Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sopping Wet

Don't ya wish it would snow then rain, rain and more rain? We do. We would love it if we had the experience of a first snow with the last puppy but I doubt we will.

Treasure tends to get wet even if there is one puddle in the yard. She can't help herself but that is her personality. Some Havanese love the water and others do not.

Shoshi pokes her head out the door and decides she doesn't do rain. We don't let her get away with it and we take her out anyways. We drop her in the middle of the grass - she does her business and runs as fast as she can to the door.

Do you think Treasure does that? Nah - she embraces it like its her best friend and rolls and jumps and mucks it up.

One breed - all different personalities and we rather like it that way!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Feel Good Havanese

Kat and Wasabi are really close.

Well, Wasabi would like to be real close but Kat's not always game. Sometimes he enjoys laying by oneself and chillin'. He's such a guy!

Did you know that Havanese ownership may be an effective tailored intervention among adults for promoting physical activity?

Want to do something else with your Havanese?

Havanese offer a means of therapeutic visits to the sick, elderly, shut-ins and other populations in need of companionship and acceptance, so often missed among humans. Havanese show no judgment, no prejudice to race, color, religion or anything. They reach out and want to be happy and make others happy. A tail wagging can carry a powerful healing messages, more powerful than any drug. Wags equal smiles to humans, initiating smiles in return, extremely healing with many conditions: childhood leukemia, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, serious burns, and many, many other conditions and afflictions.

Have you thought about therapy? If you do not have the time, what about the healing powers your Havanese can have with your own family?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dog Language

How do you know what your dog is saying to you and other dogs?

Dog play is often initiated by a play invitation like a play bow and it seems to say, "None of the biting, stalking, or humping I'm about to do is serious, this is just fun, OK?"

This picture shows Wasabi giving a semi play bow to the puppy we have here.

It's hard to figure out what your dog is saying or what another is but you should learn.

Dogs often bark in play. This will usually be higher pitched than that same dog's fear bark or warning bark. You need to observe your little one to truly understand what they are saying and go to Chapters and pick up a book on 'dog body language'.

Rolling on Back
When a dog rolls over on his back with his belly exposed and his legs in the air, he's being submissive. If done in front of another dog, he's saying, "You're the boss and I don't want to fight." When your dog rolls over for you, it could have more than one meaning. If done in anticipation of a scolding, it means, "I don't know how to please you and I'm afraid you're angry. Please accept my apology." Or your dog may be trying to avoid something he doesn't want to do. More often, rolling over is a sign that your dog is happy, trusts you and has a pleasant, low-key nature.

It just means, "Please pet my belly." many dominant dogs won't get to this stage until they totally trust you and how can they if you just met them? Trust is earned and it comes.

Havanese are one of the most loyal beings on earth imho!

Anonymous said...
Understanding our dogs is truly an amazing experience. Dogs do talk to us.My Jazzy has "many barks" tonality from highs to lows, and it took me almost 4 years to recognize it and to understand.Since this communication bridge was crossed, having a Havanese to understand and communicate with has become easy, pleasant and fun.
Do make time to listen to your Havanese.

November 26, 2009 4:55 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Missy: A Wasabi Pup

Just got a photo of one of Wasabi's pup - Missy.

I love that hair thing she has going on. She even has Wasabi's half mustache. What a cutie!

Her mom tells me she has silver and brown coming in and it sounds like she has been playing up a storm with her Havanese housemate, Max.

This one went to a friend who lives way too far away. But luckily she pings me on instant message every once in awhile.

It's so great to see photos and hear how the crew is. We really miss the crew when they leave and always want to hear how they are doing.

Today, I gave Whitney, Kat and Abigail a bath. The big job was Whitney as she is 14 years old and collapsed a number of times and she has moments where she's not doing well and today was it.

So, every time you think a Havanese is a job to wash, think of me with 2 goldens - 1 with bad legs - another with dementia and you may laugh when you get a tad wet from that bath with your Havanese. It's not that bad - honest!

