Friday, April 4, 2008

Training: The Stubborn Havanese Stand

Well, lots of posts today so scroll on down.

Let's see how this human's life went today and I will be filling you in on the DAWGS!

First thing just before breakfast I clean their eyes. They all get a treat and all it takes is a squirt of cleaner on a face comb and comb the sleep goobers out and that's it and they get rewarded for allowing it. The first time you do it though, they think the comb is going to go into their eyes so they move in a strange fashion but they soon get that it's harmless and they get rewarded at the end. We also do this just before supper too. Yes - everyday!

We also had our brushing in but its wet out so it wasn't a line combing but just a quick brush.

As you will see below, we also played games today. I didn't take as many photos but hey - we were busy.

Then we did training. I took each dog into our kitchen and worked on heeling and standing. What - standing is so natural. Well it is but not after you learn to 'sit'. Sitting is simply more comfie. So, as you can see here, Miss Abs was standing but her tail was half down and everytime I used the clicker, she sat. So did Sebastian. So did Katsuro. argh. But we made progress with each and either I will be doing this daily or Nathan. They actually ADORE the training - seriously! Risa and Coach were so excited about it that it was almost difficult to get them to calm down.

With Coach, he has classes with Fiona on the 24th - we think. We just got our confirmation. He will be learning to 'sit' at first so that is what we worked on. He kept jumping on me. I kept moving back and each time he sat that clicker went off and I treated him. He LOVED the training.

By the way, no issue getting Sebastian's attention. He just didn't get that I only wanted him to stand and heel. Click - down - oh you don't want down - okay sit - what not that either?

You have to have a positive attitude and know that you are helping your dog, stimulating their minds and helping that dog be a dog that everyone adores.

We are going to bypass the 'sit' command with Fiona till after she is finished showing. To undo a 'sit' is time consuming and can be difficult but like I said, we are making progress. We will be doing all commands in stand position.

Tomorrow we will line comb all the dogs - start bathing if it is actually warm - a couple of dogs here and there but if I hear rain is coming, well - I will wait and just brush. It makes NO SENSE to wash to only have them a mess the day after.

Tomorrow I may play 'hide the treat'. We shall see how that goes. It depends on sleep tonight - mine of course. hahahaha dawgs recover faster than us humans and manage to get dog naps whenever they feel the need. We need to learn from that.

Read more of today below in the next 2 posts.

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