Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dark Secrets of the Havanese People

Okay, how many of you have Havanese that try to follow you into the bathroom? How many of you let them in?

How does that work when you have multiple Havanese and why would they want to come in there with you?

The Havanese are known as being Velcro dogs but every now and then, you get one that isn't - an independent soul.

Our Wasabi and Risa look at you going into the bathroom and could care less unless you have a smelly pocket that used to have treats in it then Risa would come in.

Well, as you can see from Miss Abigail, in this photo, the crew has made a secret pathway behind the pool house. We didn't dig the area out but I suspect that Terra (a golden) plowed through it and the rest patted down the snow. The pack has learned to utilize Terra's talents. No place is sacred - not even under the deck. But if they head under the deck without you - doesn't it make them independent? Not necessarily but it does make them adventurous souls and that's okay.

Some of us like Velcro dogs and invite them into the bathroom - and some of us say - are you kidding - is nothing sacred. Well that's okay too and rules, boundaries is something a dog thrives on but we all have our own thing as long as it doesn't interfere with their well being or escalate - a few quirky guidelines from us humans it can't be a bad thing or can it?

We all know that a small dog jumping up pawing at you can be seen as cute but not when they get into the habit. But habits can be broken and we control that. It's easier when it's a large breed dog as when they do it when they are little it too can be funny but when they grow in size, it can be downright dangerous but not true of a small dog. Still, manners are a good thing. So, stop the jumping up on you or it may escalate into pawing and scratching at you and then when it is summer and you have bare legs - well let's say, it won't be fun then.

Think long term when deciding what you want your dog to do. They can be taught an amazing amount of things if you invest the time.

But who has the time? Let's talk about how one gets into training and keeps at it instead of playing procrastinator. You dog thrives with learning new things and training can be part of the walk, play - 5 minutes here and there and put that into your daily routine and then look at it after a month and see how much you have progressed - 5 - 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference. Give it a try. You will be glad you did.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Photoshop or Real: Capturing Havanese

Someone suggested that my photos are Photoshop tweaked photos but they aren't. Oh, I may crop them at times but I still have learning Photoshop on my 'to do' list. If someone can tell me how to quickly change yellow snow into white - I would absolutely tweak my photos. hahahahahaha

I know get 'mother nature' to just snow again or take the dogs on walks and not allow them to use the yard - right - not going to happen - the yard. The walks do but not enough that they never go in the yard.

I guess I should be honoured as the comment poster either meant it's hard to get Havanese doing 'x' or I am managing to take photos that actually look good. ha

Far cry from when I started. I keep trying and this Canon Rebel XSI surely allows you to play and learn and hopefully one day they will be so good. I will be happy with them. I am happy with the Treasure/Terra photos I took as they simply make good copy. A backdrop of snow. Terra's very photogenic face where she makes a different face each time to Treasure being endearing. You can check then out further down on this page.

Well, I have many a mischievous Havanese but Treasure takes the cake. I never thought anyone would be more adventurous and cunning - yes cunning than Treasure. Yesterday my fave shoe was found upstairs. I had no clue how it got there. I had it in my closet and I am one to admit that the closet in question is an organizing queen/king's nightmare as I kick the shoes in and slide the door closed. Yes, it has sliding doors on it. Sometimes scarves fall down. I have more shoes that make it hard to find matches but I tend to not be able to keep closets clean and that one has never made it clean per se. My clothes closet gets a cleanup when I can't find anything. Hey - I groom a crew of dogs and the dogs are my life and I work online so what do you want? ROFL

I do have my priorities!

Well, Treasure was caught today pushing her head in to open the door even though it was closed totally. I watched from the bathroom in awe at the ease she did this with and wondered how she troubleshooted this feat. Then she grabbed a shoe and went running upstairs to our son's room. She is a gal like me - one who is a pack rat but no it's with my fave shoes and somehow she has got it through her head that our son's room - messy as that is too - is a safe zone.

Now you have had to seen this face - so proud of herself. When I went into our son Jonathan's room who is in university, she has rubber gloves for cleaning, ribbons, toys - what have you all hidden in various spots in his room. He now yells down - Treasure has a rubber glove up here again. He adores Treasure and often steals her away to sleep with her.

