Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Havanese Sleeping: My Bed or Yours?

Okay, the human has a checklist on what dog was groomed per day and she checks them off as she does them.

When one has this many dogs - well 4 are Yvonne's visiting, you have to make sure you snuggle all, groom all and well daddy feeds them all - lucky him. How many bowls, daddy? Better make room for Gidget. Lola should be done her heat so fun relaxing times will be had by all.

But looking at this crew - where's my space? I also noticed that although all were groomed - they don't look like it 12 hours later. ROFL Poor Abs needs a bath bad - Kat again.

I want my bed space? Do you think they gave it to me? Who's the boss here?


  1. Okay that is the best picture ever!! You're right no room for you!

  2. What a great picture!! You guys are the best.

  3. OMG I want to jump in the middle and bring Jazzy in with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
