost spring like weather - I think - brr here still.