Saturday, May 10, 2008

Busy Warm Havanese Day

We started the day going to Home Depot to buy some salt for our pool.

Check out Zack (mostly white dog in the photo - and Coach - his sibling next to him).

Zack came along for the ride and got to socialize with lots of people today. He wasn't quite sure where he was going but he is comfie in the car.

Then our good friends Yvonne and Alex came down with Downsey and Lola and Kat really liked that. The Lola was his gal today and he was smitten.

We then had more friends over to check out the dogs and then yet some more that came over with Coachie and the Sass.

See how much the Sass has changed in this photo.

The crew is dead tired and hanging out and so are we and it's only 6pm. hahahaha

The pool is open. We have an amazing gazebo to sit under and the sun is out.

Tomorrow is Mother's day - and I am hoping all mom's around the world have a Havanese special day...

Kids are coming home tomorrow to help clean up the garden and Yvonne is coming down and Ren's may be in the cards with the Zack for more dog socializing time and well maybe some relax time and then that Monday starts again.

The dogs are really enjoying the warm weather. I wonder if I will get lots of doggie kisses for mom's day. I am hoping!

More tomorrow!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Training You or Your Havanese?

We had someone ask on another list I participate on why their 15 week old pup insists on having accidents. Well, it's not that they insist. They need to be taught and we need to be on top of them till they 'get' it.

Recently, Little Miss Fiona decided it was raining and its early mom and the deck will do. Well, for me the deck won't do. Now her bladder may have been bursting at the seams as it was first thing in the morning and I am expecting her to go to the opposite side of the yard or she was just ceasing the opportunity not to have to hold it any longer.

So, next morning, I didn't give her the opportunity to go on the deck. I carried her out back, said 'get busy' and then acted like a fool with excitement when she did praising and petting her. Now, I know its a 'no no' in some people's books to carry the dog to the spot but you must start somewhere and once you start being consistent, it will be an old habit and they will go out to the right spot themselves. I know as I have done it. But consistency is a must.

You can't sit and watch that TV show or play on the computer and the dog is circling or scratching at the door or staring at it - yes some just stare (buy a bell if you have one of those). You must consistently take them out, act crazy in excitement for such a grand deed and forget what the neighbours think. Don't chastise them if they gave you the sign and you chose to ignore it when they are young. They may be bursting and well - have to go.

Nathan at 7 weeks took our Shoshi out on an average of every 2 to 3 hours (24 hours a day) - what a guy and no he is not for rent and she never had an accident and slept in our bed since day one. But as the story goes - who is trained - you or them or both.

They do get there - honest but won't without you. I haven't met a dog that has trained themselves to our liking by themselves or know automatically the rules of the house. But Havanese are smart and as you can see - Miss Fiona is out back, on the grass where I want her to go - 'getting busy'

More tomorrow...

Classroom Havanese Antics

Well here I am - the Fiona going to obedience class last night and my hair right now is all over the place so the human mommy put baby barrettes in my hair. Now she doesn't leave these in the hair when I hang out with the other dogs - only when I am going places as another dog could say - yum what is that and swallow them. So, I get this look if I am off to somewhere alone or I am being watched. I get to be stylin' sometimes. Otherwise it's a small soft band to hold it out of the hair, some invisible gel or whatever strikes that crazy human.

I didn't get to go to class with Coach and Zack last night but I did see Coach at class with his humans John and Cheryl (spelling?) and Zack's new owner Ramona. She's going to be taking Zack through his moves next week in class.

Well, last night was fun. I believe in a little attitude or otherwise I wouldn't be the Fiona. Daddy took me through the moves while mommy distracted me over and over again with talking - hrmmm mommy - you are soooo bad. I know you were doing it cause - well we won't go there but you gave that excuse that it was good slow conditioning getting used to distractions. But I heard that human Mommy say - oh, oh that I may be a disaster in the ring.

