Saturday, March 14, 2009

Havanese Canada Resue Auction Ending 16th

The Auction is almost over so please take the time and check out the items and bid!! Check it out here! Hurry up as it ends March 16th.

Total Recall Class

Fiona is hanging out pondering this thing about Total Recall class. She's wondering if Mojo or one of Yvonne's crew is coming. She hasn't a clue what it is but she heard it was fun from Kat and Treasure.

Rufus is visiting till Monday and he's finally sleeping. He was so excited - he was like the EverReady battery and Treasure was telling him it was time to sleep. Not until Nathan climbed into the bed with a migraine did the crew settle in for a long winter's nap - ooops not that long but they are still sleeping.

It's cold again. But do the dogs care... Why can't we be more like them - mucking it up and enjoying life no matter what.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Change of Havanese Pack

Treasure was so upset that Marlee and Jazmyn was going home that she was started to get into a funk and then she realized she had Rufus here to play.

Rufus plays like no tomorrow with her and they may be totally exhausted by the days end.

I looked at Treasure today and said oh, oh she has a show to go to soon and look at that mud and that play and that rough housing. hehe

Rufus is the one to take it up a notch just like Marlee was. There are dogs with play in their souls through and through and those 3 have it!

Jazmyn was happy to roll around the floor with the likes of Fiona or Abigail but she would start getting into it and Marlee would barrel in and say she's mine - all mine. Oh well - another day - another change and dogs to miss - and more dogs to make you laugh and that's okay here at Talemaker Havanese.

What have your Havanese been up to?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shakin' and Rollin' Havanese

Well today is almost weekend time and Jazmyn, Lola and Marlee are going home and Risa is coming home. Lots of baths and sad Havanese but Rufus wil be here for the weekend starting tomorrow and then Gina goes to her handler - sniff and Ruby and Louis will be coming. We even get Lil' Man now known as Milo back next month for a visit. We can't wait.

There's never a dull moment around this place. Treasure can attest to that as she shakes her head after coming off of a huge play session.

Catch you tomorrow with purty photos of our clean Havanese visitors going home.

Kat and Mystery's Pups Have Arrived

Beth from Rockhurst Havanese was kind enough to send over pics of Katsura and Mystery's puppies.

Mommy Mystery is doing well and the pups are eating and snuggling in and competing for 'it's my turn' when it's feeding time. Oh they have plenty of room but it shows their enthusiasm.

We can't wait to see how they have develop. Two girls and the rest boys.

Check out the slideshow.

If interested, send mail to Beth at Rockhurst.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Equal Opportunity Havanese

Abs is an equal opportunity player. She doesn't care who it is but she plays her little heart out with all from visitors to pack mates. Her enthusiasm for the play is noted but it doesn't help her hair any. hehehe

But how can we take the play away? We can't as that spirit is important. So we try all sorts of things to try to keep her hair intact including - no biting the head Treasure but will it work - time will tell.

Our visitor Marlee's fave pal here is Abigail and Treasure where Jazmyn prefers mostly just Abigail but has been caught playing with a few others. It's grand to see but I have to get MORE photos. argh.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It's Still Icy Out There

Well, it's still icy out there and do we have exciting news or what - Rockhurst's Mystery just had 7 pups - 5 boys, 2 girls. Why is it so special to us? Well Kat is the dad.

We will be sure to post photos as soon as Beth gets rest. Look for them tomorrow.

Back to playing with our guests and the gang - Marlee, Jazmyn and Gina. Soon we will be seeing Rufus and Louis. Fun to be had at the Talemaker house.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Visitors, Baths & More

I don't know what it is about this place but I go and get dirty and mommy has to clean me.

After all this time, I still don't get this bath thing.

Mommy thinks I look pretty all cleaned up but I sort of like that disheveled look. What about you?

I have been spending much time playing with our new visitors. I rather like them!

My new two buds now (visitors) called Jazmyn and Marlee (this is Marlee) that are mucking it up right along with me but mommy won't be bathing them till just before they go home. They adore the walks but come home from them less than pristine so its waterless bath, run with a towel and brush, brush brush. Marlee even clears our gate at the front door in excitement for the walks. Can I say - a great agility future? heh

Do you have a jumper in your house? Got any fun stories about it to share?