Saturday, July 25, 2009

Treasure Visits Flurry

Treasure was at a show today and although she didn't place (she's our star always), we always try to reward her with something fun. Today it was visiting Flurry at Yvonne's house before she went to her forever home tomorrow - not Treasure - Flurry.

Boy did Treasure have a blast.

Today was the first day that we left the pups and all the dogs in the care of our 20 something old son. He did an amazing job. It was thanks to him that we were able to visit Yvonne, do a dog show and visit Penny and her pups. Penny's pups are 4 weeks Monday and ours are 4 weeks tonight and early Sunday.

We came home to many kisses - exhausted and knowing it's almost bedtime - well not really but it sure feels like it. Can't wait to snuggle and sleep with the entire crew except Wasabi who tends to stay watch on the pups. Pups..well we will fill you in on Havanese Life.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Havenese Silly Talk

Did you know baby talk that dog owners often use when speaking to the family pooch allows the animals to be "socially stimulated" -- just like kids.

So all you men who think us females are a tad crazy when we talk to our Havanese in that cutsie fashion ought to try it themselves. I do know for a fact that when you do talk that cute talk to your dogs and forget about what others think, your Havanese reacts in such a positive way that it makes it easier each time.

When we started showing dogs in the ring, it wasn't until Yvonne took one of the crew in and started talking silly talk to her that we saw a huge difference in the way the Havanese was receptive to what you wanted them to do. Suddenly the whole body was showing happiness and that tail wagged like no tomorrow.

They are each different but dogs do benefit from 'silly' talk and so do you whether you like to believe it or not. Just releasing your silliness allows laughter - lifts your mood and gets your Havanese looking forward to spending more silly times with you. The bond is like no other.

One day I was in an obedience class with a bunch of dogs and one of our Havanese and I did my silly talk - saying how great mine was for doing what I asked. My voice was different than normal. It was a different pitch and it was totally distracting to the dog next to us. He wanted to participate in this silliness. The owner, who is one of our puppy people recognized it.

So - don't discount silliness. Humans and Havanese both need it in their lives. Laughter extends our lives and allows us to put aside all the seriousness that life has to offer. Find your inner child and enjoy life. It's about time. Your dawg and your spouse or significant other will thank you for it!

Besides, men who are able to connect with their dogs this way - well us females find them highly attractive.

When Nathan steps into the ring - rain or shine these days, the dog that is with him knows he is enjoying, relaxing, being silly and enjoying the dance with it's Havanese at the moment. So, wouldn't you want to be in the ring if that was the dance partner you had - one that found it to be fun?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Grandmotherly Times & Pups

Little by little I have been taking the pups out and letting the other dogs sniff. Risa (the grandma to the pups) has a huge fascination and knows what the pups are about.
Treasure is in awe. Fiona - when one attempts to lick her jumps back. Abigail - well she thinks wow.
Today, it rained and rained and so instead we had quick times outside getting soaked and brushed and inside times getting acquainted with the pups. Its' so nice watching the reaction.
Are we going to have fun when they are 4+ weeks old. I can't wait and neither can the dogs here - waiting till they get old enough.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's a Dawg Day

How do you teach patience? We are still trying to do so. When it comes to eating, Treasure does flips waiting for her food. The gal adores eating. She's never first getting her bowl. She's actually one of the last ones to get hers - on purpose.

That's okay. It works to our benefit in the ring.

Treasure has started noticing Kat these days and is busy trying to tear his hair out. That's a no no on a show dog so we practice 'no bark' and 'no bite' more than the usual. The thing about Treasure is she is a dog that tests you.

You say 'no bark' and she lets out one more bark. You say 'no bite' and she grabs one more time just to say she can. She's called our 'step over the line' dog. If you like this personality - it's a true joy. If you give her rules and boundaries - she thrives but she also tries to get her last bark in - so to speak. She heels perfectly. She shows beautifully. She makes you laugh till your sides ache at times but if you didn't tell her and remind her what the rules are..she may not be so cute.

Dogs thrive with a clear understanding of what the rules are. Letting them be in charge of the house is not a wise thing. But when we see dogs of size and they are doing cute things - it's easy to laugh and ignore but you shouldn't.

I call this the two c's. Consistency is a must and courage to ignore the cuteness factor. hehehe

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Messy Havanese Times

Doesn't mom ever groom us? Okay, she groomed me oh 3 minutes ago and I can't help but try to not look groomed the 2nd she finishes. It's my job, you know.

What do you do if you have this type of a dog?

One that likes to shove her head into things and tunnels all to give her that 'do that's less than ah...combed?

Well, laugh about it. It's one of the many things that you will find delightful with the Havanese.

Today the crew was playing like crazy with Louis. He has this way about him. It's a chase me game and he is good at it. He does it inside and out. At times all you can hear is the pitter patter of feet all over the house. It's a riot then they do it outside - under decks, up and down walks - every which way. They do believe in having fun!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Where's the Pups?

Terra would really like to see the pups but at this point, the usual around this place at this stage is Mom puts out a call of - I am stressed by barking when someone comes over and the troops rally around her or go into a mode to protect the pups. This is rather usual when you have a pack of dogs. They each have their supporting roles.

As the pups are not as vulnerable and walking around, Wasabi will relax and not worry they will get hurt. It's the new mom syndrome to protect her kids (pups).

After 5 to 6 weeks, the pups have been out daily, they will see various people and have had a variety of experiences and mom relaxes. Remember your own getting older and you relax more? Well, pups grow up much faster than the human kids so the process is faster.

It's going to be funny to see Kat watch the kids swim. About 7 weeks or so - we will begin the process. It's going to be fun. To learn more about the crew and their weights, read Havanese Life.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tail End Havanese Daze

It's the Tail end of the day. Mom has been busy washing 2 dogs before they go home - doing my usual grooming of each dog. The Zack and Coco are gone and it's a quieter place around here with just Louis and our usual crew.

Pups are growing - getting cuter by the minute. The weather is lousy but next week heat stroke time - yeah right.

But next week - maybe by Sunday we will take the pups out. Now that will be the backyard of course but still new environments.

Shhh Treasure thinks she is all that. She told me. ROFL

Shoshi just lies down and sighs...the young whipper snapper - she thinks...