Abigail is doing shows - not getting her points but was told by the judge that she had excellent structure, beautiful hair and she is positive we will finish her fast. ha!
More to these shows than you ever want to know but we are in for the long haul.
What have I learned? Professional Handlers have the edge with many judges. It is their day job after all.
I have also learned - not just in our breed, that a dog can win that is not within the standard and that boggles me. A huge winner in another known breed just got thrown out of the World event, disqualified due to a teeth issue but yet it has huge wins elsewhere in the United States and in Canada. It was the talk of our handling class. Go figure.
I could go on but just know this is not for the weak at heart.
What positive things have I learned? I have perfected my skills at grooming. I have learned how to allow a puppy to play and find balance for the dogs. I have placed the love of my dog over my desire to win. I allow her to play and live and enjoy and what will be will be. Doesn't make it right or wrong with those that keep their dogs separate - just this is what is right for 'us.' And yes, we realize this will take longer than it would if we completelyt seperated Abigail from her best friend in life, Fiona, so that they weren't jumping on each other and playing all day long which can affect her hair. Oh well, so it will take us longer.
We did have a Professional Handler tell us they could finish her in a week or two but it would be their win and hers not ours so we will plug along and you may get bored with this insight that I am bringing to light to those that may never show or are thinking of showing.
If Abs wasn't enjoying it (she does wait at the door to go and knows when we are) well - then we would say - this is WAY crazy. Our dogs matter more than any goals we may have.
Till who knows when - we will continue to fill you in and now I am afraid I must wash Abs yet again. Two more baths over the next two days and then a real break.
PS: Heard the pups at Yvonne's house are doing ever so well. Can't wait till we can see them.
More tomorrow>>