Saturday, March 21, 2009

Havanese Fun

The fun continues at the crazy Talemaker Havanese house.

Where's one dog start and another end?

That's how Louis and Remy was playing today.

Then Treasures butts in and he is having a grand threesome.

Abigail tries to get involved but the younger set is having none of it. There's always tomorrow.

Everyone had their nightly walk - Louis walking with Remy.

I just finished brushing and combing out Remy. He looks beautiful and before we were off to bed, we let them outside and instead of doing their business - there was jumping on top of each other, rapid running and who had time for serious stuff so we will be letting them out closer to 11 and then heading off to bed.

We will see what tomorrow brings.

Visiting Havanese Remy

We have a visiting dog called Remy over just till tomorrow night and parents and human siblings are gone and he is having a grand time.

He's never been left anywhere else and he is fitting in really nicely. So far Remy and Louis and Treasure are hanging out and enjoying each other.

More photos over the next 2 days. Are we going to have fun with this one.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Visiting Fun at Talemaker Havanese

It's never a dull moment around this place.

Kat and our visitor Louis is going gangbusters chasing the other dogs and Nathan.

The dogs just adore the run.
Yes, Nathan has this daily crazy run with them all over the backyard and they just expel so much energy and you swear they are laughing.

You never saw anything so glorious as happy dogs running in a pack. It's a riot and we get that pleasure all the time even with our visitors.

The fun doesn't stop there but they also with all this fun enthusiasm - bring it inside and continue the play. We just love it and am glad we have a camera sometimes at hand to capture moments.

There are times that we are both running with them and the camera is just not doable or they do that perfect moment that you wonder why the camera is in the other room. It happens.

More tomorrow!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Havanese Antics

Some dawgs always get into trouble. Meet our Treasured one. She just took out Risa's hair tie that I put in this morning and usually Risa would have put her in her place but I think she is enjoying her antics.

Tonight we have Louis coming for a visit til the 24th and then we have Remy coming just for the weekend.

We really haven't seen Louis for quite awhile so we are really looking forward to his visit. We are also looking forward to meeting Remy.

That Treasured one LOVES all the visitors. Shhhhh We won't tell her that the humans do too.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Playing Hard and Snoozing Long

We had a visitor today - a 4 month Havanese mix and he kept the crew in excitement mode or was it that the crew here kept him in excitement mode.

It doesn't matter - they had tons of wet and muddy fun.

Have you ever seen 2 havanese or more play? It's a sight that brings laughter and smiles.

I had just done my daily grooming and the dirt did fly and the wet soaked their little bodies as they did that Havanese run-like-hell game.

I suspect our visitor is sleeping too after he got home.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Champion Rockhurst's Oh La La

We have had the pleasure of having Gina visit us while her handler did a show in the US. Gina is a show dog that is 'specialed' so her hair has to stay poi-fect. For me, it was a lot of work but it was also a learning experience.

She's an amazingly loving dog. We will miss her immensely. I won't miss the 3 times a day brushing/line combing gently to make sure all the hair stays in perfect condition or making sure Treasure doesn't play with her but I will miss her greatly.

She has an incredibly soft coat, wagging tail - great personality. I would think I died and went to heaven having a dog like this around but she is destined for great things and then when she has pups - lock me up - will ya?

Then we have Louis coming this Thursday and then Remy for the weekend - soon Zack and Coco, Coach and Sassy and Lil man - now know as Milo. Well most of all those are next month but they are coming and we are excited.

Catch the slide show of Lola and Kat's son playing with Treasure. Poor Treasure is missing her boy toy.

More later...

Monday, March 16, 2009

Changing Times at Talemaker

Treasure has this 'attitude' that she thinks she is 'all that' and it's fun to watch.

She's not all that crazy about the bathing thing but she is dealing each time better than the last.

She just had another bath today and it's Rufus' turn in a few. Yesterday, Wasabi, Abigail, Fiona and Kat had theirs.

Treasure's been going to handling class as she is debuting next month for the first time.

She gets way excited when Daddy says, "Treasure let's go to class" that she jumps all over the place hardly able to contain herself. It's really nice to see.

Today we have Rufus going home and Treasure ADORES him. She rolls all over him like no other dog and despite him being an older man, she keeps up with him and doesn't back down.

When Rufus 'off switch' doesn't go off, she growls and looks at him with eyes half open and he didn't quite get it the first time but he does now. The growl is doggie communication - leave me alone - can't you tell I really need some sleep? Have you ever done that yourself - growled at another - well not literally that you need to have the lights off and need your sleep?

Everyone needs a different amount of sleep to function properly - whatever properly is.

Treasure plays VERY hard and sleeps deep but Rufus plays very hard and until the newness went, he just didn't want to sleep. hehehehehe

Treasure is going to truly miss Rufus as he goes today. He was her boy toy. She felt like that with Marlee to but Rufus is just a tad larger and easier to roll around and hide in things with.

Well off to bathe him so she can get him dirty before he goes home - as she will certainly try and we will try to keep him clean. Wish us luck.

Gina goes tomorrow and we will be down to our own dogs till Thursday when Louis comes. Then Remy comes for an overnight visit - not Wasabi's Remy but another and the dogs will be having a grand time again and so will we.

Catch you later...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Anything for a Treat

Treasure is highly treat motivated. Heck she is food motivated. You should see her when it is dinner or breakfast time. It's as if she just was told that treat is a million dollars.

Well, it was bath times today. Got the Abs to do still. Kat, Fiona and Wasabi had theirs - Abigail will get hers next and tomorrow Rufus gets his and Gina gets hers on Tuesday morning before she goes.

So many little time and where did that weekend go? Still Nathan did a marathon walking the crew and then some. I couldn't go as I was attached to the grooming room. Did you get out and enjoy the warmer weather? I hope so!

More tomorrow and a clean Rufus before he goes.