Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bad Hair Day & Camera

Okay, this day started with Mommy taking a photo of me with Daddy's junkie camera. Daddy has her camera.

Well, it's one of THOSE mornings. Mommy didn't get to my hair yet. Without Daddy around she does one here - one there till she finishes us all.

I like it better as I can leisurely read the newspaper and have my coffee - NOT! Okay, use Mommy's Blackberry to play a Doggie game? You don't buy that?

Okay, okay - Mommy had the pups running around and they thought they could feed from me so Mommy put me up on the chair. This way I can look down at them and I look MUCH bigger than them. heh

Our visitor Fred really knows how to chill out in style.

The human Mommy got the pups back in their x-pen and we all went out to watch her clean up and pull a few weeds.

It's hopeless but maybe after the pups are in their forever home she can finally pull those weeds.

Now she has to clean sheets and all that junk she didn't get to as Daddy may be coming home very late tonight vs. tomorrow.

Will he undo all that night time sleeping coming in during the witching hour? We hope not!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Specialty & Hanging Out in Rain

Well, both days Treasure made the cut but didn't get anywhere, heh But I heard she showed beautiful and considering it's the first time at a US specialty for her - they did well to do that. We are pleased that they went and had a good time.

We thank everyone who said they like our site. It means the world.

We try to have fun with it and give you a glimpse of what goes on for us.

We miss Nathan and the Treasured one immensely and hope to see them home Sunday.

I know the pups miss the Treasure too.

But we hear she may be in heat so that part won't be fun as Daddy will be sleeping with his Treasured one or I will till she is done 3 weeks later.

Yikes and Kat will be back to going CRAZY - sigh.

It's life in the Talemaker house - what can I say.

We had a big storm come through last night and another hit this morning. W had chairs in the pool - our pop up umbrellas. It was interesting and we also had dirt and leaves and lots of cleanup. See what Daddy missed doing - cleanup. hehehehe

With all this bad weather we have been playing retrieve in the house. Even the adult Havanese have been using the pads when it was raining really bad. It's times like these with a storm like that when you realize it is good to have them familiar with the pads and the outside.

Is it Friday already?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Visitors Leave, Visitors Remain

Well, Daddy is at the Nationals in Chicago. That means it's Mommy and the crew and our son Den that helps mom maneuver things and walks the dogs.

I am not sure how I would do it without him but I would - I gather. Just nice to have the extra hands to help. I get sleep that way.

Well, Lucy went home. She had a bath today - her 2nd one while here and it was a chore keeping her looking nice. She just is such a beautiful tomboy. I had to laugh after the umpteenth time of trying to fix that head hair. She sure plays up a storm.

The camera - Nathan's STINKS - well that's a statement - I know but it sure isn't my camera but our visitor Fred remains. He was a tad concerned with the crew but soon got into settling in as soon as he figured out the crew was fun to have around. He runs like the wind and plays retrieve amazingly beating out most everyone to get the toys.

He's not crazy about grooming but we are working on it with massages and treats while getting it done and extra snuggles too. Yes - he is allowing me to snuggle him big time - how nice.

It's been a busy day and this mom - human has a major headache and can't figure out why so may lay down with the crew and snuggle till it goes away. Pups are sleeping - so perfect time. Stay cool - folks!! We are lovin' the dawgs for sure!!

PS: Thank you for everyone at the nationals that said they like our site. We just have a huge passion for the dawgs..can you tell but we appreciate that others think so too. I am honestly not sure what we did without the Havanese in our lives. There's nothing like them!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nationals & New Food

Daddy is off to the Nationals. Treasure had a bath last time and was raring to go, Kat's in a miff that he isn't going. Human mom too would have liked to but she has the pups and is finding out how much Daddy does. ROFL

We are going to try to get in pool time with Yvonne's crew.

Pups are sleeping now so where are they?

Check out Havanese Life to see the pups adventures maneuvering down the stairs. You tell me who did it smoothest!

Oh well, we are missing Daddy - juggling work, cleanups and all that stuff. Had to get my play session in with the pups and adults - big and little and I did. I have my priorities.

Lucy goes home tomorrow at 10am so she will be getting a bath late tonight before bedtime.

Wish Nathan luck and 200+ dogs and a sea of dogs...just do your best and forget the rest!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Older Dawg Time

Just because there are puppies in the house doesn't mean that the rest of the crew does without.

They go on walks daily - play games - play with the puppies - get pool time if they desire and play that run like hell game with each other.

The crew - all gets groomed daily. We spread baths out so it's not a marathon but depending on who is going home and who needs it - its who gets the bath but all get ears checked, nails checked, brush and a comb out and a clean up around the eyes. I even manage to give them a mini massage. Those that can't relax - well they get a tad more than a mini. I want them to enjoy the grooming.

Then at bedtime we do silly games in the bed and then go to sleep. Sounds rather counter productive playing the silly games in bed but really - it tuckers them out - they have a rip roaring time and then they sleep.

Human Daddy is off to Chicago tomorrow. He won't be back till late Sunday.

Lucy goes home on Thursday - gad will we miss her playfulness. Fred - well he is fitting in really well once he figured out this crazy crew was totally friendly.

Well - off to get things ready for Nathan to go travelling and get some work done. Pups are snookered after our play session in the kitchen. Looks like rain is coming.

If the weather cooperates, Yvonen and crew are coming for a visit and that ought to be a blast.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Puppies and the Pack

The puppies are really getting scrumptious to watch and love.

They are at the stage where you go - oh my gad - you did THAT?

This was one of those moments I captured - where he was on two back legs trying to get the attention of the rest of the crew.

It's amazing what you can capture from a good camera. My camera is heading to Chicago come Wednesday though so you'll have to put up with what I can get from Nathan's. :-) It's not THAT bad.

The puppies get along with everyone here including the visitors. I rather enjoy that.

This week we have Lucy - who goes home on Thursday morning and Fred who is here till the 26th and then Max comes to visit us on the 3rd and Jay Jay on the 4th. It's a crazy dawg house and we love it.

The human mom will be without the human dad till late Sunday night so we are having a party - not. :-)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Daddy Time & Socialization

Mommy always takes the photos - Mommy always updates the sites with an occasional collection of words from Daddy. It works. He looks good with the dawgs, mommy takes decent photos. hehehe

Well, today the heat is here. The dawgs even want to stay inside.

It can be a challenge keeping the puppies corralled as they tend to follow the larger dawgs and they don't always go where you want them to. When daddy is gone, human mommy will have an x-pen outside and she will take a couple out at the same time or throw everyone including herself in the pen allowing me to take photos.

Kat went to visit a pet store (Global) today. Even though your dog has had lots of socialization, you want to still get them out there seeing new places - old places and interacting with others.

It's soooooooooo important that they see something new at least once a month and if you continue with that intent, you will be amazed how comfie they are with most anything.

Too see more puppy news, visit us at Havanese Life.