Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lights, Action, Catch the Havanese

Today I was so busy playing catchup with the job that pays the bills - online work so I didn't get quality time with visitors nor with the dogs as much as I want.

But - I try to capture moments when I can despite being busy. One of my desires is to capture that ultimate in action photo off my deck. I have yet to do it but if you look at a couple of the dogs, they do look interesting.

Click on the photo to see a larger version.

When taking photos, you either plan these things and get that great shot or just happen to be there when it occurs. Either way - I swear its luck when its more than one thing you are capturing at once. Just like people - not all will accommodate you in allowing you that wow shot. But - still we try and one day I will post that I caught it. Till now - just laugh at the comical results and realize I am celebrating Havanese movement and there is nothing better than that!

Tomorrow - well tomorrow will be a - get photos developed day - hang out and train and try to get some snuggles and chillin' time in. There hasn't been much of that in months so looking forward to it. One needs down time - nothing to do but snuggle with the dawgs time without a care in the world.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Haircut Roll

There are some Havanese that as soon as you get them clean - well they have to do the Havanese roll and that's our Shoshi.

Shoshi (Shoshana) is not a show dog so she gets to get cut down and have less hair.

Many people prefer a puppy cut or less. We keep our crew in long coat except for Risa and Shoshi.

We just had Yvonne's crew here for a few days and now we are down to only one visitor - Mystery from Rockhurst.

She's so stressed out - you can't believe it - NOT! Check out her stance when it comes to hanging out.

All the dogs that come to stay tend to get that relax thing going on. They play hard in a good way, walk different routes - eat well, and snuggle and hang out and shh sleep on our bed.

We have had visitors for quite some length of time - one dog or another but come Monday we will be down to just our crew. What will the dogs do? Tomorrow will tell! Stay warm and snuggle with your Havanese. We will!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Class, Practice and Visitors

Off to class again tonight and I have to get this thing called practice in but we have had a way crazy house - lots of visiting dogs.

Today, Shoshi and Risa are getting cut down and they are bound to look WAY different. One thing about haircuts, they always grow out.

In case you do not realize - we are in a deep freeze and that means your little ones shouldn't be going out for walks longer than 5 minutes. You can tell when its too much as they will lift their paws for relief. Get them up and inside then.
Here at Talemaker Havanese we are hoping this cold weather is a thing of the past soon.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What's Life Without a Little Havanese Play?

There are moments like this that make me realize how amazing our golden Terra is with our Havanese, Treasure. Terra started out playing with Shoshi when she was only a couple of pounds and she was a solid 45 lbs. Today she is heavier but just as gentle. Big dog retriever, little Havanese - a Treasure indeed!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Big & Little: Havanese Play

It doesn't matter if you are big or little. Tug toy playing is absolutely fun. It doesn't create aggressiveness if taught as a game and learning tool. How can it be a learning tool? Practice 'out' or 'leave it' and always end the game if the rules are not adhered to.

When you teach the rules and are consistent, they learn to play with others, including big dogs fairly. Of course you have to be sure you teach your big dog what fair play is all about as well.

Terra can easily grab hold of this toy and shake Treasure across the room without trying but she knows about fair play and how the game would end if she wasn't gentle. Putting the gentle into it doesn't mean you ruin the fun but rather you are teaching your dog fair play and rules and what happens when each is not followed.

Here you thought its just a game of playing tug but it's so much more.

Think of game playing as an avenue to teach and you will both be better off for it.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Time to Cut Down Your Havanese?

Everyone that knows me knows that I like a Havanese coat that is long but that's not always doable, desirable and some of them not only are plain easier to have short but quite attractive short.

Shoshi is one of those. She has a coat that mats easily. So, this week she will be cut down. Wasabi has a dream coat and I could leave her long without much care - a brush here and there.

Only you know how much time you have and what is right for YOU. If you are not dealing with a show coat and you like it short - well go for it. If you have a Wasabi coat and like it long - well do that.

We all like different things and that's okay. As long as the havanese are happy, healthy and enjoying life - well the rest is simply dressing in ones own mind - don't ya think?

Talking about perspective - here's Treasure almost grazing the ground with that tummy of hers. She'll eat her food and Fiona's if Fiona would let her but she doesn't. It's way funny to watch too.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Practice - Training - Havanese Style

Well, although yesterday was a blip. Nathan was able to etch out time to train the dogs.

Training consists of getting all of them on the table and doing lead work and more with Treasure.

As it gets closer to show time, we will be doing lead work with all plus Monday we will start going to handling classes with Abigail and Fiona for their next show.

Treasure can't be shown until April. That sounds like lots of time but is it?

You really should start general training months ahead of time to get them used to the lead, find their enthusiasm for it and create that bond. Without that connection - well it just won't work as great as it could.

But the key is not to do it for a very long time in one dose and find the fun - the connection. It is also important to correct when they are doing what they shouldn't be.

You need to correct in a positive way. They learn and you don't allow habits - well to become habits that are incorrect.

After the outside work, Nathan came in and did some table work. Realize that a good portion of dogs get nervous being up on a table the first time. Many have their tails down and some for weeks while you do training. It all depends on many things but each are individuals.

Think of it like a public speaking event for a human. Some can stand up and go on and on with much comfort and others have to learn and find their comfort level by getting exposure. Some never quite get it entirely and those are the dogs - well the kind even if they are perfect in every other way - well we say - if they don't like it - do what you need to and then forget the rest.

Now why would they be nervous? The table doesn't have sides. It's high up and they have no clue what you expect from them.

It's important to get them to feel their comfort level and then you start making sure they are stacked properly - feet where they are supposed to be etc.

One other thing you have to do is check their teeth. A good portion of dogs will wonder what you are doing first time they experience this. Others hate their back end touched and arch their back.

Each dog is different.

Then after all the training was done, Nathan invested some fun time with a break in-between with doing some retrieve. He gets on the floor - makes all sorts of fun sounds and the dogs LOVE it. As I said, training is important but don't forget that training should be fun and rewarding. You and your attitude make all the difference in the world. If you get frustrated - stop - and come back at it later in a better frame of mind. Your Havanese can read how you feel.