Saturday, November 24, 2007

Havanese Food Challenges & Play

Ah Mommy Wasabi - you are eating OUR fair..well it doesn't look so hot anyway. No wonder why we are not eating it.

Kitty Braund, publisher of 'Our Havanese' a must have subscription to a magazine of our breed gave us a recipe to get the pups to enjoy the mush more but they won't even touch it. Oh my....It's old fashion - cook slow oatmeal, some egg and goats milk all soft and mushy and they sniffed and went no way. At least the soft kibble they ate somewhat. Now back to the drawing board - so to speak. Hmmm why does mommy like it?

Had an exciting day today. We all went outside and tux and the one with the moustache like me (Wasabi) just couldn't get enough. Wow is that a change since the 1st try.

Human mom and dad was taking 2 of us out at a time to play with the guys. The little one behind was running as fast as possible as if to say - what about me then played its heart out.

All are sleeping now after a full day. We have many visitors tomorrow so we have to snooze in between or we won't do anything but catch some zzzzzs.. So, long day but fun one in store. We all can't wait!

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Havanese: Do You Really Have To?

Here's one of my dawgs saying - what does a Havanese have to do to get some sleep around this place. Human mommy and daddy want to cuddle, Havanese mommy wants to check us out, clean us up and coddle us and 5 siblings - well it's rough to get some sleep around here. Oh, but I try.

This was one of my pups after playing its heart out with Katsuro yet again. We all did and what you don't see is we are spread out and crashed but I was the only one with that eye open - just watching.

Well, my pups had their 2nd outing into that great vast yard with snow - hmm think that's what they call that white brr cold stuff. Three of them sniffed around and did their duty, 1 said - are you kidding - its FREEZING and the other 2 well it wasn't our time - you know but human mommy and daddy will be timing these outside adventures after we eat. This way we will 'get' what this outside break is about other than chillin' and getting conditioned to this cold.

Human daddy stuffed us in his jacket when we were done and took us out 1 at a time with the rest of the adult pack.

Well more later.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Havanese Pups 1st Snow & Much More

We have been busy. Now that the pups are older, we do a lot of things with them throughout the day and evening before bed to get them to be all they can be. Today was their first exposure to the snow.

Here you can see human daddy, the pups, Wasabi, Katsuro and Risa helping them get the lay of the land. They were only out 5 minutes. We will do slow conditioning to the cold.

Last night we also did some socialization with the adult Havanese and our Katsuro had a blast with them. The video that I am uploading is under 5 minutes but he played with them like that for over 30 minutes - wow! Check it out below.

We also did some big dog socialization. What was funny was our youngest retriever wasn't sure what to think but our oldest just hung out, watched and let one gnaw on her leg and watched in awe. It was rather nice. We will continue to do this throughout to get them used to larger dogs.

All I can say is the dogs are tuckered out, eating mush these days for at least a couple of meals and are doing rather well. I just love their sense of play.

More later....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Havanese Crate Time

Some people think that a crate is not a fun place for us but if done and used correctly - as a time to relax, veg, play, enjoy - then it is a *good* thang! You see, sometimes we may need to be transported in one and a slow conditioning to one is a positive thing. Plus my gang rather likes sleeping in one with a cushy, soft pad. But...they are not spoiled.

Ha -human mommy says!

Positive experiences are a must! We use a crate inside the x-pen so they can climb in and out.

Never use a crate as a punishment and it will remain a comfort to them. Everything we get exposed to and find enjoyment in, makes us better dawgs. Daddy says our goals are always to make our pups balanced and happy and as you can see in our videos and photos, we are that for sure.

Well, today we are expecting snow but we are still too young to go outside so human mommy says if it really snows like they say it will, then she's going to bring some into the house so we can get familiar with it. Now that ought to be interesting!

Looking at this photo, mommy is noticing our looks are changing. The mostly white one is thinning out - still teddy bearish but way handsome and he's such a character - well they all are Wasabi says but each are clearly different these days and as the week goes on and we hit week 6 and 7, well personalities will continue to unfold but not a skittish one in the bunch. Some are quieter than others but none are off the wall spaz cases or human mommy may be working to change that. They all seem to have mommy's calming demeanor but some more playful than others. The job - well it's easy this time around as they are all so equal - but as we say unique and that's quite nice!

