Saturday, December 20, 2008

Havanese Breeding Lessons

Sometimes life offers you things you have no clue why they unfold as they do. Yesterday we found out that Wasabi lost her pup(s). There is no reason. Could be anything from stress to wasn't viable - just have no clue why but it was highly suggested that we breed her next heat and do more than a 24 hour window. If you remember, I had pneumonia and Nathan was sick so we couldn't stay. As I said - not meant to be.

That means we will have summer pups if Wasabi's heat stays true to form. We will also breed her many times to avoid this issue.

Anyone who thinks breeding is easy - well it isn't if you really genuinely care about your dogs and we do more than you know.

Now on to happier moments. Kat had his preliminaries done - all was great and now he is doing his adults and the vets felt all was great. He also got a slew of shots and is a very sore boy today so we are hoping he is back to normal soon.

The vet loved Treasures patellas - thought her eyes were gorgeous and laughed about how compact and plump she was. Abigail is 10 and a half pounds and I swore she was heavier but she also was a plump thing and thinned out as she got older. Fiona is still a tiny thing with a good muscle mass.

This month we do cerfs (eyes) and next month Treasure gets her baer (hearing) and cardiac done. We believe in testing for us, our puppy people etc.

We had in and out white out conditions coming home yesterday and another storm coming on Sunday.

Treasure is a treasured addition. She reminds me of Fiona's spirit for life. We see her holding on to hair on one of the dogs with her mouth and them running and dragging her along. I have to get a video of it but I think I need to carry one around to catch it. It's a pure riot.

Well, I need to get coffee going. I don't have my fave bread for breakfast but I will deal and Kat is back in bed with Fiona and Nathan snoozing. You do not want to hear how Nathan was out with Kat this morning and the poor boy was in too much pain to do anything but lets just say, Nathan looked comical and had a lot of drafts, I suppose and we won't say anything more except he did have his cap on. The things we do for our dogs - but they are worth it - no?

PS: We are missing the Gidget already and hoping she has a truly great Xmas. We are having 2 Katsuro puppies coming on the 23rd. One is a steel grey, black with white sox and the other is Rufus that you saw - a myriad of tans and whites, cream.

Well hope you have a fab day. More later... Kiss the pups and really enjoy them - will ya?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Off to the Vets

We are off to the vets today through a huge snowstorm that may materialize or may not.

Treasure still thinks she is one of the big guys - go figure.

Rocky loves playing with Fiona and Treasure and Benny is coming tomorrow. Benny is a pup from Risa's last litter that is all grown up now.

Back to wondering where my camera is as Fiona, Treasure and Rocky are playing up a storm while the rest of us watch.

More later.>>

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fiona & Treasure Mucking It Up

Just thought I would share how very afraid Treasure is to play with the bigger guys (Fiona) - NOT! We hope you enjoy the rollover attitide of the Treasure and see Blazin' before he went south.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Baths, Food Hounds Havanese

My name is Treasure. As they say I am a treasured little thang. I need to get in so I can feed this fading belly. As you can see - they don't feed me much. Okay - they do but I want Wasabi's, that cutie visitor boy that plays with me Rocky and anyone else that eats too slow - in my opinion. I have a tummy to support.

The humans say - oh oh another alpha food hound. Now how will we survive? It's going to be fun having a little or is that a lot of treasured hair ball around.

Today Abigail had a bath and has taken to sleeping and sitting on a bed on my desk. She rather likes that - looking down at everyone. Rocky is way smitten by her. She's off to a vet visit this week along with Wasabi, Treasure, Katsuro and Fiona. So, we do baths here and there inbetween work so we get it all done.

Today, Gidget goes home - sniff sniff and is she going to get excited to see Audrey. We just adore the gal. Till the next time...

More later...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seasonal Stylin' 101

The Treasure is missing her boy toy Blazin' who just left for warmer climates earlier this afternoon.

That Blazin' guy was getting all sorts of attention so now it's my turn to shine.

I am simply an understated beauty. I'm a gal with style and I like diamonds and cashmere and all that bling and soft stuff. HA! He's a guy who I just - well liked watching him but maybe we will strut our stuff together at the nationals. We shall see.

It's rather cold. It's sort of funny as I am not all that crazy about it being this cold but Blazin - well he loves it and now he will be baking in that delicious sunny experience. Oh well, my daddy promised me snuggles and nappies and I rather adore that!

More later...

Monday, December 15, 2008

No Pictures Please

Today the snow is melting so you miss all those surprises that crop up even though you believe you picked up everything every day. Nathan came in saying - how many bags did he fill saying - I look like a X bag poo pickup guy. Can you guess how he was dressed?

Oh boy - is he going to kill me on this one...

Snow Melting Moments

The snow is melting and Rocky seems to love playing with the little ones. Our problem is he is so fast and energetic that its hard to capture him. I keep getting partial shots of him but we will try - try again. His parents are in Costa Rica missing him. But rest assured - he is having a grand time at doggy camp.

Rocky seems to be totally smitten with Abigail. He also loves snow diving on the cover but today - warm rain and snow is fast disappearing as you can see in this photo. It means much brushing.

Gidget, our other visitor will be heading home in 2 days from now and is a total lovee. She sits with me and watches TV while I groom her each night and tends to look at me cross-eyed. I am not so sure that she is happy with this grooming business but we are going gentle and treating and massaging her at the end. That she ADORES.

Holly is coming for Blazin today so tomorrow we will be down to just Treasure. Will life ever be the same?

Oh and Treasure - well she's indeed an alpha - challenging Fiona and sometimes winning. Oh my - are we in trouble or what? Well - it will surely be fun times here.

Off to get a puppy fix and get some shut-eye then work.

More later...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Balls of Hair

I think it's called Wrestlemania Havanese Style except I think they manage to be much more exciting? Try it sometime!

The pups are at it again and Blazin's new mom comes tomorrow and he will be off on Tuesday to the warmth of the sun - sniff sniff. We will all miss him. Gidget goes home to her mom on Wednesday and Rocky just started his adventure here and will be hanging out, getting into a ton of fun till Sunday.

Rocky and Gidget are here all managing to enjoy the pups and find play time like none other. It's grand but that wet snow was geting wetter and so were the dogs. So off I go to finish some pages and grom some dogs.

We also got to see another Katsuro and Lola's son - 4 white paws like grandma Risa, small, black and turning steele grey. What a face. The 2 siblings will be hanging out over the holidays here - so will Louis and Benny!

Till tomorrow - unless Nathan has something to post. :-)