Saturday, August 1, 2009

Explaining the Win

I promise - I will move on to something else but too many people asked us to explain this win that I took Nathan's words to a puppy owner of ours and posted it here. It will be easier. Hope you understand.

Here are some of the dogs in the group ring. Sorry I didn't have a wide angle lens - teach me.

Nathan's explanation:
In the Show ring dogs are separated into 7 Groups. Havanese are a part of the Toy Group. In order for Kat to come first in Group and go on to compete in Best in Show he has to beat not only all other Havanese but all other toy group breeds which happens to include some of the top dogs in Canada. Yesterday Kat was judged the better dog over both the number 2 and the number 4 dog in Canada. They have something like 8000 points. Kat has 54. It was surrealistic. ;-) He’s such an awesome dog

Friday, July 31, 2009

Katsura Group 1 & Championship

Something told me I had to go to the show today. I wanted to relax - play with the pups and catch up with work. Tonight I am doing work - getting Treasure bathed and going crazy but in a good way. I got to see Kat in the ring the first time and I got to see a group 1 win and his championship.

Kat not only had wonderful puppies but now Daddy is a championship with a group 1 and group 2. What a way to get there and he only had 1 day that he was shown before this show.

I am sooooooooooo very proud of my men.

The way the puppies wagged their tails when they saw us...I think they are too!

Tomorrow we have 3 visitors coming. I can't wait but Nathan will be away til the evening at a show and me...carrying the load til he comes home and him carrying it out there but I am up for it. I may be tired but this cloud 9 stuff gets your adrenaline pumping!

More tomorrow....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bracebridge Show Group 2

Usually I do not place a post up twice - only on special occasions but had to say congrats, Nathan and Kat and Judge Doug Windsor for recognizing the potential of this duo. Kat got Group 2 today.

We are truly excited. It was worth the wait of letting his hair grow back in after puppies gnawing on him and an unnamed dog chewing off his top knot giving him a Joe Dirt look for too long. But the hair is growing and Nathan is enjoying showing - well most days.

Two points away from making this our 4th championship with those that reside with us full time with Nathan on the lead and me bathing this year and this one was born in our home.

Thanks for letting us brag.

Can't wait till they get home. (I didn't get to see it - sigh but hope to see him in the ring maybe tomorrow). I am waiting for them to arrive so I can bathe Kat yet again...

PS: Fiona - well I lined combed her and have yet to wash. Maybe tomorrow. Sooooooooo unlike me. Lined comb everyone else too... and even combed all the puppies...who are delish!

Bath Time

Abigail is my dawg who dislikes the bath the most. Oh she doesn't mind the drying or even swimming but stand her in the sink and she just stands there stiff as a board. Is she afraid - well that's a good signal that she is but no - she doesn't shake - she just says - get that soap out of me.

She used to shake - arch her back and hide on me but she's over that stage now. They do get better and not all of them act like that. She's one of two that has - the rest doesn't seem to mind.

The point is - just do it as a matter of fact - give them kisses - keep your voice upbeat and cutsie pieish and give them a treat when they act like you want them to.

When I have a guest that is frightened, I give them treats and cuddles and play with them as I am washing and drying and it actually gets them enjoying.

The point is, help them find the fun. By helping them - you find your own fun.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Talemaker Havanese Kat Swimming 2009

Kat's swimming again another season. What a guy...

What's different? He's running in between and he has more in the peanut gallery lending their barking support. Even our visitor Louis gets into the supporting cast!

We do love his passion for the swim! Enjoy...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Choice of Beds

Louis is visiting and as most visitors, they gravitate to this double layered high bed. What's interesting is all of them yank out the cushion to lay on the base and hang their head out using the cushion for a head rest.

It proves to me that there are beds and then there are beds. This one happens to get more use than most of our other beds with a couple of exceptions.

Tomorrow Nathan is travelling for 3 days - only home late at night and it is me - the puppies - our son and the crew. Friday night he will come back to the land of the living - Talemaker Style. hehehehe

We had the puppies out for the first time. Check out the photos on Havanese Life!

Now to wash a dog - help Nathan pack and do some work. Puppies are fast asleep from a 20 minute stint outside. They sleep and sleep after such.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pool Time or Not?

The crew is excited that there is no rain this afternoon. They are totally confused about it - as am I but excited. I swear this is the summer that wasn't.

Daddy's going to hang out with the crew and I am going to hog the puppies and catch up on work.

He's busy this week so he needs to get it and so do the dogs before this weather changes.

How are you coping with the rain? Better yet - how does your Havanese like the rain? Some want to get sopping wet - others don't want their feet wet. Yep - just like people. hahahaha

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Treasured Pups

Treasure ADORES the pups and they seem to enjoy her too. We are just starting to introduce them to the pack. Can't wait to take them outside but it won't be tomorrow - rain - rain - and more rain.

Well, today we gave baths to Kat (greased him up) and Abigail. Tomorrow Wasabi and maybe the pups. It's not that they need it - but it's part of our conditioning. We shall see.

We had a cancellation in August for boarding. So - we still have a couple of spots open. Let us know.

We are hoping August is hot, hot hot so we can do the pool with the pups. I bet you Treasure will be jumping in for that!

What can you do when it rains? Play hide and seek with the dawgs - games of fetch - find the treat - learn a new trick or a new command. Get creative. We have had a LOT of rain so take advantage of it and get your dog to enjoy the rain. I know the puppies will love it but watch - no rain when we finally get them out - you just watch!