Well, it's playtime so off the keyboard I go and we get to tucker the little ones out. They play and drop dead asleep and are now eating at least a full meal instead of me - Wasabi so I get a break! As time goes on we will make that 2 meals then three etc...

I couldn't be in yesterday's video as they wouldn't leave me alone. Sometimes they just think I am the milk factory - sigh!

Well....more tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Wasabi's Havanese in Toronto Pups Video

We hope you enjoy it! Now the furry crew is off to bed and human mom too!

Havanese Non Stop Fun

My pups had nonstop fun and thanks to a Havanese friend of human mom's - Maureen who gave her the idea they got a new cat toy in the mail today and here it is. Here they are trying to catch that ball and boy did they have fun. Even the adult Havanese had a roaring good time with it.

We had a really full day today. We are increasing our eating from our dish, drinking or is that playing in water. Well, hey human mom you were the one that introduced them to that bath and water - tsk tsk!

We also had a play session out in the kitchen that was a roaring good time. We are going to try to get a new video up tonight or tomorrow.

All my pups are now 2lbs even or over but all under 3lbs. They are 5 weeks and 4 days tonight. We have our vet visit for shots, microchip and wellness set up for December 4th. Human daddy has to make a baer appointment to make sure we can all hear well but there's no doubt with that the way they react now. They hear everything and seem very curious about all sorts of noises including the vacuum cleaner, the door bell that rings and they even reacted to the crew barking when someone rang the door bell today. It wasn't a bad reaction but a cock of the head and a run to the edge of the xpen to see what was going on. My crew wants to see everything that is going on.

Well, they are all sleeping after the kitchen play. We will try to get a video up soon. Look for it.

Snuggles and nail clipping and tomorrow we are going to try combing hair with a baby comb to get them used to being brushed and combed. We will see how we do about that. Human mommy is looking forward to that as it gives her one on one time. She rather likes that!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Havanese Thoughts to Ponder

How many pups can you count enjoying their play?

A wise person said - "He never bit anyone, which is more than you can say for most of us." The dogs are getting teeth and I - Wasabi are starting to correct them and so are the humans by saying yeoch in a louder voice and they are catching on FAST.

Another wise person said... "People love their dogs." "People have the relationship with their dog that they expected to have with their spouses or their kids. Dogs never stab you in the back, probably because they don't have opposable thumbs. And they lick your face when you cry. You can't say that of anyone else. Nor would you want to."

Wasabi says: My pups are now at the age where they are licking your face, running to you when you near the x-pen, playing joyfully even with the other Havanese but when they try to feed off the other Havanese, well they are correcting them . We must do a video as soon as time allows.

We had a rather full weekend and are trying to wind down from that. Life is amazing with the little ones, human daddy says but they now need an x-pen upstairs vs. a whelping box. Although some of us a a tad under 2lb and some a tad over 2 lbs - we feel the need to spread out unlike Risa's crew. No one stays out of the play these days and all are highly curious. We change the environment to slowly condition them to feel comfort in change. This makes it easier when they go to their new homes. We are also walking them around the house, getting them used to water running on them if they need a bit of cleanup and praising them when they hit the pee pad.

More later...and look for a video soon!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Havanese Weekend Almost Over

Well, we had a full weekend so far. We had many visitors, grandpa and his wife, Tracy and the girls, Tal, Jonathan and Dennis - a number of folks to look at the pups and now we are waiting for Yvonne and mommy may lay on the couch with all of us and take a nap as the pups are now snoozing too. Here's one of my cuties just hanging out in dreamland.

We were all out back playing retrieve - without the pups, of course. They are still too young but soon for them too. I have a ton to teach them and wow that will be fun! They had a wonderful play session in the kitchen and many snuggles today and now they are having Havanese dreams.'s my turn too - so human mommy get off the computer will you?