Now, even though the son's room is not crystal clean and our bedroom has stacks of books as Nathan loves to read and so do I and my closet needs a rehauling, the rest of the house does get clean and we even had someone visited that said they expected something else - I guess as they had a preconceived notion of what a house with many dogs is like. When we have puppies, I go into overdrive in sterilizing and cleaning. It's a sickness but don't ask me to throw out those pants that will never fit or those shoes that may never come back in style or the magazines I can't live without.

I admit it - I am quirky and it seems as if I have a Treasured Havanese that is too. I love it!!

Tonight Zack and Coco come to visit. We can't wait!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Havanese: Finding the Play

Each dog has its role in a pack and that includes your house. Add another and the pack and the job can change.

Abigail is a calming dog. Oh, she loves to play - get into all sort of trouble but if she sees another not fitting in, it is her persistence to get them to feel wanted, needed and a part of the whole. To me, that's a job but one she just does without training.

If you think of your own Havanese, what is their job? It's important they all have one. It lends them a feeling that this is their reason for being.

It could be a negative - the dog that barks at noises as a warning may feel that their job is to make sure you know something is coming or is close.

Our bedroom is in the back of our house and we had guests from the country staying with us in the bedroom closest to the street. Their dog growled with every car that came down the street. Our poor guest never got any sleep but if they had stayed for several days, corrected - it would have ceased.

In a pack, some dogs are the persuaders. What does that mean? If you are limiting treats - as you should and use the for training only, and one Havanese is perceived as getting the treats, the pack will use that dog to get you to treat them. It starts with the dog looking at you adoringly and sticking out its tongue in and out. It's called the 'feed me' signal. Has your Havanese done it lately? Get him to work for it. You will be glad you did. No free treats here. :-)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Havanese Rolling in the Snow

I have a challenge to you. Next time it snows wonderfully, get out there with your dog(s) and do snow angels and do the roll like they do. Tell me how they react to you doing this.

I bet you wonder why they do it but you may grasp the reason when you do it yourself. I know - it sounds C-R-A-Z-Y but kids do it all the time and we tend to lose that fun when we get older. If allowed, our kids and dogs will get us to find that fun again.

Don't tell me its too crazy to do or your body doesn't work that way or that neighbour will think you have lost it. Tell them you had a dog (kid) challenge then come back and tell me how it felt.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Havanese Dog Days

We had something come up unexpected so this update today will be short.

When we say we really have gone to the dogs - we do. Would you wake up if a Havanese did this to you?

This is a guest (Mystery) who is going home today and I have to say she is one of the funniest dogs we ever did have here.

We will miss her!

We went to handling with Fiona and Abigail last night to get them to ignore each other in the ring. They did wonderful in that regard but we still have to practice, practice, practice but last night Fiona started self stacking - interesting! More later...

Thursday class for Treasure...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Handling Class for the Havanese Duo

Tonight is handling class for this duo so let the fun begin.

The key is to have them in the same ring if ever faced with such and ignore each other. We will let you know how THAT goes.

The bet is on with who can 'get' it first. Slow conditioning and making you more exciting than another Havanese - hahahahaha We shall see.

Today - well we are going to enjoy not having to shovel - warm fires and cuddling oh and training of course.

More later...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bathing Havanese and Playing Wrestle Style

Fiona and Treasure seem to really play rough and tough non-stop.

One wonders how their show coats are ever going to survive with a puppy in the house.

It was bath time for Fiona and Abigail today. How can you tell they need a bath? When they get mats on contact - the hair is too dirty and today was a mess due to the snow. You also have to keep a show coat clean more than a pet coat.

But I sprayed them with Vellus Tangle Out and did a clarifier on them and all was good.

I should just put their coats on and I will today - at least sweaters that will offer some protection. But Abigail loves to snow dive and ends up with snow ball city all over her legs but that's better than all over everywhere. I hate when the snow is wet but powder snow - well it doesn't stick and I like that!

Abigail and Fiona are still both in that stage of wrestlemania fun. As you can see here - they are after Daddy for their treat after their bath. I believe in giving them a small treat after a bath - after grooming - during training and reducing the food when the treats add up. This gives then something to look forward to - a reward.

Looking at this duo - you can almost not tell them apart.

Well, with all this shoveling - we never made it out to Petsmart again with dogs. We do some socializing so they get used to all sorts of dogs. You should try that too. Slow conditioning really works.

Treasure has gone into her fear period so it's even more important to socialize. Tomorrow - we must! Then off to handling for Abigail and Fiona. Busy day tomorrow.