I do not know what she is talking about. I am P-E-R-F-E-C-T but it was something about kicking my feet in the same way when I get busy and do my business as I thought daddy was too slow giving me treats. They should have corrected me but something about that made them laugh so hard. Oh, oh - I have THEIR number. Even the instructor couldn't believe such attitude. Well - I am the Fiona and my Grannie is Risa. Plus what's this business of walking on my back legs - well those HUMANS do it. What!@# it won't work in the show ring. Oh, my - such stuffiness with these humans - fun - you got to let it go and just go with the flow. HAHAHA The judge will understand - won't they? Yeah - we are all laughing!

You can click on the photos to see a larger view.

Coach did really amazing in class last night. He was truly listening to his human daddy. Usually he stays so focused on Fiona or Zack that he can't see the point of doing it all but that competitive drive came in last night and he was such a pleaser. It was great to see how wonderful he was doing.

Next week, with Ramona with Zack, we should get Cheryl (spelling?) in with Coach so he knows both are in charge and that human Nathan in with Fiona as he has to go in the show ring with him so mommy gets to take photos and crack jokes - ooops she won't do that again.

Well, Zack is recovering. Read all about it below. The day is just beginning - well for the rest of you and everyone is sleeping but me at 6:46 - even the dawgs!

More later.>>

Havanese Neutering After Snip/Snip

It's the morning after and Zack, who usually stays in bed despite my 4am wake up to do exercising got up today.

He's a funny guy. You can see he is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be somewhere where is is presumed alone. I guess everyone sleeping is not enough when usually it is.

What that means is I go to the kitchen, he does. I guess all medication has now worn off and although not in pain, it is obvious he is uncomfortable and thus his desire to get up and be around someone even if it's to lay on the cool floor beside me. I bet you the cool floor feels good right about now.

Zack is not a needy dog. He is independent most times. He loves to play with kids, the other dogs, you etc and does like to snuggle and kiss if you watch TV - and loves rubs but all and all, he is happy to lay out on a deck in the backyard by himself if none of the other dogs want to go. So, this get up early and lay close means he needs something extra right now. He's sleeping now so maybe me just typing away and the cool floor is what is needed - at this moment before the others wake up and want to play.

Zack's new owner came over and voila who greets her at the door last night - Zack. So much for groggy - not doing well. I guess the pain meds were still working and it did help him sleep the night. I suspect my days in, it will be a thing of the past other than stitches.

He's eating very well as if his throat was cut off from no food for half of a day. Perhaps he will inspire his new pack mate Coco to eat better too.

Zack will be going to live with Fiona's sister. How cool is that? Over time they will become just as tight as ever as pack mates do and their personalities compliment each other. I do hope the new owners take photos or have a video camera as they are in for priceless moments. More later>>

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Handling, Obedience and Hav Snip - Snip

Chico now has a new home (goes in a bit over a week) with another Havanese who happens to be our Fiona's sister. Coco - his new pack mate sibling stayed here for a bit till she went to Yvonne's. It was so much fun.

This morning is going to be tough as Chico - now known as Zack is going in to be neutered before he goes to his new home. We are using his new name and seems to get it but not totally yet. We have another week to reinforce it.

Zack's new human mom will be coming to his obedience class tonight and he will stay home to play recovery with our sons. Then he gets to go to another class with us a week Thursday. We get to see Coach too tonight - yeah!

Here's how last night went.

Abs Says: Just another handling class with daddy and mommy came and took photos. This one isn't as helpful as the night before where you get more tips and people focus on what you are doing vs. talking but it is practice and we need to do that at this point a couple of times a day.

Miss Abs still gets bored and I can see why here - takes too long to get to you but all of it is good conditioning.

Miss Abs needs a serious shampoo but we are waiting. Between rain and new products coming to try - timing hasn't been right. Miss Abs is still a test case in progress. This way by Orangeville, she will be stylin! A gal has to look good - you know!

Here Miss Abs was doing her usual - waiting her turn (takes too long here and she gets way bored) but patience or learning it is a good thing.

