Saturday, January 9, 2010

Well Balanced

Jazzy is a well balanced boy and that's what you want to achieve. It comes with training, conditioning and trust.

His parents board him so he gains exposure to other dawgs and they have a fab clothing store called 'Eye on Fashion' in Richmond Hill where many a buyer of their merchandise comes in and says hello to Jazzy and sometimes they bring their own Havanese to say hello to him.

This is great socialization.

Jazzy has been hanging out at Talemaker and this will be the first day he won't be walking. The wind chill is sitting at -25 and we take the dawgs out for short stints and have to get them in right away after doing their business.

This winter we have had really cold weather so we have had to watch the dawgs closely. I put bag balm on the feet to make sure their pads do not crack and we watch them closely. Sometimes the dawgs think it's okay to hang out longer than it is safe.

It's called the crazy kid mentality - called having too much fun.

Many of you have probably experienced it if you have kids. They think they can stay out despite they are shivering cause it's fun mom and dad... Well some dawgs will do the same.

Treasure is one of those types of dawgs. She climbs all over Jazzy and he tries to climb back but she doesn't let him.

For her it is partly dominance games as she is a young thing trying everything but Jazzy just placates her as he knows she's a youngster and besides, he rather likes her. She likes him too.

That's what we mean about well balanced - an understanding of other dawgs allowing them to play in such a way to have patience and enjoyment all in one.

Today we are playing games inside. Dawgs are all groomed and snuggling and enjoying warmth.

The key is slow conditioning your dawgs always throughout their lives to get them to be all they are meant to be. Plus love we do with our hearts and souls.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Emotion and the Havanese

So is a dawg's sense of smell so keen that it can detect emotions?

When you walk in your front door and your dawg is sniffing your hands, pants or shoes, he's greeting you and investigating the unique scents you brushed against that day.

Dawgs smell each other and their secretions to monitor physiological and emotional changes. It's like getting the morning paper or a hot-off-the-press tabloid.

Tips for Taming the Psychotic Smeller

If sniffing becomes excessive for your dog, you may want to try these tips to keep his snout in sync:

•Offer a distraction, like a chew toy or an awesome-smelling dog treat.

•Teach him to use the crate, especially if smelling visitors is of high entertainment value to him.

•Clap your hands and take charge with your leash when he sniffs other dogs inappropriately or excessively. Not all dawgs appreciate this sort of greeting to that degree.

•Give him plenty of exercise and positive attention.

Jazzy is visiting us and as you can see, he's blowing in the breeze - well his hair is.

He's rather smitten with Wasabi but we are keeping them away from each other till her heat is done. jazzy is neutered but no reason to get his heart a pitter patter with excitement, is there?

Treasure also loves Jazzy and is found jumping on him and playing up a storm. He's not quite sure what to make of her at times but he's growing to be charmed. :-) The first time she jumped on him he sort of looked at her as if to say - what are you up to but now I swear he is smiling.

The dawgs all went on their walks today as usual. Nathan has been doing the daily walks with all 2 at a time. They go on a fair walk so its a marathon for Nathan but the dawgs love it and I think Nathan does too.

It's actually quiet around here with only one boarder. Quiet you say...actually yes. :-)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Planning and Visits

Yvonne came to our house with her dogs including Twiggy and met a potential buyer here. So, all of you that was vying for that Twiggy gal - well she's now taken - sorry about that!

Treasure had a grand time with Twiggy as you can see here. I think when it is her turn, she is going to have wonderful pups.

Well, Yvonne is off to the land of the frozen oranges next week - yep Florida. They say they are in a deep freeze there - lucky them but it will warm up by the time they go. They are off to holidays for 6 weeks I think with the dawgs. So, as a good friend, she brought me some supplies in case we have 2 litters before she gets back - like an extra whelping box, lamp, hemostats that we share back and forth, towels etc. even a soldering gun so our son can fix the TV - well attempt to - oh oh

Yvonne is a great friend. I am going to have to buy a web cam just so I can talk to her online and she can make faces at me telling me how beautiful it is away from the land of the snow. I can then show her beautiful Abigail or Wasabi pups as they happen - yea right - who am I kidding. A web cam is the furthest thing from your mind when you are delivering pups but maybe after cleanup. hehehe

Poor Kat was surrounded by gals and one of Yvonnes was in heat too. But we are seeing an end. Abigail is starting to tell Kat off and he's calmer then he has been for days. Wasabi should be almost finished too.

No one understands this heat business or the issue with it unless you have gals and boys unneutered. Boys lose their minds - stop eating and all they can think of is the gal. As soon as it is over, you get your boy back. hehehehe We make sure Kat eats but it is trying.

