Saturday, February 14, 2009

Confidence in Havanese

Are confident dogs just that or do you have to cultivate it? It's the latter. Although some have more confidence as a base - even the most balanced dog from the onset in the litter can be spooked by strange noises, people, things, events etc. Don't assume that always confident dog will remain that way unless you expose them.

How do you get your dog to be all it can be? Training!

By investing the time in training, you build your dog's self esteem by giving him a challenge that he can achieve over and over again and we all know if we can do things right eventually - well it feels good. It also works his mind and creates a bond like none other. But be sure you only practice POSITIVE training.

Bonus is a training class will give you slow conditioning to exposure of other types of dogs.

I am a firm believer to find an instructor that can control their class with presence and always knows how to handle a situation. For us, we want our dogs exposed to larger dogs as that is what we have in life. I do not want them to be skittish around them so a mixed class is great for this. We go all the way out to Blackstock as we really love the instructor at Daytripper. For us - who teaches and the way they teach matters.

At the top you will see Treasure in her obedience class strutting with the ease of confidence. She also has that stance when out in the backyard as you can see in this photo here.

She tends to have a good base but a garage door opening made her jump to say what was that on a walk. It was sudden and she didn't know what it was but I bet you next time it will be oh - its that.

We are afraid of what we do not know and that's true with the dogs. Slow conditioning is the answer to any fears that have set in and any fears that appear suddenly. They do have fear periods but we mustn't coddle but help them to understand and not validate their fears but instead show them by our body language and with a good base of training that they can play recovery and not hold on to their initial reaction. When they do play recovery and realize it's nothing to fear, they have started the process of being all they can be - with your help - of course.

So, puppies - adults - all can benefit. Do your dog and yourself a favour - have fun and enjoy a class or two. It's the best money you will ever spend if you invest the time in between.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Talemaker crew. May you spend it with loved ones and Treasure the ones that are there for you - always - your 4 legged crew.

Well - we are off to the vets for Treasure and Risa. Enjoy the moment and think of fun ways to get your dog to be all they can be. It's the most rewarding thing you will ever do.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Show Conditioning: Havanese

All wet and no place to go? Well Fiona has a show next weekend for 4 days, Abigail too and Treasures going to hang out to get show conditioned. It's always a good thing to expose them to different environments.

I don't know about you but its been mighty mucky out there and it's called - clean, clean and then clean again.

Well we are off to the vet tomorrow to get a calcified growth dug out of Risa and to get a Rabies shot and kennel cough for Treasure so she can start showing. We want her protected from the possibilities.

So off I go - brusha, brusha brush and then wash Risa and play with the dogs. It's a long weekend and I am sooooo excited to have a day off. How about you?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blowing Coat: Havanese

Havanese usually blow their coat once. Some are gradual - some are all at once like our Abigail. What is blowing a coat and how can you tell?

If the coat is coming out in any degree more than the usual and you are seeing those small knots halfway up the shaft or closer - well there is a good chance it is happening.

Abigail with each brushing, her coat kept coming till she is now down to a single coat and now the undercoat is starting to come in. That's what creates those lovely knots.

Just use a hair conditioner and gently pull the knot apart, brush and comb. Take one knot at a time and don't pay attention to the whole. This only happens once in their life and you can get around it if your dog doesn't show by cutting them in a puppy cut and letting them grow out later or you may decide you really like that puppy cut.

Shoshi is in a puppy cut and needs a brush once a week - Risa too. The rest of ours are in full coats. Now brushing once a week can be done while you are watching TV and can be made to be enjoyable for both of you.

We have pups in their new homes that are cut shorter than the traditional puppy cut and really do not need to be brushed all that often. It's all what you want/need and what YOU like.

But if you are keeping them long and dealing with the blowing coat stage - this too will pass.

Be sure to buy the book From Nose to Tail that is filled with EXCELLENT info on how to take care of a Havanese. It's really worth the read.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Too Wet Outside For THIS Havanese

Can a gal ever have too many toys? I don't think so!

What you didn't see is Treasure taking a nose dive into this toy box and coming out from under and Fiona barking at her as if a monster was coming up for air. Where's the camera when those things happen and you know what I mean. I swear - the shots that should have been caught.

Well this Saturday, we have Risa going into the vets to get a growth frozen and dug out. It's nothing to worry about. She's getting a tad older in age and this was one of those things like a pimple that grows and breaks off but doesn't entirely but gets caught in the brush.

Treasure has her last class this week and maybe her first handling class a week Monday. We shall see. Oh and don't be lazy like me. Brush the little ones after they come in from the rain so they don't get knots. hehe. I am about to do that with Fiona.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ice and Havanese

With this in between weather we often forget that we can slip on ice but so can your little ones.

Be careful when it is extra slippery or you may be dealing with a bruised body yourself and a high vet bill from a dog that slips the wrong way. That's not to say you shouldn't allow your dogs to play outside but be careful when it is EXTRA slippery.

This is Treasure standing on our pool cover - yep all iced over but melting.

Watch Westminster tonight and/or check out the winners. It will surely be a grand Havanese celebration! Then come see us at Markham and say hello. We adore talking to our visitors that read our ramblings.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Socializing the Talemaker Havanese

Our son Joseph was in from the navy and came by for a quick hello. It's his anniversary so he came into town to see his wife. We get that but it was great that he got to come by - say hello to the dogs and socialize them.

He's not here all that often so it's as if a stranger is coming to the dogs. The dogs warm up to him fast.

Joseph is a HUGE dog fan and his wife is getting there. She wants small like our Havanese - he wants large. Where did we go wrong?

But still he was rather smitten with the Treasure as you can see. He was also teaching her shakedown and she was placating him.

It's important to get your dogs to see all sorts of people. When taking them out, carry extra treats and have others feed your little one. Look for opportunities to expose your dogs to all sorts of sounds. people and other dogs/cats etc.

It's like dieting/exercise. You have to wrap your head around it and do it or nothing changes.

Well - off to handling tonight with Yvonne and crew. Should be fun!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Woodstock Show

Okay - this isn't a DOG photo. Can you believe I forgot the camera at home? This is what Nathan looks like after a long day in the car with just me. He looks much happier WITH dogs. ROFL

Just teasing but he does rather like the dogs lovin' him up and who doesn't?

The dog show was congested - lots of dogs - Paula won group 2 for the 2nd day in a row - bravo with Joker. The Peke won group one. I can't wrap my head around Pekes as they look like dust mops to me but it did have gorgeous hair. I guess it would stay that way as its not entirely overly mobile.

There were missing in action Havanese and a new one from Cuba. Wish I could go back today but it's called socialize my dogs day and training. What are you doing?

Are you watching Westminister on TV Monday and Tuesday. The Havanese will be on Tuesday. Two of the dogs from Rockhurst will be there - same place we got the Treasure and Abigail. Do watch. I have my PVR set to record. Let us know what you think.