We had a Boston Terrier (well 2 in class) but although Miss Abs kept trying to be nice to one of them, it really was too nervous and kept lashing out at her. I truly believe Abs is the most balanced puppy dog I know as she reacts properly - backs off a bit but doesn't retreat and tries again given time and finally after the 4th time (all of this spaced out) she gave up. The dog needs more meet and greet practice. Miss Abs gave him a start and didn't seem to mind helping her out. She seems to be a calming influence in other dogs and we see it when dogs come to our home. The dog was better - just not there yet. I imagine next week she may be. That's quite nice, imho.

Well, since Miss Abs decided to eat daddy's pants while she walked, we will be practicing heeling this week and more stacking. Got to get her excited about holding that tail up always and stacking with no fuss, no muss. No treats unless she is perfect now - you hear daddy?

Well, more later and we will fill you in on Zack after we pick him up.

See you tonight, John, Coach and Ramona!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Handling Havanese & Much More

Our plan last night was to slow condition Fiona to the show handling class environment but we thought - is this too early? Abigail has a show to get ready for. How will Nathan negotiate both? Will Fiona react like she did on her walk - hesitant and unhappy?

Well, she was a tad hesitant with a whippet snapping air at her saying - not so close and all the whippet wanted was to play. So did Fiona but she was unsure how to handle such an unusual thing. But it all went well. She did say hello to a few more dogs not backing away.

She walked tail high the entire time. Pay attention - Miss Abs - you can do it too. She was a nightmare on the table but the instructor showed Nathan he was fussing too much and she was also walking crooked but that too was Nathan paying attention to her.

The instructor took Fiona, placed her front paws solidly on the table at an angle then put her back legs in place all in one full swoop and she stayed. It seems less fussing and more deliberate expectations helps them to rise to the occasion.

Then he asked Nathan to just walk and yes be aware where she is when you are turning but otherwise, just walk and she walked straight then. I found this interesting from a training perspective as the more you simply just expect and act as if they will rise to the occasion, the better they do. Fiona was great and even cried to get back out there with Nathan when it was Abigail's turn. I have never heard her cry for anything. She's starting to make that transition to daddy does 'this' with me and this is fun and rewarding. It's the same road Miss Abs went down.

Abigail needs a bit more work at being animated at the judge and seemed to be more distracted as Fiona was there but maybe the distractions are good for her so she learns to ignore. Her tail was half mast half the time and up all the way the other. The table doesn't seem to bother her but she also needs that deliberate, front paws in position, then back in place in one full swoop action. The instructor seemed really good at it. Miss Abigail has a tremendous bounce but still has not managed to find the excitement yet. She would rather play with the dogs than prance around the ring where Fiona seemed to like it. I think the difference there is Fiona is so highly treat motivated that its easy to find her button to push where Abs - although food motivated - needs to have more excitement in your voice to get her up for it otherwise she is bored silly by the stuff. Still, it seemed both do well with all the noise, mommy sitting there and all the dogs especially the 2 snorting ones that were not into the walk just yet and wanted to jump instead. That's a lot to get used to.

Now, it is EASY for me to sit on the sidelines and watch instead of doing and say - you have to do this than actually doing it but Nathan is falling into the groove of getting saturated with all this info and then practicing. The better he gets, the better Miss Abs gets and that is what it is all about.

Miss Abigail gets to go to handling tonight without Fiona as she will be in 2 shows this month. That means we need to focus on her but it was great to get Fiona into this to see her reaction and we will do it again next week. I just wish there were more handling classes in this area.

Well, the pool is going to get opened this week. It's going to be fun to educate the little ones about it.

Chico is slated to get the 'snip-snip' tomorrow so no classes for him this week. Sebastian has already been fixed and puppy cut and I wonder how Remy is doing these days. I miss the puppies but this show focus is fun too.

More later...from the gal with hardly any sleep but did do 4am exercise again.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Handling Class with the 2 Havanese

Fiona went to handling class with Abigail and the human daddy. Stay tuned tomorrow to hear how she did her very first time. Plus see how Abs was about sharing all this one on one time.
Early morning antics at Talemakers. Whitney, our old lady retriever had a bath and now its Terra's turn when I have the energy.

We have a busy day. The car died so human daddy has to go pick that up today. We have handling classes with Fiona and Abigail. Human daddy has a business meeting. We have to empty a pool house as the pool people are coming this week. We have training to do with Chico, Abs and Fiona and the rest of the crew.