Well, Abigail - after I got her done decided to rub her body all over the place making sure she looks a mess but she smells and feels wonderful. If only I had the energy to do the rest all in one day.

Now to get some work done and groom the rest of the crew. Yep, sometimes I don't get it done til I am sitting and watching TV. What about you?

Tip of the Day:

If your puppy pees on your carpet, try this. After soaking up most of the mess with paper towel, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the area and leave it to absorb both the traces of urine and the odor.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

WET Stuff

What is someone to do if it's raining outside? Keep their dawgs in and use a pad or get them outside and worry about all that dirty muck?

Here at Talemaker we prefer to make sure the dawgs are not concerned about the elements by taking them outside and enjoying all sorts of weather. It's called slow conditioning or in this case, sopping condition.

As we tend to go out with the dawgs or otherwise how could we get great moments to remember, we too get wet but we dress for it. Unfortunately, the dawgs aren't but even with the mud and guck, they dry, you brush it out and they don't look dirty.

You can also rinse their feet and under carriage and if they get in a condition that they need to, I do. In this photo, Treasure's not there yet and the dirt just fell off of her - bonus!

Here's a thought to ponder...and do give me feedback when you think it through.

Many dog owners say that they grieve more over the loss of a favorite dog than they do over the loss of a parent, a close friend, or a spouse. These owners say that losing their dog is like losing a part of themselves. That may be because parents, spouses, and friends have ego boundaries. Dogs don't. As a result it becomes easier for us to see our dogs as indivisible from our own thoughts, making us susceptible to the belief that they think more like we do.

What do you think?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Butt to Butt

Okay, what is she going to talk about with THIS photo?

Well, Wasabi really vys for Kat's attention each and every day. She tries to give him kisses over and over again and it drives Kat crazy.

When she does, he growls under his breath at her getting louder and louder but this only entices her to do it more.

Then he corrects her putting her down and she is still relentless. It's a game he acts so irritated with but seems to enjoy the attention.

It's so funny to watch and quite interesting the bonding relationships the crew has with each other. They accept they are a part of the whole except Treasure who thinks she should be the top dog always. ROFL

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another Wasaabi Puppy Visit

Saki came to visit and I was able to get a better photo of her than Chewie as she posed for me. She's a gal with atti-tude.

Chewie was high driven play cutie - always on the go type. Oh Saki can be too but she paced herself making it easier to capture a photo.

Saki is a high jetting traveller and is back to Texas for the holidays. She likes the city but something about her owner putting on flip flops with all that cruel weather there - NOT - well she thinks that is some great lifestyle. I do too...hehehehe

Everytime she wants cool, crisp air - well she just flies on back there. Wait till she sees snow when she comes back after the holidays.

Saki had her first hairdo at Valerie Weston's salon.

Chewie and Saki have that love of life and that's so nice to see. It was a delight to see them both.

We hope Saki's human mom feels better. She's under the weather so we are sending out paws-i-tive vibes her way.

Nathan ran around with the dawgs - what a guy - in his usual fashion despite he had tripped earlier today on something and really hurt his back and I mean really hurt it. Anything for the dawgs.

They adore it and I love seeing them run with him.

Now even though we play in the back and we do play with the crew - retrieve - running - fun games, we still get in a walk a day with each and every one of them.

It's important for their minds and bodies. Mine too. hehehehe

Good news, Risa has dropped her weight. She was becoming too heavy. She is now 1lb away from her goal and feeling great and active as all get out. It's wonderful to see. It's amazing what a little weight off can do to the energy level.

How did we do it? Walks - less food and only 1 treat at grooming time. She wasn't happy that first month - whining and looking for food but now she's adjusted and health wise and activity wise - she's a much happier gal and we probably added time to her life. We indeed added quality of life to her regiment

Now it's my turn as soon as the pups are gone.

This losing weight business - well it ain't easy.

Get out, rake some leaves and play with your Havanese and have someone take photos. I would love to see! We may even be able to get it into next year's calendar.