Saturday, April 11, 2009

Crazy Play Talemaker Style

It's always crazy times at Talemaker Havanese where the play can be or feel like non stop at times and to us, that's rather nice.

Here you can see - well barely that Abigail and Sassy are playing up a storm.

Yvonne's crew is at the house till Sunday night so it's Havanese madness time.

Will the humans and dogs survive? heh

Friday, April 10, 2009

Havanese Tongue Licking Times

Fiona and Treasure are just hanging out licking their lips thinking Daddy will give them a treat. It's a communication skill that they all use to say - hey - I want a treat. It's a riot as Risa will do it all day but she's on that evil word - D-I-E-T thing.

The crew is having a grand time enjoying each other this fine Passover/Easter weekend. The snow seems to be gone. The plants are starting to pop up. Let's hope it stays this way. It's still JACKET weather - well not for the Havanese but for the human kind. Still, it's great for walks finally and running around in a pack in the backyard. Life is good.

On this holiday weekend, watch out for that paper on the eggs and the chocolates. It's poison for your Havanese. Keep them up and out of the way and enjoy the holiday - will ya!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Holiday Havanese Madness

Okay - not madness but great fun. On this fine holiday weekend we have a full crew of visitors and residents alike and they are having a grand time doing the Havanese huddle.

What's that? It's a meeting of the minds or maybe it's a strategy meeting of who can be in the lead when they run around the backyard in full speed. Oh my - and they did - having a grand time.

If that wasn't enough, then they went on walks and now are back playing up a storm. Does it ever end? Not until they are completely tired but oh do they sleep at night.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Havanese in Handling Class

We are in for a long weekend with a ton of fun and Yvonne and Alex are coming down to help. What amazing friends we have!

Last night we had Kat and Treasure in handling class and tonight we have just Treasure as she has a show coming up and this class is so far away but it is worth it. It's a large class with a ton of dogs but it is called conditioning and socialization.

You don't have to be a show dog to kick it up a notch and get your little one exposed to various sounds, sights etc. The more you expose in a positive way, the more your dog ends up being balanced. Even the most shy dog can make improvements by being diligent. It may not 'feel' that way at first but take it from us who had taken a dog that was really unbalanced and got her enjoying and playing - well we know it can happen. It's work - we know but sooooooooooo worth it and it can be incorporated into daily life and think of the new doggie friends and human friends you'll make.

Think about it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Smell is in the Air

Oh the sweet smell of spring - NOT! I know Shoshi would prefer it to be but another light dusting is in the air and that white stuff is all around.

Daddy is snoozing this fine afternoon on the couch with all the Havanese. It's just another lazy spring afternoon after a lot of work.

What's a dawg supposed to do?

Okay - handling class - fun with our visitor Milo and eating. Look at it all as an opportunity to train. Get a walk in too and practice stays on corners. That may save your dog's life one day.

Our visitor is snoring and so is the human male type - oh my!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Havanese Snow Fun in April

Oh best friends in the snow - nothing like it.

Don't ever ask me if two is better than one unless you want to hear grand stories of play and laughter and fun. In my opinion, there is nothing like 2 Havanese or more especially if they become the best of pals. It's a relationship like none other.
Today we woke up to snow and despite me washing them yesterday, they were a sopping wet ball of hair after going outside but I was smiling and laughing and clicking away.

Treasure, as the youngest one tries to keep up with the crew and takes corners at such speed that she manages to catch them at times but it means cutting corners fast as she has yet to get that adult speed yet.

One would think she was falling in this photo but in reality she is close to the ground for a reason as it enables her to gain speed. How they know this, I am not sure but they all perfect the run and it's really grand to watch.

They gain enough speed that they appear to be flying in the air and they are. Oh, to capture those moments - well these are what tales are really about around this place.

Tomorrow Milo will join the fun and we are hoping for snow not rain. How about you?

Get your camera out - head outside and click, click, and click. You will be glad you did.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dirty Havanese Times

Oh woah is me - Mommy thought it was not fun that I got dirty 2 minutes after a bath but I am a BOY and I can't help myself and my partner in crime is Wasabi and she did the same thing.

I hear tell we are going to have Alex and Yvonne visiting next weekend and I am going to have Lola around and I really like that gal.

Now how lucky is it to be surrounded by all gals?

You tell me!