I also have a late night with 'Dancing With the Stars' results and 'Idol' and yep I made that 4am wake up to do a killer plyo. Sleep was not good so maybe a nap today if work is not too much.

Remind me not to take a siesta from exercise. It's awful finding the energy to get back into it but I must. I look at that reflection in teh window while exercising and validate all that sweat and exhaustion that comes. I need to figure out how to get the dogs to exercise at the same time. Ideas - anyone?

Fiona, Abs and Katsuro got up with me. They loved the fan blowing on them while I exercised. I practiced commands with them as you can if you do not have the chunk of time to train them. It's best that way as you incorporate training into real life and end up reinforcing. Remember NO FREE TREATS - make them work for it even with a sit or a down or a by me - anything but don't give it away for free. You will end up being happier with the results and they will enjoy it as well.

More later as the day goes on.>>

Monday, May 5, 2008

We are Back at it Havanese Style

It's early morning and that human mommy thinks I should get up and exercise with her. Okay, we thought we should but 4am - please... Only I (Fiona) and Katsuro got up and as you can see, I crawled into my crate and went fast to sleep. Katsuro climbed on the couch to snooze and open his eyes halfway every now and then just to be sure the human was really doing this crazy stuff again.

The human has vowed that this is the beginning of getting back to it. This is day 2 of really bringing it. Will the canines survive? Will the human survive?

A potential new human mommy and packmate is coming over to hang out with Chico today and learn some commands that he learned at obedience. Chico is really getting back to being attached here so it is time.

More later as the day goes on.>>

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Socialization Havanese Style

Well, we have had a busy day. I have been sick so ignore the disheveled look but we decided it was time to get the pups out today seeing we didn't have rain. We went all the way to Petsmart, Solutions and Canadian Tire and socialized bigtime. This also means that we walked along a very busy street and NO reaction for a couple of hours. We had more of a reaction in a parking lot when the cars were too close for even my comfort.

Miss Fiona needs more work but so does Miss Abs. This was Fiona's first big outing out other than to obedience class and walks in the neighbourhood. She now has her rabies shot so socializing will be on our plate bigtime.

It's funny what they react to that you do not realized they haven't been exposed to.

This appeared new to Abs: cars very close by, doors opening and shutting at stores that make noise, a dump truck, a flying bag.

This is what was new to Fiona - all of the above and other dogs in the stores, strange people giving her treats, petting her, busy street sounds, cash register. Fiona did well considering it was her first exposure but needs much more work. She is still reacting to other dogs, people walking by and lets Abs do the initiation before she trusts. We think she is still in her fear stage but these are all positive exposures. It's funny that she is fearless in an environment she knows but the unknown still needs work. It proves that socialization is important.

On Tuesday both Fiona and Abigail will be going to handling class. Nathan will be doing the handling with each but with my help, we can expose both.

Then we came back and walked Chico (this morning I trained him out front - was way distracted so training will continue out front), and Wasabi, Risa, Katsuro, Shoshi, Terra and Whitney. Nathan did an extra longer walk than I with Shoshi and Terra while I meandered around the block with Whitney envisioning I may have to carry her. She barely makes it and now crashes hard asleep but still wants to go. I guess that comes with old age.

I am going to wash her up after I eat lunch if she wakes up in time. :-) I also have to wash a couple of other dogs as we had wet days and muddy times. Nathan said they don't need it but the 2 retrievers do and so does Katsuro - bigtime.

Be sure to check out our slideshow of the puppies antics below.

New Havanese Slideshow

The pups are messy as ever from their early morning jaunts outside and my lack of combing them so just ignore and realize the dawgs need fun too - not all that brushing all the time.

Check out what they have been up to today in this slideshow.

We are going to take walks today, socializing the Abs, the Fiona at Petsmart/Home Depot etc as long as the rain stays away. then I will be back at it taking Risa, Kat and the rest of the crew. It's time I get back into shape consistently.

We will also be doing training today - actually going to start with Chico in a few minutes.

More later as the day develops.