Monday, December 8, 2008

My Shoshi Story

I was having a conversation in email with a few friends. One of the women suggested that the dogs love them best. I begged to disagree and wrote a little story about our Shoshi. After reading it one of the ladies replied that they’d love to see a photo of Shoshi cannonballing onto the bed and into her spot. I thought about it for a minute but I don’t know how we could set that up. First, Darlah is in bed sleeping most nights before me. Second, Shoshi won’t go to bed unless I am in it. I’ll think about this and see what we can do. Here’s the story and I warn you now, this is not for the faint of heart or those that don't allow their dogs on the bed …

Once upon a time we got a Havanese who we named Shoshi. She was flown to us from Saskatchewan. When we arrived at the cargo area to pick her up she and her sister, also heading for a Toronto destination, were in their crate. The cargo people were clueless and so I opened the crate myself and half crawled in to lift out the two puppies, first theirs and then ours. Once I had Shoshi in my arms I never let go. I mean I never let go. I tossed my wife the keys. I actually don’t remember if she or one of our sons drove home but I do know that Shoshi was cuddled up against my chest the entire drive home and that is where she stayed. That night the concept of her sleeping in a crate didn’t even get lip service. She cuddled up against my chest in the bed and went to sleep.

To this day she cuddles up against my chest and no one or dog gets in her way. Darlah and I sleep in a King Size bed. We also have a Twin bed beside it. All the Havanese sleep on the bed with us. Shoshi will not come to bed until I do. So when I do get into bed, she goes up one of the two doggy steps we have, stops at the top and surveys the sleeping arrangements. I mean that she checks to see where each dog is sleeping in relation to her 'daddy'. If they are in her way she leaps over them, literally. If they are in her ‘spot’ she does what can best be described as a cannonball for those of you having seen that particular dive. She launches herself into the air and lands in her spot, bouncing any dog to close to the side of my chest into the air and out of her way. That includes Darlah! Shoshi sleeps against my chest today the same as she has done every night for four years.
Next time I’ll tell you about Risa.
PS: Darlah here - and if you think he's getting a photo of me in my pjs - well you are DREAMIN'

1 comment:

  1. I've said it before and I will say it again... I LOVE SHOSHI... what a story and even though I don't plan on having my future pup sleep with me... I secretly want it to. We'll have to wait and see. take care, Carmela
