Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wet Havanese Dawgs

It's a wet and rainy day out today and here Kat is waiting his turn for grooming.

When it is wet, you need to brush them out or they will mat. But until it is their turn, they are playing and having a grand time.

We bought furniture covers for the couch from Sam's Club and the hubby says - what do you want to do that for? Well, now he sees the reason why.

Wet dogs and a couch staying clean doesn't mix so we keep it covered.

If I found them there again, I would get 2 more. It takes 2 to cover the entire couch but we have an extra long one.

As you can see, we also put blankets and fun cuddly stuff on top of the couch as Havanese tend to like to sleep on high plus they like to nest.

We have a real dawg house around here and 4 visitors at the moment. The crew is having a roaring grand time.

Now back to brushing and watching TV and relaxin. Hoping this wet stuff turns into white stuff. Still do not have our leaves raked or furniture in or..but white stuff is better than rain - at least sometimes.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Havanese Smells & Baths

We had a bit of a glitch and I posted a long post that disappeared so let's try this again...

Abs was out today between the rain looking for Lola. She hadn't been groomed yet so what you see is all natural.

There's something about Lola wafting through the air. Lola just had a bath and I sprayed a finishing spray on her that smells like cologne.

Kat reacted to the smell too - not over the top but highly interested as she smelt good. It tells me that they are guided by their noses.

If you want to know how so - well read a post I had written last year here.

Wasabi and Lola was out strutting their stuff but what they were doing was investigating who was doing what where. It's an interesting subject - men being led by their noses - oops dogs being led by their noses but us ladies like things that smell good too.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hairy Leaves Magnet

This is the time of year that I wonder if I should just attach a broom to my hand and never let it go.

Oh, it's not just the Havanese but us humans that bring in the leaves. Then it rains and it sticks to shoes, to hair.

Well, today we tried raincoats on that had 4 legs and well the dogs walked a tad like they had a broom up - well we won't say.

Yes, you are supposed to laugh but they didn't. For some reason one size was a tad too snug on Fiona and took 10 minutes to put on and we also tried mutt lucks and those wouldn't do either though easier to get on. I need a solution to save the show coats - the others will go with a coat or sweater or ala natural. But this wasn't it as much as I wanted it to be. If a coat takes you more than a few minutes to go on, you will never put it on.

We already have front legs only raincoats but the water wicks up and the entire coat gets wet so why try.

Now, I don't have to have the dogs stylin' as you can see with Fiona - she looks a tad ridiculous, IMHO but it does need to keep them dry so looking for ideas - send them our way.

As you can see, Maggie is a tad wet as she didn't have a coat on and it's been raining. That means brusha - brusha - brusha. Okay - we did forgo walks today. I just couldn't do the twice grooming thing on 12 dogs. hahahaha but we will be back at it tomorrow. We haven't missed a day of brr cold brisk walks and having grand fun with extras - and I am serious other than today but every now and then less work sounds better.

We played retrieve and snuggles and we look forward to massive snuggles at bedtime. Can't wait.

Hope you had a great day too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

City or Country Havanese?

What happens when a country Havanese moves into a city Havanese house - even if it is only for a bit of time?

Noises - bark - strange people - bark. What is the visiting Havanese saying? What are ours saying?

The visitors are simply unfamiliar with the sounds in the city. Ours are just joining the fun.

One would think the country and city are similar but it really is not. You have the water guy who delivers, the mail person who rings the bell. The 'sell you everything under the sun' people - well until they hear the barking. You have the garbage truck and then a recycle truck and this delivery and that.

Then you hear the dogs barking in another yard and I have to answer that. Sounds horrid - doesn't it? But it really isn't.

It's all about slow conditioning. When they figure out those strange noises are nothing to worry about - they stop with correction and your attitude. It's a good thing. When a city dog goes to the country, the same thing occurs though the noises are usually less. It's why people move out to the country and convenience is why people stay in the city.

As comfort settles in, the barking dissipates as long as you shut it down immediately.

Your dogs are what you put into them. If you put the effort in, they do too and you end up having a really amazing dog that everyone wishes THEY had.

Have you ever heard of the term - you are what you experience? Well it holds true for your dog too.

Miss Abs here in the photo says - just let me sleep. Yes - she was actually sleeping with her head up. It was the funniest thing I ever did watch and she did it for over 30 minutes. I wish I could sleep like that.

Comments are welcome

Reading my wife's daily posts it occurs to me that we'd love to hear from you all. We get comments in email, even on the phone but rarely does anyone post a comment in direct response to something Darlah has written. I'd like to take this opportunity to encourage you to post comments please, when you feel you have something you'd like to share with us. I know from the statistics that a lot of people are reading every post each and every day and that's great but really, we'd love to hear your thoughts on our thoughts. Don't be shy. Join in please. Thank you for listening.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Havanese Sleeping: My Bed or Yours?

Okay, the human has a checklist on what dog was groomed per day and she checks them off as she does them.

When one has this many dogs - well 4 are Yvonne's visiting, you have to make sure you snuggle all, groom all and well daddy feeds them all - lucky him. How many bowls, daddy? Better make room for Gidget. Lola should be done her heat so fun relaxing times will be had by all.

But looking at this crew - where's my space? I also noticed that although all were groomed - they don't look like it 12 hours later. ROFL Poor Abs needs a bath bad - Kat again.

I want my bed space? Do you think they gave it to me? Who's the boss here?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Creating Knots Havanese Style

This is Fiona creating knots Havanese style. But you say she is just running on the pool cover. Well, when it is wet, they rub and create knots.

So, we are ordering coats from Val for winter wetness to protect show coats. You can keep them warm and reduce the work and allow yours to play in the winter wet stuff slush. It won't save the feet but you can use a slicker on them. Just spray and slicker. I wouldn't suggest doing it everywhere unless you spray conditioner on crazy as it tends to break the hair and broken hair creates knots.

Then you will spend much time conditioning it to get it back in shape. I know - I have been doing it with Katsuro.

Have you bought your Havanese Grooming book? If not, we have one for sale from the HFC. It's not ours - its theirs but we have some of our dogs and tips in it and its worth its weight in gold.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fun Was Had at Sebastian's

Abigail says to Fiona, I hear tell we are going over to someones house today to do that 'run like hell' game. Do you think we can deek him out? You take the left, I will take the right and confuse the hey out of him. Do you think it will work?

Do you know whose house it is?

I heard it was one of Wasabi's kids, Sebastian, from her last litter and he even catches a Frisbee in his mouth.

How cool is that?

Daddy didn't teach US that trick.

We hear he puts his nose on the Frisbee to flip it up.

Daddy - can you teach us that trick too?

Looking at this photo, the Frisbee almost looks like its too big to handle but Sebastian is running with it with ease.

Sebastian seems to be all excited to have the crew at his house sharing his home.

Well, all the dogs that went had a grand time. They had some kids to play with and our dogs adore kids.

Something about the Havanese and kids seem to fit quite nice.

Even momma Wasabi had a good time, she who always seems to be stylin' no matter where she goes. This is her after no bath since she was at Yvonnes - almost 4 weeks ago.

It's as if she is saying - I remember that smell - that big ball of fur.

Remember folks, socialize - socialize and socialize!