Puppies are worth it though and to have spring pups - maybe we can condition them to rain. hehehehe

Ultrasound booked and now the long wait. 63 days from conception to birth - wow!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Little Slice of Cesar

Cesar goes home tomorrow morning after a long visit with us and I bathed him tonight. Why tonight vs. tomorrow? He was out for a walk and got rather grungy and well - he needed it. If I have to touch him up tomorrow - well that's the chances we take. heh

He's now snuggly soft and we will miss this guy.

Cesar knows how to party hearty and his attitude has been infectious for our guys and visitors alike.

We will be down to our guys and Jazzy and then when Jazzy is about to go, the Saki comes to visit.

We just heard that Saki got the snip snip (spaying) yesterday. We hope for a fast recovery and can't wait to see her.

Wasabi is getting to the last week of her heat. She has approximately 5 days to go and Abigail has 7. Then we go back to normal - whatever normal is.

Wasabi gets rather tired during this phase but Abigail doesn't seem to be affected thus far.

Jazzy, we have known forever since he was a little guy and we adore him. He is hanging out and was caught playing hard with Treasure on their walk.

Tomorrow Yvonne and her crew comes in for a visit and it will surely be fun. More tomorrow...stay tuned!

Countdown to puppies - booking an ultrasound tomorrow for an appointment for Feb 8th.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sensing Your Emotions

Almost every Havanese owner has found out that when they are really sad, their dog acts differently toward them.

A Havanese may approach its disturbed owner with a concerned look and, quite out of character, hunker down next to them as if to provide some emotional support. It is as if they are saying, I know there's something wrong, I don't know what it is but I'm here for you, anyway.

Are there other explanations? Of course, there are, but none make as much sense. You could argue that your Havanese observes your posture and appearance as submissive and, almost reflexively, approaches to investigate or respond to the new situation. Perhaps, seeing you in a submissive posture, the dog feels it has to grovel to remain below you in rank. YEAH - RIGHT!

Most likely your Havanese is in tune to your emotions. The old line that your emotions follow down your lead appears to be correct. Anyone who is stressed out and shows their dawg will tell you that when they aren't together - neither is their dawg.

Pay attention to your mood when attempting training.

Well, here at Talemaker Havanese we have had a number of breedings with our Wasabi and Abigail. We are hoping to have fun with 2 litters at the same time. Seeing Abigail is my dawg, I guess Nathan gets Wasabi and I get Abigail. Let's see if I get away with that...nah - selfish me.

We are exciting counting the days in hopes of having pups come 2 months time. Nothing like puppies.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What a Laid Back Day

We had a long breeding between Kat and Abigail. Wasabi's boy has already gone home. We may try for one more breeding tomorrow and then we do the 63 day countdown.

Today we had walks - short play sessions outside and lots of play sessions inside.

Our TV died. I keep hoping it comes back. Ah well - who needs TV.

Check out today's fun.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Let the Fun Never Stop

When it snows, the dawgs really find their sense of true play. It's fun to watch.

Today I took some of the dawgs for a walk and our son took the rest. While I was walking Shoshi and Risa, I watched them do snow dives - yes snow dives where they jump head first into the snow then they roll back and forth with great glee.

I remember when our kids was young I was caught in a blizzard with them at a hotel. I had the sense to get off the PA turnpike with all the kids in tow. Nathan was at home. I was being my more adventurous self visiting our daughter in Leesburg, Va. (She now lives in Toronto) where they never have blizzards...yeah right. We were stuck at the hotel for days and people were sleeping in the hallways. Well, we went out that first day and we did snow dives - yes even me. I taught the kids to do it and they laughed and laughed and so did I.

I didn't teach the Havanese. They do it naturally. It's that fun that we seem to lose as we get older but the Havanese allow us to relish their own sense of play and somehow remember when we played with our own abandonment. We either live through our Havanese and their sense of play or they allow us to capture it again. Who knows - I may do snow dives yet this year. Will you?

Jazzy is visiting us. He's an absolute delight and is enjoying a quieter house. We still had a number of dawgs yesterday and 3 more are supposed to go home today. Oreo went this morning. Benny's owners plane is delayed and so was Louis. We just heard Louis will be picked up tonight and the verdict is out with Benny. After Benny and Louis leave, we will have Cesar (nickname party guy) till the 7th and Jazzy till the 11th.

It's been a way busy holiday season but I have to say we absolutely loved having the dawgs even with all the walks and grooming. The snuggles and the cuddles made it a delight. Just imagine a sea of dawgs keeping you warm.

During this time Wasabi and Abigail was bred in hopes for pups to go home in spring pups. It's been a really exciting holiday and it starts again during March Break but usually not as busy as March break really is different for everyone - expanding from March to April. But people are booking already. If you need a fun time for your dawg while you laze away somewhere cold or warm, let us know. Your dawg deserves a holiday too. :-)

We really miss the activity and all the dawgs. It's almost quiet - well quieter.

Check out today's photos.