Tuesday, October 6, 2009

TV Watching

The crew lays on Daddy and we get caught up on TV. It's gloomy outside so why not.

The Dad just walked everyone 2 at a time and now those old legs are saying - are you kidding? But he does it all the time. It's just at times he has some help.

So, what did the dawgs watch? Three Rivers - thumbs up or is that paws up so far. Then Cougar Town came on - and we clicked that off after 10 minutes. Now we are off watching Vampire Diaries - and the verdict is out.

Okay - the dawgs aren't really watching - we are. They are either snoozing or giving the dad a bath. Isn't that the way it is at your house when you are trying to watch TV?

Me, I am typing away and taking breaks getting puppy snuggles.

The dad has handling class tonight. I usually go but not while we have pups. I should clean up the guy (Kat) before he goes but it's a losing battle. Wasabi and him seem to muck it up in a big way.

The Wasabi woo just was brushed and bathed yesterday - brushed today and look at her? Give her dirt - wet - mud and oh the fun begins. Good thing the dirt usually falls off of her. heh

Well - back to TV...snuggling and having a tuned in or is that out day?

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