Saturday, June 20, 2009

Treasure Playing With Pups

Treasure got to see the Kat/Lola pups this weekend and she was wondering - what are these little ones about.

She best get used to it as she will have 6 little ones from Wasabi to play with soon enough.

Yvonne and Alex was gracious as ever and we really appreciate their hospitality.

Tomorrow is a busy day...and photos and Hapy Father's Day going out to all you dads!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh That Snuggle Love

Shoshi is a heart dog. What does that mean? She managed to capture our hearts the first time we laid eyes on her. It's crazy - these emotions but we still love her as deeply even after adding a number of playmates for her.

More than one doesn't mean divided love. We know that well with 7 kids - now grown up. We love them all.

Our oldest daughter is going to be x tomorrow - well shhh we won't tell you how old but the moment I set eyes on her - well she captured my heart and as each one came - they did the same. You end up going crazy with somethings they do and loving them for them being unique.

Each Havanese also have unique personalities - similar in some ways - different in others.

They are amazing - truly and we love them!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tired Havanese

It's a day of all days here - so much rain and so many Havanese - especially that FIONA that won't leave me alone - play play - play all day and then they can't figure out why I sleep with my head up against the wall.

Then Mommy has to take a silly photo of me.

It's the day before I get shown - maybe as a special and oh-hum - it's way too much. They said I have to show out in the rain.

Mommy says - thankfully I have great structure as this wet conformation contest wouldn't do but mud..what about that?

Someone did tell me that on spa days they do mud packs all over the body but I envision something entirely different than this.

Well it is what it is...and pray for Mommy's sanity as she will be doing the clean up.

Wasabi also went to her appointment and you will have to see how many puppies they saw and when the vet thinks she is due. She has her own blog for her and the pups you know...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Kat: Handling Class

Kat's just started going to handling class. He's not ready for the show yet but we may take him soon anyway and use it as show conditioning. He self stacks himself but he's had a few large dogs growling at him in class so he tends to care what is behind him. That's okay - he will finally figure it all out and be great at this.

Kat had a dog pull out his head hair so he has had to be patient for his turn as his hair grew back.

The point of this is to let you know if you drop the ball doing conditioning with lots of dogs in close proximity, you may get a reaction. It's not the end of the world. It changes the more you do it.

With a number of our dogs finishing their championship this year, Kat wasn't the focus. He got out to the park, on walks, swimming - all the great things you do with a pet but he didn't get his fair share of handling class as there was always a show that someone else needed the time slot. Now it's his and Treasure's turn.

We can only handle 2 dogs in a class at once.

Will he pull it together and do well? We believe so. How do we know? We know our dogs well. Kat is special.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wake Up Havanese Blues

If you look real close you can see Kat's reflection in the pool. Click on the photo to see a larger view.

As you can tell, he's been having fun in the pool. You don't have to coax him in - it's the other way around - getting the Daddy to come in.

Last night I played a fun game with Abigail and she adored it. Okay, I know when you go to bed - you should go to bed - no TV - no distractions or you are asking for a sleep that is anything less than satisfying but I can't help myself. So, when Abigail was laying next to me, I blew at her head and she started twisting and turning then coming back for more. She loved it. Treasure tried to get the focus on her and Fiona was miffed but we played and played til Daddy started playing with her in the same fashion then he watched TV (in our room - I know) and I went to sleep.

At 4am Treasure decided it was time to get up and play. Lord knows she had enough exercise for even the most fit to feel tired but nope - let's get up, Mommy so I said NO and rolled over - put the sheet over my head as she tends to lick your face and she laid down. I said - hmm okay this is good though once I am up, I am up. But 10 minutes later she did it again and then 5 minutes later so off we went downstairs. Nathan came too - usually it's just me and he went back to bed and here I am deader than a door nail typing and the crew is sleeping on the floor.

I think the Treasure should play retrieve before bed tonight and wear herself down even more and she needs to know 4am is NOT it. Why this happened last night - I haven't a clue but we will be doing everything to make sure it doesn't tonight.

Maybe it was my silly game with Abigail that set the stage for her wanting to get up sooner or bad!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Treasure: New Champion

As a Junior puppy still - the Treasured one gains her Canadian champion - with Nathan - of course.

This one loves the shows and we will be enjoying life in and out of the ring with her.

Treasure had taken a swim the night before and I ran out of steam and didn't wake up at 5am to wash her. Her hair was wonderfully soft from the pool.

I should air dry her from the pool more often. ROFL

Photos from the pool later and more about the rest of the crews antics.

Although we are doing the show scene - we firmly believe the dogs should be dogs and embrace and enjoy life. If they have to be left in playpens and segregated to keep their hair then what about their minds? It's a difficult balance.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Pool Moments of 2009

Just thought we would share some photos with you on the first day of this season back in the pool. We also have a video we have to convert which is better than the photos but still - I think I captured some hair raising moments. Kat, Wasabi and Treasure - Treasure's first in the pool moments. Yes, Kat jumped in the pool but you wil have to wait for the video for that. Treasure not yet and Wasabi - well she is too big to do that - please!